Info [PSA] Amazon's new game reportedly causing GPUs to brick


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Im having a hard time believing this story.

I am thinking idiots built the system wrong with improper cooling or used a POS power supply, or its a OEM of HP or something.

I do know the rear ram on the 3090 gets insanely hot.
Too hot sometimes ive seen it spike 80C before i loaded the rear backplate with heatsinks and have a dedicated fan to it now.

But i think a long time ago Starcraft 2 had the same issue...

Idiots who do not know how to properly build a PC should not be playing with 2400 dollar videocards.
At the very least, change the pads like miners do. If anything again, people do not know how to keep the cards cool because they just do not know how fix a overheating problem.

Also GPU's Throttle, so there is no way you wont notice things shuttering before it gets terminal, if its heat related.
So if they are dying, its the VRAM on the rear i highly suspect.

Looks like it is just 3090s right now but probably better safe than sorry even if you have a different card.

Get a waterblock for your 2400 dollar card....
Problem solved...

id really like to see you brick this card with temps like this unless you used a very poor powersupply, or your card was just faulty.
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Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2014
I am thinking idiots built the system wrong
Idiots who do not know how to properly build a PC
While I also have a hard time believing the story, how about we don't call people idiots by default while also suggesting $2400 videocards are excepted from the basic rule of being rock solid at stock settings?


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
While I also have a hard time believing the story, how about we don't call people idiots by default while also suggesting $2400 videocards are excepted from the basic rule of being rock solid at stock settings?

Then what do you call someone that buys a 2400 dollar videocard, does very little tuning?

You can't expect PC parts to be completely plug in play unless its a prebuilt, and even then we saw how poorly prebuilts are.
Sorry but i just can't shake my head at this.

Its a true repeat of Starcarft2 all over again which concluded at "IDIOTS"

There's a reddit thread going about the issue. Many reports of the same thing including those with high end PSUs. I don't think this is a PSU issue, at least not in general. Obviously it's not a 'game' issue but the game seems to be exposing an issue in some cards.

its the rear VRAM on the 3090.
Im 90% sure it has to be that, as i did have issues with it, as well many many others.
The solution to it was replace the stock pads, put a fan.

That kept the rear vrams from skyrockting to 90C + and keeping them nice and cool at around 70C.
I can see the VRAM's dying under long term load at 90C+... a lot of factors can contribute to this which is also lack of ventilation in the case to allow proper heat exchange...

Again again, the VRAM's are a problem and have been discussed MANY MANY times, as well as a fix.

This is something which should of been discovered in the tuning phase.
If your new, you really need to have people help you TUNE the thing to keep it in check.

Unless again its a prebuilt... and if its a prebuilt... sorry you are not an idiot, i appologize.. the guy who assembled your PC is the idiot.. in that case the VENDOR.
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Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2010
Then what do you call someone that buys a 2400 dollar videocard, does very little tuning?

Someone who just wants to use the hardware they purchased for its design purpose? *shrug*

I used to spend hours upon hours “tuning” my PCs as a teenager with unlimited free time. Now I can’t be bothered because it’s kind of boring and pointless compared to other things I can now do with my time instead. Guess I’m an idiot compared to my teenage self! Bummer!


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2012
Then what do you call someone that buys a 2400 dollar videocard, does very little tuning?

You can't expect PC parts to be completely plug in play unless its a prebuilt, and even then we saw how poorly prebuilts are.
Sorry but i just can't shake my head at this.

Its a true repeat of Starcarft2 all over again which concluded at "IDIOTS"

its the rear VRAM on the 3090.
Im 90% sure it has to be that, as i did have issues with it, as well many many others.
The solution to it was replace the stock pads, put a fan.

That kept the rear vrams from skyrockting to 90C + and keeping them nice and cool at around 70C.

Again... its something which should of been discovered in the tuning phase.
If your new, you really need to have people help you TUNE the thing to keep it in check.

Didn't Nvidia have to 'recall' a driver with SC2 because the driver was essentially defective and broke the thermal controls in high FPS situations which was happening in SC2 when at menus or between campaigns?


