Israel: We Are At War

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Oct 22, 1999
Iran, you just need to jump in and be Evil.

What possible good will this achieve?

I hope they blow your only oil port into nothingness, and destroy your shipping docks on the Caspian sea.
Yeah, because if Cuba just killed a bunch of our generals in Haiti, we should have no response. Why is Israel allowed to defend itself but Iran isn't?


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
The US and other Western allies have been irresponsible in their support of Israel. Israel should have been pushed a long time ago into a 2 state solution and also into shutting down their settlement expansions. Young Adults in the US may soon be fighting and dying for what? To perpetuate an immoral stance by a country that treats some people as 2nd class citizens, if even that, led by a man who is trying to stay out of jail.
I’ve said this before but let’s say Ireland terrorists bombs Britain. They retaliate killing many innocents. US and other commonwealth allies are supposed to stop supporting Britain? Unfortunately long term allies sometimes has to excuse bad acts.

But with this being said, Israel is wealthy enough. No need to provide weapons. Only provide humanitarian aid.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
I’ve said this before but let’s say Ireland terrorists bombs Britain. They retaliate killing many innocents. US and other commonwealth allies are supposed to stop supporting Britain? Unfortunately long term allies sometimes has to excuse bad acts.

But with this being said, Israel is wealthy enough. No need to provide weapons. Only provide humanitarian aid.

It depends on how many innocents they kill and what supporting Britian means for the US. Other than that we would be basically outsourcing our country's military to a smaller country because of an "alliance". Sorry, if Israel chooses to make its decisions by itself it can deal with the consequences by itself as well.

I am not an Israeli citizen. I don't have say over who runs their country. So why should whether American children live or die be predicated on decisions of the people Israelis elect, esp. when they are counter to the wishes of the people we elect


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
And what possible good did Israel achieve by blowing up Iran's Embassy, which actually killed people? I'm not a fan of Iran, but this take is irresponsible. Israel is in a posture to drag the US into a regional war with Iran. If Israel attacks Iran directly, what do you think happens next? And I'm hearing some of our elected leaders waving pom poms in support. Have we all lost our collective minds?

The US and other Western allies have been irresponsible in their support of Israel. Israel should have been pushed a long time ago into a 2 state solution and also into shutting down their settlement expansions. Young Adults in the US may soon be fighting and dying for what? To perpetuate an immoral stance by a country that treats some people as 2nd class citizens, if even that, led by a man who is trying to stay out of jail.
Those are terrible reasons to support a state that does those kind of things but the salient point for me is that it is for a state created as a home for a religion.

What the world surely needs is thousands more of those. It’s only fair and the only logical way to make sure everybody gets the same deal. Heck, the US could easily accommodate 50 new religious nations right here.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It depends on how many innocents they kill and what supporting Britian means for the US. Other than that we would be basically outsourcing our country's military to a smaller country because of an "alliance". Sorry, if Israel chooses to make its decisions by itself it can deal with the consequences by itself as well.

I am not an Israeli citizen. I don't have say over who runs their country. So why should whether American children live or die be predicated on decisions of the people Israelis elect, esp. when they are counter to the wishes of the people we elect
Without Israel how are you going to have Armageddon? We gotta have that.


Jun 23, 2004
Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria started "this". Israel did a decapitation strike where they were meeting with their Iranian military commanders.
Iran escalated by continuing to cross the Middle East to strike Israel. Again and again. First by proxy, and now directly.
Of course when you follow the Israeli narrative
Go on. Explain what Iran is doing with military commanders on Israel's doorstep.
Delivering flowers?

What alternative narrative could you possibly fake?
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Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Go on. Explain what Iran is doing with military commanders on Israel's doorstep.
Delivering flowers?

What alternative narrative could you possibly fake?
Syria and Iran are strategic allies! They have massive interests in regional affairs and both need each other to ensure they are not undermined by their adversaries in the region. They have seen the US go to war on Iraq (on Israels prodding) and want to keep Syria (one of their few remaining allies) propped up and not fall out of their sphere of influence. Syria and Iran are under greater threat from Israel and the US than the other way around! Attack them and they will attack back, like any other nation on the planet (with the means to do so) would.

Israel was in flagrant violation of the UN charter and international law when it attcked Irans consolate. Its basically an ACT OF WAR for any other soverign nation! You can not have one set of laws and rules for some while not applying to others. This will ultimately lead to a break down of international order.

