Please read the UPDATE to the guideline for Video Forum Participation ----- Rules Updated 5-4-20


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
In an effort to maintain a friendly and productive Video Cards & Graphics forum, the moderators here at Anandtech would like to continue a proactive approach to forum conduct.

We know that it gets exciting around launch time for new products, however we would ask that all members remain civil to one another and keep the discussions on topic.

By being civil, we observe the following:

First things first: All members, especially new ones, should familiarize themselves with the following.

Anandtech Forums Guidelines & TOS:

Emphasis on the following:

Occasional personal comments that can be categorized as mild banter and tongue-in-cheek back-and-forth are to be expected in VC&G.

Habitual attacks, even mild in tone, can be expected to be met with moderator action for the benefit of the rest of the community.
For example, if you repeatedly call someone a "fanboy, shill or etc." this will be considered habitual attacking and will be met with moderator action.

We do expect all parties to know when enough is enough and to avoid escalating any given situation into a serious public spectacle.

Keep the threads ON TOPIC. Do not derail threads. It would seem the biggest reason for thread derailment is a member getting personal about the opinion of another member.

Discuss the topic, not what you think of a member for having an opinion.

Learn when to say, "When". Agree to disagree. No need for 15 pages of getting nowhere.

This forum has come a long way, and there is no point in turning back now.

Thread-Title Citation Expectations:
Per community voting, thread titles containing information based on 3rd party sources must include a citation of the source in the thread-title.

For example, if a member wishes to start a new thread based on information from an article published on Semi-Accurate, the VC&G community expects the thread-starter to incorporate some manner of reference to Semi-Accurate in their thread's title.

"S/A: 580GTX's are not manufacturable"
"580GTX's are not manufacturable, per Semi-Accurate"

The thread-citation guideline was approved for permanent adoption by VC&G community vote effective Sunday Mar 27, 2011.

edit 11-2-19
Do not just drop links without comment. People need to know what are in the links before deciding whether to click on it.
It is your job as a poster to comment on it. If you post and do not comment on the post, you will be infracted.
Same as the rule in the CPU forum.

Thank you very much,

Anandtech Moderators

Updated: 5-4-20
Your post must contain your own original written content and cannot consist solely of another's content, be it a quote, image, or link
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Oct 27, 2006
Thank you, it would be bad form to name names, but the offenders probably know who they are.

We're here because we're enthusiasts! It's okay to be positive about the things we like, it's definitely not okay to get petty and insult/demean other AT members simply due to disagreement about things.


happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Thank you, it would be bad form to name names, but the offenders probably know who they are.

We're here because we're enthusiasts! It's okay to be positive about the things we like, it's definitely not okay to get petty and insult/demean other AT members simply due to disagreement about things.

Reactions: tamima


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Note: just report the personal attacks - there's no need to debate the personal attacks within the threads, adding fuel to the fire & further derailing the threads. We can see what was in posts, even after they've been edited.

If you disagree with a message, attack the message, not the messenger. As I've had a little more time lately, I think I may help monitor this forum a little more. ATI? nVidia? I have no loyalty to either. I don't play games; thus I have zero need for the latest video cards. Who the ATI fans are? Who the nVidia fans are? I don't know. I haven't paid attention. What information is correct, and what information is incorrect - again I don't know; I haven't kept up to date on video cards.

But, that's where attacking the message will be useful to you guys. Because while I can't tell the difference between Crysis, Warcraft, or any of these other game titles I see all the time, I CAN tell what a personal attack is. And I may be watching.

-Admin DrPizza
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Reactions: tamima


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
Note: just report the personal attacks - there's no need to debate the personal attacks within the threads, adding fuel to the fire & further derailing the threads. We can see what was in posts, even after they've been edited.

If you disagree with a message, attack the message (with facts), not the messenger. As I've had a little more time lately, I think I may help monitor this forum a little more. ATI? nVidia? I have no loyalty to either. I don't play games; thus I have zero need for the latest video cards. Who the ATI fans are? Who the nVidia fans are? I don't know. I haven't paid attention. What information is correct, and what information is incorrect - again I don't know; I haven't kept up to date on video cards.

But, that's where attacking the message will be useful to you guys. Because while I can't tell the difference between Crysis, Warcraft, or any of these other game titles I see all the time, I CAN tell what a personal attack is. And I may be watching.

