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Jun 3, 2011
oof ..

i watched *again*

Casablanca -

The immortal film, and it's as good today as it was eight-fucking-years ago. I find it shocking that this film, about WW2, was actually shot during WW2. According to the wikipedia page, this very fact contributed substantially to the quality of the film.
Before i get into the review, i need to say that when i was younger i nearly flipped with joy at the 1988 colorized version, but having watched this film once colorized and maybe 20 times in B&W, the B&W version is vastly superior and the colorization absolutely kills the "noir" atmosphere.

The film centers on the character of Rick Blaine, the very prototype of Bogart's character. This is the main appeal of the film, Rick is tough and cruel and heartless and because of this he is successful, in a way that everyone watching him wants to be.
But he is also the opposite. He is a hero, an idealist, a romantic, he is generous and he is ready to sacrifice himself, he has all those positive traits that we all wish we could culture within ourselves, but we know they always lead to failure.

Ilsa is just a plot device more than a character; she is misguided, weak, has no control over her destiny, easily swayed, and she's a bit of an idiot. Ilsa only serves to wake Rick out of the success he has dug for himself, to awaken those feelings that death is better than dishonor. Because Rick is, the way that every man wants to be.

If anything, Captain Renault is a more positive character in the story; he wishes to cultivate what he sees as the best side of Rick, that of the winner, the man who lives above everyone else's problems.

These themes are so simple and yet so powerful that no man is immune to this story.

My only problem with Casablanca, to be honest, is Ingrid Bergman. I have never liked her, in any of the films she has ever been in, and i find laughable the concept that Ilsa is "incredibly beautiful".
On the other hand, Claude Rains is superb. Bogart himself is such an icon that he has inspired millions (and probably massively contributed to the worldwide hat & trenchcoat market), and the whole cast does a fantastic job, often with just a handful of lines.
I have given a lot of thought if the same story could exist with Ilsa being a different character. I'm not sure that's true. I think those faults are what brings out the protective instincts in Rick, so maybe Casablanca wouldn't have been the same masterpiece if you re-write the character to suit, idk, Ginger Rogers. Anyway, regardless of this, Casablanca to me is still one of the greatest films ever made - although i can't imagine what it's like for someone to have their first viewing in 2024.

My vote: 9/10 - spectacular, and profoundly iconic.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Ghostbusters - frozen empire. 6/10

What a dumbass movie. Only gets a 6 for sfx and the cute ghost with the match.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2010
My only problem with Casablanca, to be honest, is Ingrid Bergman. I have never liked her, in any of the films she has ever been in, and i find laughable the concept that Ilsa is "incredibly beautiful".
I agree she isn't incredibly beautiful, but I like the film the way it is. She does have a certain charm. The romance between Rick and Ilsa and his decision to have her get on the plane are huge parts of the film for many people.

However, after watching some clips again I see what you mean, her acting isn't really on par with the other actors.
Anyway my favorite female actress from back then is Grace Kelly
May 11, 2008
The exorcist , extended director's cut.

It will always remain a great movie. One of the best. It has some deleted material added and interview about alternative scenes if you have the blu-ray.
Some fun facts :
The actress who did the voice of Pazuzu, she was called Mercedes McCambridge.
I read that before she would speak the words from the moviescript character Pazuzu at the recording studio,
she would smoke a lot of cigarettes, drink some whiskey to roughen her voice and gargle with a raw egg.
Then she would presume into the character and start the performance.

See the youtube video for an interview with Mercedes McCambridge for more fun facts.

What is also not known at the time of the original release in 1973 is that if i remember correctly and am not mistaken, that it was kept a secret on purpose that Linda Blair, the young girl actress actually did not perfrom during the scary scenes.
The scary scenes were performed by the actress Eileen Dietz was later revealed. The outrage at first ! Imagine that.

Another interesting fact :
Is that there have been quite a few documentaries about what posession really means.
Well, i think the old religous text from various sources are derived from other ancient texts that describe diseases. One could say it is misinterpretation.
We all know that parasites and various infectious diseases can take possession of a host. And that infectious diseases are in fact of all times.
And with possession i do not mean a demonic possession but an infectious disease.
And some of those infectious diseases can create serious disaster. Especially combined, as multiple infectious agents at once.
Some of the scenes in the movie the exorcist describe enormous strength and that is possible when the poor patient has been infected with Clostridium tetani.
Imagine that in the old days, a poor person would have been eating rye infected with the fungi Claviceps purpurea which causes ergotism.
Ergotism causes muscle spasms and can cause serious wounds and even wounds exhibiting signs of gangreen over time.
and is also infected with the bacteria Clostridium tetani. That would cause the poor patient to develop bleeding inflamed sores and the
spasm from the tetanus infection would cause really the most awful deformations of the body like people arching their back like they are about to walk
on hands and feet but with the back fully arched and facing the ground (like the spiderwalk scene in the movie). This can be a result of a patient trying to walk away from the affliction called opisthotonus.
Imagine the excruciating pain of extreme muscle contraction powerful enough to break bones or tear off ligaments...
That would make anybody scream in such a way it would scare everybody especially if you care for such poor patients.
Lockjaw is known but what is really scary is opisthotonus. It is all scary.
This in the old days was common but it is suspected that in those times solutions found in nature where known.
Something like : "The enemy of my enemy is temporary my friend".