And understand that rational thinkers in the US are pretty fucking upset at Israels actions. US interests have been SEVERELY underminded by Israel over so many deacdes and even more so now! The US is not siding with Israel because its an "ally", they are siding with it because of tremendous political pressures from Zionist lobby groups that are basically calling the shots on US foreign policy. If not for that Israel would be a pariah state!


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Who remembers when Israel attacked and destroyed Iraqs Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981?
Who remembers the UN Security Council resolution passed in response to that attack?
Who remembers that that resolution was UNANIMOUSLY adopted including by the US, UK, France in CONDEMNING Israel for that attack?

The Reagan admin back then had the balls and moral scruples that over-rode any Zio-lobbying attempts on the matter.

Exerpts from UNSC resolution 487:

... Considering that, under the terms of Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter of the United Nations: "All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations",

1. Strongly condemns the military attack by Israel in clear violation of the Charter of the United Nations and the norms of international conduct;

2. Calls upon Israel to refrain in the future from any such acts or threats thereof;

3. Further considers that the said attack constitutes a serious threat to the entire IAEA safeguards regime which is the foundation of the non-proliferation Treaty;

4. Fully recognises the inalienable sovereign right of Iraq, and all other States, especially the developing countries, to establish programmes of technological and nuclear development to develop their economy and industry for peaceful purposes in accordance with their present and future needs and consistent with the internationally accepted objectives of preventing nuclear-weapons proliferation;

5. Calls upon Israel urgently to place its nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards;

6. Considers that Iraq is entitled to appropriate redress for the destruction it has suffered, responsibility for which has been acknowledged by Israel;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council regularly informed of the implementation of this resolution.

The Lobby has learned from that and has become ever more entrenched in the corruption of the US political system and has spread even beyond that to the UK and other euro nations to where it would be much harder for UNSC reolutions like this to occur again.


Jun 23, 2004
I thought the issue wasn't about a doorstep but an embassy. I get to bomb one of those if it's down the street?
I believe it is more escalatory for Iran to keep crossing such a distance, compared to Israel cleaning them up after they cross.

To that end, I would not be surprised if the distance to Iran plays a pivotal role in staying Israel's hand in retaliation. Due to political and logistical limitations, their security may be best served staying focused on Iranian proxies closer to home.


Aug 24, 2004
Iran struck military target it seems and some of the missiles used were hypersonic I believe, and they did get through. This is big because this should let Israel know to show some restraint, especially against people who can fight back. We know the Palestinians, who cannot fight back and are at the mercy of Israel, are victims of Israeli genocide but Israel apparently behaves like this towards all its neighbors and others. Hope this is a learning lesson for Israel.

Also, this attack by Iran is painful for Israel as it has used up many of its missile defense missiles at a very high cost. Maybe up to $1 billion and more in missiles were used by Israel and US taxpayers while Iran probably used a fraction of that amount.

Israel and their usual propaganda releases this video:

Getting reports that Israel is going to attack Iran soon. Hope not as Iran would attack even harder next time.


Aug 24, 2004
Your beloved Iran needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Statement with genocidal intent noted. Similar to how Israeli and US people call for Gaza to be nuked, turned into a parking lot, etc. Shows that Israel and US have plenty of psychotic and genocidal people, though I don't think the current US regime wants to escalate too much. They might be very immoral but they know the irrationality of a war with Iran so based on that, they will choose to not escalate with Iran. The neocons and Israelis are trying very hard to escalate but from what we can see, the Biden administration wants to avoid increasing tensions.


Aug 24, 2004
Very interesting to see Iran getting called evil because they attacked the country committing genocide and war crimes.

I'd say Iran is standing up to evil.


Look at this Israeli propaganda:

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Jun 23, 2004
Very interesting to see Iran getting called evil
They materially support your Genocidal invasion in Europe.
Breaking the peace in that way, is all I need to want Iran destroyed.

Their proxy's attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea, and their repeated attacks on us and our allies is just icing on the bloody cake.
Coexistence was never an option, Orc. You know that very well when you fired the first shot.
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Platinum Member
Mar 9, 2005
Iran struck military target it seems and some of the missiles used were hypersonic I believe, and they did get through. This is big because this should let Israel know to show some restraint, especially against people who can fight back. We know the Palestinians, who cannot fight back and are at the mercy of Israel, are victims of Israeli genocide but Israel apparently behaves like this towards all its neighbors and others. Hope this is a learning lesson for Israel.
This is not a big deal at all. Even some of Hamas's relatively simple rockets make it through, and some of Hezbollah's as well. There's never a 100% protection and Israel's rocket/missile "active" protection system isn't either. Even if 10-15 missiles made it through out of 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise missiles - that's not bad at all. That's why Israel also has a robust infrastructure of reinforced security rooms (required by law in every home since the early 90s) and stronger civilian underground shelters basically everywhere. Note that the system is supposedly "smart" and might let a rocket through if it can detect that it's going to fall in an uninhabited location. There's a reason that the only known casualty was a seven year old Bedouin girl.

