Cyberpunk 2077

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Dec 12, 2001
Ok so my specs are as follows. i7 8700k, 32gbr ram, and the 1080ti playing at 3440x1440 full screen.

Game loads up and sets default graphics setting of Ultra. There's an nvidia driver available but I haven't installed it yet. I immediately go and turn off motion blur and film grain. Hate those two settings.

I started as Nomad so you start out in the desert. Initially, the first thing I notice is the game is beautiful graphics wise. It does seem a bit blurry on the sides and off in the distance but the graphics are really something.

But I'm very sad..max fps 35-40 and this is in the desert lol. Hovers in the 30's. I started to get nauseous and got a headache. The FOV is at 80 so I'm not sure if that is what is attributing to my headache.

Later there's an action scene and I'm down to 28 fps fluctuating up to the low 20's to mid 30's. Changing the graphics preset to High doesn't do much, maybe gets an additional 5 fps so instead of 30-38 fps non action scenes, I'm getting 40-45.

I think I need to wait for a hardware unboxed optimized settings video or maybe gamers nexus will do one. I cant really play it like this, making me dizzy lol.

Want to wait to see how it runs on consoles and I may just buy it for ps5 or the series X if performance there is better.

Who knows when I'll be able to update my rig at this time. Initial impressions, looks awesome, seems to be really immersive and interesting story wise, but you need a hell of a rig to play it seems like.

Damn. Glad I didn’t buy. I’ll sit on this game until probably 3080ti or something lol cause I sure won’t find a 3080 anywhere. Maybe series x or ps5 will have decent performance without playing with graphics settings for hours to figure out what works. I kind of expect a poor showing on consoles though.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
It looks like I played....5 hours. probably just over 1 hour of that doing the character creation ~4times, haha.

Vega 64 w/ 2700X and @3440x1440 with default settings--I think "high"--and it seems fine to me. I haven't looked at a frame counter and I probably never will, but it runs well enough for me. I would say just below 40fps--lol, not what I'd like, but I'm tolerant like that. I'd love to see some rays in this game, but I can wait until some time ~mid next year maybe, hopefully.

It is a gorgeous game even without them. I love the grain. It doesn't look put-upon. It looks like it belongs. I like how depth of field actually works, really, really well. Just panning around while talking to someone up close, they dynamically lose focus as you pan, and start looking into longer or shorter distances. I've never noticed this actually working before, at least not so accurately. Maybe it sounds like a little thing, but it seems a pretty big deal to me.

It definitely feels like GTA once you get outside the first time and the map starts to open up..GTA and Witcher, in some ways (the drinks and snacks, with their uses, are mirrored to what consumables did for you in Witcher. I'm assuming we will further get access to "Stims" or something like that, which will be analogous to potions and decoctions?). I know a lot of games have these things, but when I look at the boosts and the long active times on them, it makes me think I really should be using them constantly--Witcher is the only (single player) game that I ever really paid attention to consumables.

no bugs or crashes or hangups so far after installing the latest Radeon drivers (my Sept 2019 drivers would not allow me past the character creation/first load screen, haha).

One annoyance in the controls for KB/M. For certain functions, like tagging enemies, the default is press "mouse" just shows an image of the mouse. no arrow or highlight specifying buttons. not even the center button. It's just "mouse." hovering over your targets using the mouse while scanning, which actually looks like it is tagging them as it paints them red, doesn't work. I had to load my Logitech software to start assigning buttons--which I was waiting to do until I get used to how I want to play skill buttons--and assigned a key to the center mouse button--it loaded on a previous game setting, so it was assigned to "G" when I pressed the center mouse button to map it. G doesn't appear to be assigned to anything in the game, so I went with that. And then it worked when pressing the center mouse button/G. ...I don't get it though, not sure why "mouse" is a default button to press for this function, lol.
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Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
One annoyance in the controls for KB/M. For certain functions, like tagging enemies, the default is press "mouse" just shows an image of the mouse. no arrow or highlight specifying buttons. not even the center button. It's just "mouse." hovering over your targets using the mouse while scanning, which actually looks like it is tagging them as it paints them red, doesn't work. I had to load my Logitech software to start assigning buttons--which I was waiting to do until I get used to how I want to play skill buttons--and assigned a key to the center mouse button--it loaded on a previous game setting, so it was assigned to "G" when I pressed the center mouse button to map it. G doesn't appear to be assigned to anything in the game, so I went with that. And then it worked when pressing the center mouse button/G. ...I don't get it though, not sure why "mouse" is a default button to press for this function, lol.

I had issues with that part too but somehow it worked. Not sure if it was just looking at the character or it finally took the center mouse button click.