To keep the scary horrormovie ambiance alive :

There is always, a possibility though, that evil may lurk out there....
Remember self-organization in biology ?
It is known now that there are a lot of quantum mechanical stuff is happening in living cells and living organisms.
Imagine to lighten things up... That a lot of those infectious disease start to self organize and start to quorum sensing...
Remember that sound plate covered with sand and with a speaker used for developing specific patterns in the sand ? That is called a Chladni plate.
Everything seems to vibrate at any level and with multiple frequencies. Perhaps the body is made ready to be a portal, a gateway so to say... To another dimension !
Perhaps there was not a misinterpretation... (Queue in Vincent Price laugh audio sample).
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Jun 3, 2011
i watched Maleficent -

and i pretty much got exactly what i was expecting.

This mess of a film is a overload of excessive CGI and badly used, expensive sets, trying to tell a story vaguely inspired by Sleeping Beauty, with Angelina Jolie as the stupidly-named Maleficent. Seriously, we're introduced to this character as a young fairy-child, and she says in her cutesy child voice "i am Maleficent!". Maleficent. Like, hi, my name is Evil Deathdestroyer, pleased to meet you.

Anyway, young Maleficent is a lovely, nice, well mannered fairy, and she meets a young boy and they have a thing going on. Eventually the boy abandons her with the same theme of Fantasia's "people growing up forget their dreams". Maleficent is bummed out but hey, life goes on.
One day the dude comes back to her, and using the love she still feels for him, drugs her and cuts off her magical wings, just so he can become King, by telling the old King he's the one who killed Maleficent - who for no reason was hated despite being good, magical and powerful.
Now Maleficent is really pissed off; she shows up and curses the king-dude's daughter.

.. but then meets her when she is growing up and thinks, "she's not the bad one".
And then stuff happens and Maleficent gets her magical wings back and kills the dude-king guy because he's a scumbag. Daughter becomes new king.

The end.

So, Angelina is absolutely stunning as Maleficent.
She's given barely any meaningful dialogue, when instead the film is a neverending vomit of CGI and other special effects.
The theme is decent but dude-king-dude turning evil makes about as much sense as Anakin in those films i never watched because they don't exist.
The quasi-Disney pixie character are boring and have no charm.
The enchanted daughter is useless.
The evil king is extremely flat as a character, has no depth, no remorse for his mistake, no inner conflict, no .. it just doesnt make sense. Let me put it to you; you have two options:
option 1 is you get to be king, though you have to be a piece of shit, and as a reward you get to sit your fat ass on a throne while a magical demon wants to fucking kill you.
option 2 is you get to be the husband of a gorgeous, immortal, magic-wielding fairy queen, nobody wants to kill you, and your magical realm is friends with the older king's realm.

The plot is mediocre, there's a lot of grunting and movement and action and special effects that does NOTHING for the story, the dialogue is really bare-bones, so even if Angelina is a spectacle, there's nothing there for her to work with.

unfortunately, not a film that i can recommend.

My vote: 5.5/10 - all of which are Angelina's.
Reactions: GodisanAtheist


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
i watched Maleficent -

and i pretty much got exactly what i was expecting.

This mess of a film is a overload of excessive CGI and badly used, expensive sets, trying to tell a story vaguely inspired by Sleeping Beauty, with Angelina Jolie as the stupidly-named Maleficent. Seriously, we're introduced to this character as a young fairy-child, and she says in her cutesy child voice "i am Maleficent!". Maleficent. Like, hi, my name is Evil Deathdestroyer, pleased to meet you.

Anyway, young Maleficent is a lovely, nice, well mannered fairy, and she meets a young boy and they have a thing going on. Eventually the boy abandons her with the same theme of Fantasia's "people growing up forget their dreams". Maleficent is bummed out but hey, life goes on.
One day the dude comes back to her, and using the love she still feels for him, drugs her and cuts off her magical wings, just so he can become King, by telling the old King he's the one who killed Maleficent - who for no reason was hated despite being good, magical and powerful.
Now Maleficent is really pissed off; she shows up and curses the king-dude's daughter.