Also, this attack by Iran is painful for Israel as it has used up many of its missile defense missiles at a very high cost. Maybe up to $1 billion and more in missiles were used by Israel and US taxpayers while Iran probably used a fraction of that amount.
Israel will probably make a lot more money from the sales of defense systems thanks to this demonstration. I also think that if those 130 missiles would hit their target, it would've probably cost much more than 1.5 billion USD, which is the estimates that I've heard that the defense cost.


Aug 24, 2004
Israel deserves to be stopped and it seems only Yemenis and Iranians are doing it. Killing 40,000 innocent people is not enough for you genocidal maniacs? You want to kill more? Kind of disgusting the US's allies are genocidal countries that the US arms and funds, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia.

To above poster, this is a big deal just as Israel attacking Iran's embassy was a big deal. Anything escalating potential war is a big deal. And to replenish these missiles takes time and money, and with Israel's economy weakened due to shipping restraints and fighting conflicts on multiple fronts, this will be painful. Of course, America can come and dump $20 billion on Israel so it can carry out more genocide, but that's another story.

These missiles came from Iran so that means Hezbollah is emboldened now. They know that Iran can respond. Don't forget the loss suffered by Israel by the hands of Hezbollah in 2006, who also have an enormous amount of advanced missiles.

If Israel cannot militarily defeat Hamas, which they clearly haven't, what makes you think they have any chance against any other group, such as Hezbollah, that are much stronger? No wonder they take out their revenge on innocent civilians.


Platinum Member
Mar 9, 2005
They materially support your Genocidal invasion in Europe.
Breaking the peace in that way, is all I need to want Iran destroyed.

Their proxy's attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea, and their repeated attacks on us and our allies is just icing on the bloody cake.
Coexistence was never an option, Orc. You know that very well when you fired the first shot.
Why would anyone call Iran evil?



Aug 24, 2004
So let's nuke them, right? Please, Iran cannot be compared to Israel unless you are a genocide denier, which many here seem to be.

And let Israel kill more people after it already killed 40,000 or more?

Hope South Africa is taking notes, it might need to take the US to the ICJ next time. Just like Nicaragua is taking Germany.


Aug 24, 2004
This is what Iran is fighting:

So Hamas attacked Israel from Gaza, then why are the Israelis brutalizing Palestinians in the West Bank?

The defenders of Israel need to come and defend this.
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Platinum Member
Mar 9, 2005
This is what Iran is fighting:

Other protesters gathered in a marsh near the location of the initial killing. One protester, "apparently armed with an AK-47", according to The New York Times, fired at the Revolutionary Guards. Iranian state media described the protesters in these events as a "separatist group" armed with "semi-heavy weapons."

The Revolutionary Guards responded immediately by encircling the protesters in the marsh and shot them with machine guns, killing 100. The Guards carried the dead away on "a truck" and left, while families of survivors carried them to Memko Hospital.

Security forces opened fire on protesters, violently cracked down on protesters in Zahedan, and later opened fire on worshipers holding the Friday Prayers in the Jameh Mosque of Makki, leading to street clashes resulting in at least 96 protesters killed and 300 injured.[6][7][4][8]


Aug 24, 2004
This is the face of Israel. They are the "landlords" of the Middle East apparently:

Vilifying Iran won't change this.

This person has faced two genocides in this lifetime:

Iran has nothing to do with this.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Why would anyone call Iran evil?

There may be a case for calling Iran "evil" but nothing to do with their current entanglements with Israel nor is Israel playing any "good guy" vs some "bad guy". Its 2 bad guys vs each other.

Nice to know you are familiar with HRW and Amnesty Intl. Therefore you are probably aware of the big elephant in the discussion thats wreaking havoc left and right and actually committing a genocide that puts them on a much worse level of bad guys in all this.



Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
now do Russia taking out powerplants/civilian infrastructure near kiev.
Remember it took near 2 years for Russia to start purposefully attacking Ukraine's power infrastructure as part of the strategy of the war.
Yes Russia invaded but acting like the history of Russia's invasion began in early 2022 ignores certain previous events just like pretending the history of the past few month's of the mass murders of civilians in Gaza ignores the years events prior to that situation.
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