You do realize that the following fulfills your requirements?
1) Make flawed product (buggy game, etc)
2) The product is sold
3) Ok, you're done now. Repeat from #1
User support (after product is sold) is something that (some) customers desire.
You've misinterpreted what I meant in the context of the Helldivers 2 PSN account linking fiasco. What I meant is that once a product is sold, leaving the consumer alone simply means to not force them to do anything besides being able to use the product. Whether or not the product needs further "fixing" such as with games, via patches, has nothing to do with what I meant. I'm referring to forcing consumers to do things, or to do 'actions' to the products, or about the product they've purchased. The "consumer support" or "product support" subject is separate to this. We, the consumers, should not have to "do" anything after purchase, it's done; "leaving us alone" simply means don't ask us to do anything at this point, we have the product, thank you, you've sold it, it's done. But if the company wants to 'fix' something later, sure, go for it. Just don't force me to do anything with or to the product (or about the product) in any way, shape, or form.
The only exception should be that prior to buying the product you KNOW very clearly ahead of time that, eventually, you WILL have to do something about it, to do something with it, to it, at some point and you agree to the idea and concept of that prior to buying it AND agree to it as you purchase said product and you DO expect that you'll have to do something about it eventually. And to be very honest in the world of video gaming, outside of agreeing to paying a monthly subscription such as with an MMORPG, "agreeing to something" besides the initial purchase is about as far as it goes, or about as far as it should go. When it comes to signing to a different account just to get access to a game you've purchased - outside of the context of a monthly pay-to-play context and agreement- it makes no sense.