Aug 18, 2012
Thanks man ... 1080p might do it for you? I would have to get 2080 hardware cause 3080 or 6800 is nowhere around yet .. and that aint happening.
1080p will look weird on this ultrawide monitor. It might crop off the sides and since I'm sitting about 20 inches away from it, I'm sure it won't look as crisp.

I am wondering if this game is indeed optimized for 30 fps becuause there were several options with an fps limit of 30 set by default in the settings. I changed mine to allow up to 120 as that is what my monitor supports, just to see if that setting may have caused any issues but it didn't do anything.

Even dropping everything to high I didn't notice an fps increase. Tonight I will try the new Nvidia drivers although I'm convinced those are for people with the newer cards.

There's folks on reddit saying they can get 60fps with my card, different processors, but I'm not sure how.

Cpu usage was at 26% and gpu was at 98%. Vram usage between 4-6gb. Sad because I was looking to get immersed into this title but I don't think I can play it in the current state.

Damn. Glad I didn’t buy. I’ll sit on this game until probably 3080ti or something lol cause I sure won’t find a 3080 anywhere. Maybe series x or ps5 will have decent performance without playing with graphics settings for hours to figure out what works. I kind of expect a poor showing on consoles though.
I've been waiting until January to see if they announce a 3080ti. Still doesn't mean we will be able to get one. I may just grab it on either ps5 or series x once some technical reviews come out to show the performance in each. I know both new consoles have performance and quality mode. I'd like to use quality mode as that will look best on the 4k tv.
Reactions: cytg111


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2013
Hoping I can play on my GTX 1080 for a few months,while I save up for a RX 6700XT,or a 3060 Ti.

(CPU and RAM-wise, I'm using an AMD Ryzen 3700X. with 32 GB of DDR4-3200)..

Planning on installing it on my 12 TB external USB 3.0 Western Digital Elements hard drive.


Golden Member
Mar 29, 2008
The game has key re-binding issues. You can't remap the WASD keys to the arrow keys at all through the game menu.

Thankfully found a workaround on Steam. Will try that and see.


Dec 12, 2001
1080p will look weird on this ultrawide monitor. It might crop off the sides and since I'm sitting about 20 inches away from it, I'm sure it won't look as crisp.

I am wondering if this game is indeed optimized for 30 fps becuause there were several options with an fps limit of 30 set by default in the settings. I changed mine to allow up to 120 as that is what my monitor supports, just to see if that setting may have caused any issues but it didn't do anything.

Even dropping everything to high I didn't notice an fps increase. Tonight I will try the new Nvidia drivers although I'm convinced those are for people with the newer cards.

There's folks on reddit saying they can get 60fps with my card, different processors, but I'm not sure how.

Cpu usage was at 26% and gpu was at 98%. Vram usage between 4-6gb. Sad because I was looking to get immersed into this title but I don't think I can play it in the current state.

I've been waiting until January to see if they announce a 3080ti. Still doesn't mean we will be able to get one. I may just grab it on either ps5 or series x once some technical reviews come out to show the performance in each. I know both new consoles have performance and quality mode. I'd like to use quality mode as that will look best on the 4k tv.

Neither has any next gen enhancements though. You are playing the backwards compatible version.


Aug 18, 2012
Neither has any next gen enhancements though. You are playing the backwards compatible version.
The 1080ti can't run ray tracing or dlss either and if you can play at 4k with stable fps on the series x or ps5 then that's better than what my pc is getting.

I'm sure there will be some optimization patches in the future I hope. Or at least a guide on optimized settings from some YouTube tech reviewers hopefully soon.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Just finished a 9 hours and 30 mins session with just one pause (first time I've done this since... well I can't remember). I'm character Level 5 now. First impressions were simple: this game is very well crafted, there's a lot of attention to details, the environments are incredible. But for now I'm very tired and I'll just point at the issues I've experienced since the reviewers out there (especially from GameSpot's review) made it sound like it was a complete catastrophe of a game.

And it's not. However, I did experience a few bugs and glitches.

First though, about performance on a GTX 1080 (non-Ti).

I play at 1440p, everything set to High, with the exception of Local Shadows to Medium. I only disabled Film Grain and Motion Blur though (personal tastes). I thought that the game was going to be a slide show, but to my surprise I can actually get 30 FPS out of it (remember, it's 1440p). There's some places where it goes up a bit higher to around 33 to maybe 35 FPS marks, and some places it goes to 26 or 27. But the average is just right on the 30 FPS mark.

For now, it's enjoyable (with 30 FPS) and it suits my Hacker / Cyberware style just fine. I don't have to engage in huge gunfights with lots of action at once all the time that way. Once I do get my hands on a 3080, and if the game's performance does go up a lot more (to 50+ if not 60+) then I will probably try a different play style that would benefit from a faster response on everything I do. So maybe something like Melee with a lot of dodging involved and fast movements. I wouldn't do that at 30 FPS I think.