.. but then meets her when she is growing up and thinks, "she's not the bad one".
And then stuff happens and Maleficent gets her magical wings back and kills the dude-king guy because he's a scumbag. Daughter becomes new king.

The end.

So, Angelina is absolutely stunning as Maleficent.
She's given barely any meaningful dialogue, when instead the film is a neverending vomit of CGI and other special effects.
The theme is decent but dude-king-dude turning evil makes about as much sense as Anakin in those films i never watched because they don't exist.
The quasi-Disney pixie character are boring and have no charm.
The enchanted daughter is useless.
The evil king is extremely flat as a character, has no depth, no remorse for his mistake, no inner conflict, no .. it just doesnt make sense. Let me put it to you; you have two options:
option 1 is you get to be king, though you have to be a piece of shit, and as a reward you get to sit your fat ass on a throne while a magical demon wants to fucking kill you.
option 2 is you get to be the husband of a gorgeous, immortal, magic-wielding fairy queen, nobody wants to kill you, and your magical realm is friends with the older king's realm.

The plot is mediocre, there's a lot of grunting and movement and action and special effects that does NOTHING for the story, the dialogue is really bare-bones, so even if Angelina is a spectacle, there's nothing there for her to work with.

unfortunately, not a film that i can recommend.

My vote: 5.5/10 - all of which are Angelina's.

-5.5 isnt low enough. Malignant is firmly in the so bad it's still bad and never gets good category of film.

Wife and I kept looking at each other with that "how many conscientious bad decisions had to go into making this shitcastle of a film" while watching.


Jun 3, 2011
am i stupid, or is

Blue Eye Samurai -

extremely mediocre?

This show currently has 8.7/10 on IMDb and every decent youtube reviewer has been raving about it.
But i don't like it at all; is it because i've watched every samurai film since the 1960s? Like, am i too much of a weaboo, or not enough of a weaboo, to like this show?

Basically there's a blue-eyed girl in medieval japan and she's on a quest for revenge (the best kind of quest); she's rough and tough and .. idk, the rest is shit. Maybe?

I hate the voice acting.
The show is really slow. They don't even know what the concept of pacing entails.
the art is pretty good, but the direction is bad and slow and bad enough that it makes me forget that the art isn't bad.

Let's say that i compare this to a masterpiece from the 80s like Rupin III, or a masterpiece from 2000s like Cowboy Beebop. How does BES compare?
Yeah well, not great. See, a good .. video product .. has a combination of elements to it, where things like action, art, direction, pacing, dialogue, characters, etc all come together to create the finished product. I'm on E03S01 and i still have not seen a single thing memorable, a single moment in this show that would have me come back for more.

I just see a really uninspired Nickelodeon-era cartoon where the lead artist has some very vague idea about what Jidaigeki film are, and made a cartoon for people who absolutely have no idea about what Jidaigeki is.

Just to be clear, this show is about a girl who is a very powerful samurai etc. and she is very coarse, she is essentially Clint Eastwood in any clint eastwood film. BUT BAD.
It's not that i don't get what the show is trying to do, it's that .. it's really bad at doing it. The show is absolutely shit in trying to show exactly the very premise of the show - that this, yes, is a girl, but this is a show that doesn't fuck around, this girl will mess you up man, she is fucking out for blood and will not take any shit and

has NO idea how to make a show showcasing what i just described.

idk maybe i'm stupid, maybe i don't get it.



Jun 3, 2011
John Wick 4 bad.
John Wick 3 also bad.
John Wick 2 bad, not terrible but still bad.
John Wick 1 good.

The thing that really sucks balls about 2/3/4 is the puerile attempt at world building, fleshing out this Society Of Assassins that is absolutely cartoonish, making it impossible to have a decent villain for the Hero to fight against.

I'm sure there's plenty of good things about the filmmaking in JW4 but i'm too tired to write about it.
Reactions: igor_kavinski
Jul 27, 2020
Madame Web 6.5/10

Wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Acting was good enough. Story was fine too. Visual effects were not bad and it's got really nice night scenes that will pop very well on an OLED or high contrast display. It's sad that the movie underperformed at the box office. It wouldn't be a bad TV series.


Jun 3, 2011
Madame Web 6.5/10

Wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Acting was good enough. Story was fine too. Visual effects were not bad and it's got really nice night scenes that will pop very well on an OLED or high contrast display. It's sad that the movie underperformed at the box office. It wouldn't be a bad TV series.
could you kindly break down what portion of those 6.5 points are due to Sydney Sweeney's boobage, and which are due to the story?
Reactions: igor_kavinski
Jul 27, 2020
could you kindly break down what portion of those 6.5 points are due to Sydney Sweeney's boobage, and which are due to the story?
I actually like her eyes more

Sydney Sweeney's boobage
Hmm..can't give an objective or even a subjective opinion without properly "evaluating" the body parts under discussion.