-Admin DrPizza

I like this approach a lot, thanks.
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Reactions: tamima


Feb 8, 2004
Well i would rather see 15 pages of fanboyism and people tearing eachother apart than getting along civilly and agreeing to disagree. Makes for more interesting reading heh


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Well i would rather see 15 pages of fanboyism and people tearing eachother apart than getting along civilly and agreeing to disagree. Makes for more interesting reading heh

Then you probably should frequent P&N and probably shouldn't be in a technology forum.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Ah, hello Will. If I enjoyed the fanboyism and people tearing each other apart I wouldn't have had the advice to give in the first place. Fortunately, I do not.

Did you know that these rules apply to signatures as well?


Senior member
Apr 15, 2010
I've been a lurker on this forum for awhile and the boastful rhetoric is utterly bizarre to me. There are a couple of reasons behind it and people need to consider why it is they follow some of them.

1. Trying to be persuasive: Some people seem to think that ad hominem attacks, insults, lies (or perhaps "creative re-appropriation of former facts into a non-standard truthiness matrix") and other forms of *ahem* non-standard argumentation are going to let them prove their points best. Sadly, that's sometimes true - we have a long human history of caving to poor arguments.

Alternatively, some people use such an approach because they can't express themselves any other way. These people just need to be ignored or lightly cajoled.

To those who choose rhetoric over more reasoned exposition, all I can say is that it honestly feels better when you make a valid point without resorting to personal attacks and the like. Rational argument is a fantastically persuasive force and not using it when you are capable says to me, in some sense, that you are simply insecure about your inability to argue well and you would do yourself and everyone else a good turn to overcome that insecurity and contribute to the dialog in a better way.

2. Emotional reaction: I don't know why people have strong emotional attachments to electronics manufacturers. In many ways, this is exactly what those manufacturers want and I honestly find it kind of scary to see so many people who have bought into that mentality and are devoting their time to proselytize. These companies work for us, not the other way around. The great benefit of having your super-advanced-mega-monkey-brain is to use it for higher levels of thought, e.g. mitigating your emotional responses by stepping back and thinking about them before you type.

3. I'm just a bastard: Some people on the internet are just jerks and won't change. There are people who aren't on the internet that are jerks as well, I meet them all the time. They are probably the same people...

There are plenty of other motivations, but I'm too tired to think about them right now.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Note: just report the personal attacks - there's no need to debate the personal attacks within the threads, adding fuel to the fire & further derailing the threads. We can see what was in posts, even after they've been edited.

If you disagree with a message, attack the messenger, not the message. As I've had a little more time lately, I think I may help monitor this forum a little more. ATI? nVidia? I have no loyalty to either. I don't play games; thus I have zero need for the latest video cards. Who the ATI fans are? Who the nVidia fans are? I don't know. I haven't paid attention. What information is correct, and what information is incorrect - again I don't know; I haven't kept up to date on video cards.

But, that's where attacking the message will be useful to you guys. Because while I can't tell the difference between Crysis, Warcraft, or any of these other game titles I see all the time, I CAN tell what a personal attack is. And I may be watching.

-Admin DrPizza

I report personal attacks and I get called a marketing troll?
Is this how it works?

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
I've been a lurker on this forum for awhile and the boastful rhetoric is utterly bizarre to me. There are a couple of reasons behind it and people need to consider why it is they follow some of them.

1. Trying to be persuasive: Some people seem to think that ad hominem attacks, insults, lies (or perhaps "creative re-appropriation of former facts into a non-standard truthiness matrix") and other forms of *ahem* non-standard argumentation are going to let them prove their points best. Sadly, that's sometimes true - we have a long human history of caving to poor arguments.

Alternatively, some people use such an approach because they can't express themselves any other way. These people just need to be ignored or lightly cajoled.

To those who choose rhetoric over more reasoned exposition, all I can say is that it honestly feels better when you make a valid point without resorting to personal attacks and the like. Rational argument is a fantastically persuasive force and not using it when you are capable says to me, in some sense, that you are simply insecure about your inability to argue well and you would do yourself and everyone else a good turn to overcome that insecurity and contribute to the dialog in a better way.

2. Emotional reaction: I don't know why people have strong emotional attachments to electronics manufacturers. In many ways, this is exactly what those manufacturers want and I honestly find it kind of scary to see so many people who have bought into that mentality and are devoting their time to proselytize. These companies work for us, not the other way around. The great benefit of having your super-advanced-mega-monkey-brain is to use it for higher levels of thought, e.g. mitigating your emotional responses by stepping back and thinking about them before you type.