Now, the issues I've seen. There's a good number (that I've noticed anyway) but most of them are either minor / annoyances or even if they're "clearly showing" they don't disturb the gameplay too much; with the sole exception of one of them and I'll get to it:

1) Floating NPCs / various environmental objects or clutter, or floating weapons after a fight.

2) Spawning crowd NPCs (just a few, and doesn't happen often though) out of thin air right in front of me as I just walk around on the streets. I play the game on my Samsung SSD, so the in-game data streaming should be occurring as intended. However, I did set the crowd density setting to High, I believe, they may still have to do some more optimizations for their crowd system.

3) Interactible objects with the 'cube' icon (the white one, usually) that cannot actually be picked up / aren't 'highlighted' when approaching. Be it on the ground, or on a table in a bar, some objects just can't be picked up regardless which angle or proximity you're trying it from. But so far it wasn't anything related to quests, so it's not game-breaking in any way.

4) The 'T' key used to make a call to specific NPCs to converse with them on specific subjects. Well, some of those convos bugged out on me. I had one with Jackie where his character icon just disappeared during one such conversation, but he kept talking. After his part of the convo was done, he waited for me (unseen by me then), and I couldn't reply back to him, and my option to leave the conversation was gone in the process. I had to save on the spot and re-load the game for that one to get fixed. But the game re-load fixed it.

5) In regular NPC conversations (I.E. just approaching and starting to talk by pressing 'F' for a quest or anything else) I've had several instances of "Sentence Skipping". That one was reported in a bunch of reviews out there and yes I confirm, it does happen. In those situations the NPC you'd be talking to would start a sentence, speak 2 or 3 words of it but then he or she would then completely and suddenly skip to the middle or the end of a completely different sentence as part of the end (or near the end) of that conversation. That bug is probably my most hated one so far. It happened I'd say about 5 or 6 times (even though in a 9 hours session it's not that much, it does annoy me nonetheless every time since I have to re-load the nearest save point every time and re-do the convo that bugged out until it plays entirely without a skip).

6) Now as much as the game is filled up with polish (no pun intended) and I am truly enjoying it. I have to say... the combat A.I. (at least so far from what I've played within the Watson District on various types of quests and fighting different gangs and bandits) is pretty much just as dumb as most modern FPS games. The worst offender is when using a Stealth approach. I've had a few situations where I Hacked one thug out of a group of say 4 or 5 others nearby (all within each other's range and view) just chilling there.

I'd hack one guy to make him blind for a few seconds, and while he's panicking about the situation the others around him don't make a single move. Another one is when I left the corpse of one guy I stealth-killed from behind where he died, eventually to be spotted by another patrolling goon. The goon that spotted the corpse stays near the body, looks around, then goes "Bah, must be nothing", Bethesda-games style. But what made me laugh after that part was when he walked back to the others who were just leaning against a wall not too far away and he suddenly entered red alert mode and yelled something like "We lost one!" and he immediately ran back at the corpse that he had left behind nonchalantly about 10 seconds earlier.

Which is probably my biggest concern right now. In terms purely on game-play, having my 'Stealth Immersion' broken by non-responsive or just plain dumb A.I. moments like that does - actually - impede on my will to continue on playing in a Stealthy or even 'Hacky' way with Cyberware. Now, fortunately, Cyberware is useful beyond just hacking individual enemies. But it's not without its deep faults. Without exaggerating, I'd say so far this is the worst part of the game (A.I. and how it can, or rather cannot feasibly respond well or intelligently enough to you playing in a never-seen style from a distance). The problem isn't in the character's capabilities to play that way, really. It's the A.I. coders on the CP2077 team whom probably didn't have enough time (believe it or not) to properly give the A.I. enough (or more capable) routines and ways to react to a human player that would go about killing them from a street away by hacking their brains out. The real issues arise when doing that against a group of enemy, not against a single one; it's when they're in a group that things take a funny turn rather than making you immersed in the moment because they'd plausibly react to your infiltration and hacking attempts, and attacks.

So, to be frank, by hour 9 in my game now I mostly just hack 1 enemy in a group to reveal the others around (with the "Ping" addon) and that's about it. Once I ping and then locate them all, I then just move around a bit carefully to Tag them one by one Far Cry style and I just take them down with a gunfight (and with grenades sometimes, I do like them in this game). The full 100% stealth approach is probably going to be a chore, or a comedy for a lot out there.

Now, with all this said, I must add:

The game though, is 100% stable. It does not crash, and it does not freeze on me, not once. I've read some reviews where it was claimed the game crashed a couple of times. Well, not for me anyway and I played 9h 32mins exactly, pretty much straight (I did reload saved games to fix some bugs but I didn't actually quit the game and it kept on running for that long).