I'm not a teenager anymore and don't go looking for celebrity boob leaks

But I DID see Jennifer Lawrence's hilarious private clip titled "My boobs are blind!!!"

Funny coincidence, just before I settled on watching Madame Web, I had the option to watch these two movies:

They didn't seem more interesting than Madame Web but then I watch it and both leading actresses of the above two movies are in it! FREAKY!!!


Jun 3, 2011

You want a good John Wick Nobody.
i though Nobody was too serious for its own good. If you gonna make a film about punching dudes, don't give me the sads. While at the same time trying to make comedy.
May 11, 2008
I ha
John Wick 4 bad.
John Wick 3 also bad.
John Wick 2 bad, not terrible but still bad.
John Wick 1 good.

The thing that really sucks balls about 2/3/4 is the puerile attempt at world building, fleshing out this Society Of Assassins that is absolutely cartoonish, making it impossible to have a decent villain for the Hero to fight against.

I'm sure there's plenty of good things about the filmmaking in JW4 but i'm too tired to write about it.
Seen only the first movie to hate all the John Wick films.
John Wick talks and moves like spiderman and kills everybody in the whole film , like he has inherited powers alike Neo from the matrix. And then in the end, he has this wolverine alike enemy who has will power and strength enough that he could have been a superhuman enemy for the xmen or deadpool or even like he was Kraven the hunter.

Not even Steven Seagal could have beaten that guy. That enemy in the first John Wick movie is even harder to kill than "Boris the blade" from the movie Snatch. And that was a actually a very funny movie to watch.

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Jul 27, 2020
I tried to watch Cowboy Bebop (the animated series, not the recent live action)
Seen only the live action, not the animated. The actors are good in the series. It's mostly comedic and I found the female actress pretty funny as well. It's a different world and not much of the technology is explained all that well. You just gotta believe what you see and imagine it is based on actual laws of physics. I had no problem getting lost in that world.


Jan 14, 2013
True Detective Season 4 - definitely hooked but man, the special effects are just kinda meh. Takes away a bit.
Jul 27, 2020
I just can't imagine how people live in places like that. Most of the scenes where they have large windows and a snowstorm going on outside, it just made me wonder, aren't they afraid a polar bear will come running and crash into the window and eat them??? Yeah, yeah I know they prefer to stay away from humans but still. No way I would live in those small houses with really big windows that look too fragile to keep wild animals outside.


Jun 3, 2011
i watched a bunch of random stuff.

Resident Alien
can't tell if this is a comedy (it's not funny) or a drama (too much quasi-comedy around to stick) but the plot is of an alien who takes the shape of a doctor in a small town, and this is the excuse to have an actor act like he can't human. result: disastrous.

Fargo (tv series) S05
where each series is a complete arch with different characters. I may have to watch at least all of S05 because the lead character is played by Juno Temple, and MY GOOD GOD she has aged SO SO WELL, she went from insipid highschooler to boner-material milf, i tell ya it's not easy finding a woman that looks better in her 30s than she did in her 20s.

Chatham Islanders
basically Ice Fishing the thing with the crabs, but even less fun.

ethnically-tinged crime story about an ex-criminal who falls back into his old ways because of bad influences, "but is still a good person". Basically Mr Inbetween without the charisma. Giancarlo Esposito is the lead.

Medical Rookies
not worth discussing

And i also watched Samurai 1 and Samurai 2, but i'll review them after i finish the trilogy (Samurai 3, duh).


Jan 14, 2013
I just can't imagine how people live in places like that. Most of the scenes where they have large windows and a snowstorm going on outside, it just made me wonder, aren't they afraid a polar bear will come running and crash into the window and eat them??? Yeah, yeah I know they prefer to stay away from humans but still. No way I would live in those small houses with really big windows that look too fragile to keep wild animals outside.

Oh I'm not scared of the wildlife in that scenario, I'm just worried about dying to death of boredom.
Reactions: igor_kavinski
Jul 27, 2020
Resident Alien
can't tell if this is a comedy (it's not funny) or a drama (too much quasi-comedy around to stick) but the plot is of an alien who takes the shape of a doctor in a small town, and this is the excuse to have an actor act like he can't human. result: disastrous.
Alan Tudyk is a national treasure! Rogue One/Firefly/Serenity wouldn't be the same without him.

And yes, Resident Alien is a comedy. Your sense of humor needs recalibration
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