3. I'm just a bastard: Some people on the internet are just jerks and won't change. There are people who aren't on the internet that are jerks as well, I meet them all the time. They are probably the same people...

There are plenty of other motivations, but I'm too tired to think about them right now.

Mabe your tolling motivates them.
Just check post #51


Golden Member
Feb 22, 2010
Just gotto shoot in this here, as I didnt want to go offtopic, being called an ATI fan or whatever you insinuated in that topic where you were "put in place", for lack of a better word/way of wording..

You are, as many have said, so obvious in your opinions when posting. And that isnt a bad thing. But like it was pointed out, it looks like you are out to make truth of a lie, repeating and chanting it again and again.

The lie could be that something is good, although most know its not.
It could also be that something is bad, although most know its not

I personally liked Dr Pizzas reprimanding you. As it looked like people could just post whatever crap they liked, influencing people with "lies" (what is a lie?) or false/misleading information.

If i was you, i wouldnt defend "my" posts/comments by refering the having a blessing from a moderator..
Keysplayr is known for his posts where he says stuff like "now your catching on", "thats it, your getting it", "your following me" "good, now do you see". Ring a bell?

, the words in "" are my own, to illustrate the "arrogant" or degrading attitude he sometimes displays.

I dont much care about shills, hidden marketeering. I just hate it when people lie or are out spreading misleading information.


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2005
I find it pretty insulting Pizza reported happy_medium. I can't see where he did anything wrong - he didn't just post "ATI SUCKS" which would be deemed baiting he just pointed out a problem that a number of users have found in a number of forums which is clearly ok, and completely on topic. I find it pretty dire that the admins not only passively allowed other users to personally insult him but then backed them up and had a go at medium for his comment:

Moderators - read your own sticky. Your job is to stop abusive posting and thread derailing, not comment on the *correctness* of the wording of one users post. You CANNOT go around threatening bans because someone wrote something that wasn't factually correct. If you did pretty well everyone on this forum including yourselves would have had to be banned years ago.
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Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
I find it pretty insulting Pizza reported happy_medium. I can't see where he did anything wrong - he didn't just post "ATI SUCKS" which would be deemed baiting he just pointed out a problem that a number of users have found in a number of forums which is clearly ok, and completely on topic. I find it pretty dire that the admins not only passively allowed other users to personally insult him but then backed them up and had a go at medium for his comment:

Moderators - read your own sticky. Your job is to stop abusive posting and thread derailing, not comment on the *correctness* of the wording of one users post. You CANNOT go around threatening bans because someone wrote something that wasn't factually correct. If you did pretty well everyone on this forum including yourselves would have had to be banned years ago.

Thank you for posting that - I will read that thread now.

I just wanted to say - factual correction on a subject of BSODing due to drivers is a big issue, at least for me.

If someone told me "don't do this, it will bork your system" chances are high I won't do it. If someone told me "don't do this, it might bork your system" chances are I'd probably try my luck.

Not to mention uneducated readers who may take his comment as a definitive consequence for updating your drivers.

Happy's posts have a history of being pro/anti one color to the other. I think he ruined his credibility in my eyes when he posted inaccurate FRAPs scores to prove his point. After reading the Rollo thread that got necro bumped I'm not surprised how Keys tried to change the subject after Happy got called out.

This is place is corrupt - but I'll keep reading

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
I find it pretty insulting Pizza reported happy_medium. I can't see where he did anything wrong - he didn't just post "ATI SUCKS" which would be deemed baiting he just pointed out a problem that a number of users have found in a number of forums which is clearly ok, and completely on topic. I find it pretty dire that the admins not only passively allowed other users to personally insult him but then backed them up and had a go at medium for his comment:

Moderators - read your own sticky. Your job is to stop abusive posting and thread derailing, not comment on the *correctness* of the wording of one users post. You CANNOT go around threatening bans because someone wrote something that wasn't factually correct. If you did pretty well everyone on this forum including yourselves would have had to be banned years ago.

And now I'm being told how much I can post and what I can post.
I have 6 threads with 4,800 views, but a chosen few are complaining, so I'm hearing crap for it.
And I'm being publicly personally insulted by a mod .

post #22


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
I think given the history that most of us are aware of with nVidia having compensated message board users with high priced graphics cards, given that it is natural for other board members to be weary when a user consistently puts out spin and information (Read:misinformation) regarding one GPU or another.

Most everybody who comes here regularly is looking for good discussion and I'll leave it at that and say thank you to the mods for their time and effort.
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