Annnnnnd that's about it, I think. I might be forgetting a few minor annoyances but I AM 100% absolutely enjoying the game so far. I'll probably do a proper 'review' of my own once I finish it or maybe I'll wait in a few months until I've seen most of what it can offer out of 3 playthroughs (and maybe one DLC by the time I get there). For now I'm consuming this game in a very slow, exploration-focused way right now. I'm just experiencing the relief of years of waiting. This is a very impressive game, and I have no real 'tough' disappointment out of it so far that would hit me so hard I'd go like "Huh ok so it's not that good after all". Not at all. It's very fun, I'm fully enjoying my time with it, but it does have some issues here and there, about 2 or 3 of them I would have preferred not having seen, but I can deal with them.
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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
I may just grab it on either ps5 or series x once some technical reviews come out to show the performance in each. I know both new consoles have performance and quality mode. I'd like to use quality mode as that will look best on the 4k tv.

You'll be playing the PS4 or XBox One versions through BC if you do though. No current gen console versions are going to be out for a while.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
Pascal finally got the Keplar treatment.

I'll probably pick up the game if sanity ever returns to the GPU market, the bugs should be ironed out by then.
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Aug 18, 2012
You'll be playing the PS4 or XBox One versions through BC if you do though. No current gen console versions are going to be out for a while.
Yea but neither can the 1080ti run dlss or ray tracing so I'd rather play at 4k on the series x rather than sub 30 fps on 1440p. Hopefully some optimized settings video will come out for pc.


Mar 17, 2008
God damnit ..the 1080ti is dead!! And you'd have to be MAD to get a 2080 at this point in time.
Cyberpunk 2077, a game without the hardware to play it. It will be effen february before 3080 or anything 6800 lands here !!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
Yea but neither can the 1080ti run dlss or ray tracing so I'd rather play at 4k on the series x rather than sub 30 fps on 1440p. Hopefully some optimized settings video will come out for pc.

Are the console ports any good? I remember hearing the XBox port was supposed to be the big reason for the delay from summer to November (and then December).


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
Just disappointed I'm going to have to run this with half refresh Vsync to 30 fps because of cpu bottleneck (system is Xeon E3-1231v3 + GTX 1660 Super). Hell even if I had a FreeSync monitor that cpu, despite being just a hair under the recommended spec, looks like it would have no chance to stay in a 40 Hz to 60 Hz FreeSync range.


Aug 18, 2012
Are the console ports any good? I remember hearing the XBox port was supposed to be the big reason for the delay from summer to November (and then December).
Old gen consoles apparently run like garbage. Ps5 and series X seem to be alright. Ps5 has performance mode that dips the resolution to sustain 60fps. Series X has quality mode where it will use native 4k and maintain 30fps.
Reactions: SteveGrabowski


Golden Member
Mar 29, 2008
The fact that they hard coded keys like F and you can't remap them is driving me nut! Specially since I don't use WASD and use arrow keys for movement.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The fact that they hard coded keys like F and you can't remap them is driving me nut! Specially since I don't use WASD and use arrow keys for movement.
Roh roh. How many keys are like this? I play left handed and the left side of the keyboard is dead to me.


Jan 14, 2013
The fact that they hard coded keys like F and you can't remap them is driving me nut! Specially since I don't use WASD and use arrow keys for movement.

It is dumb. I use WASD and I'm still ticked because I just want to switch the F and E keys for now at least.


Golden Member
Mar 29, 2008
Roh roh. How many keys are like this? I play left handed and the left side of the keyboard is dead to me.

I found a fix for setting the movement WASD keys to Arrow keys:

Rebind Movement Keys

I tried it and it works! But there is no way to rebind the F key so far. Also, the game uses the Middle mouse button for Tagging enemies (under Scanning mode) but sometimes tapping the Middle mouse button doesn't gete registered. In that case it's best to just re-bind the Tagging key to something else on the keyboard, the game allows that.


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
How the heck to you counter the enemy hack attempts? Saw it come up on the screen like once but couldn't find it in the database or whatever afterward. Getting overheated became instantly frustrating mid combat...

Game is a LOT to process haha; even as a "techie" person I'm finding all of the lingo and bar speak to be kind of annoying lol


Aug 18, 2012
How the heck to you counter the enemy hack attempts? Saw it come up on the screen like once but couldn't find it in the database or whatever afterward. Getting overheated became instantly frustrating mid combat...

Game is a LOT to process haha; even as a "techie" person I'm finding all of the lingo and bar speak to be kind of annoying lol
From the tutorial you just have to block at exactly the right time. It's not easy and takes practice to do.
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