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Someone who just wants to use the hardware they purchased for its design purpose? *shrug*

I used to spend hours upon hours “tuning” my PCs as a teenager with unlimited free time. Now I can’t be bothered because it’s kind of boring and pointless compared to other things I can now do with my time instead. Guess I’m an idiot compared to my teenage self! Bummer!

I have nothing to say honestly...
If you don't want to tune its on you.

If you break your hardware, sure you will get a RMA, but again, its on you for the time your without a GPU when a tune might of fixed it.

Didn't Nvidia have to 'recall' a driver with SC2 because the driver was essentially defective and broke the thermal controls in high FPS situations which was happening in SC2 when at menus or between campaigns?

No... Blizzard did it at first, because they realized they could not get rid of the component of "everyone has a different PC" aspect.
So they gimped the game on purpose.

Forced Vsync and other stuff.
But ultimately it was discovered, overall people just did not know hot to properly build/maintain their PC.

Like listed here, and the first link i gave above.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Your links shows none of the 3 cards were bricked....

The rear backplate VRAM overheated... cooked to be exact.
The waterblock helped keep the top side of the card cool, so the bottom side was kept somewhat in check... not really.
Waterblock requires you to replace the rear pads on the VRAM unless you do not have a backplate, but 3090 blocks always come with a backplate.

You only reinforced my statement, a waterblock can save you from bricking from thermal.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2012
I have nothing to say honestly...
If you don't want to tune its on you.

If you break your hardware, sure you will get a RMA, but again, its on you for the time your without a GPU when a tune might of fixed it.

No... Blizzard did it at first, because they realized they could not get rid of the component of "everyone has a different PC" aspect.
So they gimped the game on purpose.

Forced Vsync and other stuff.
But ultimately it was discovered, overall people just did not know hot to properly build/maintain their PC.

Like listed here, and the first link i gave above.

That's just a blog post of a guy saying people probably didn't cool their cards correctly.

Meanwhile, Nvidia did actually recall the effected driver and never re-released it:

The problem seems to be related to the fan controller, causing the fans to slow down, and even stop. This happening while the card is in use

Nvidia even made a formal statement about it:

We are aware that some customers have reported fan speed issues with the latest 196.75 WHQL drivers on Until we can verify and root cause this issue, we recommend that customers stay with, or return to 196.21 WHQL drivers. Release 196.75 drivers have been temporarily removed from our Web site in the meantime.

The next driver had the issue fixed.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Sigh.... i give up...

Im pretty sure if ETH mining on high can't kill a 3090, which are mostly open racks... there is only one thing to look at when cards are dying while playing a game.

And gpu's have hard stop's on it, to make it throttle.
Although i am not too sure about the rear VRAM.
24GB+ cards were originally intended to be stuffed in server cases with high powered fan's blowing at them while sitting in a controlled AC environment.

Lastly seeing how its isolated on the 3090, and not 3080... biggest difference, rear side VRAM.... again... not hard to see where its failing when it was already an addressed issue and was known to keep your eye on it.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2012
Sigh.... i give up...

Im pretty sure if ETH mining on high can't kill a 3090, which are mostly open racks... there is only one thing to look at when cards are dying while playing a game.

And gpu's have hard stop's on it, to make it throttle.
Although i am not too sure about the rear VRAM.
24GB+ cards were originally intended to be stuffed in server cases with high powered fan's blowing at them while sitting in a controlled AC environment.

If it is a VRM issue, then ETH mining doesn't stress the core and most of the VRMs would be under low load. There are obviously ways a graphics card could be effected by a game that mining wouldn't expose.

Just because a GPU has thermal throttling built in doesn't mean there couldn't be a bad driver/firmware combo messing it up, especially on an AIB card. There are also things like potential transient spikes that the firmware/driver may not even be watching for that are the issue. Or it could be a defect in a certain number of cards being exposed in only corner cases that this game happens to hit. To just chalk it up to user error when you have many users all having the same issue at the same time when they weren't having issues previously is foolish.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
If it is a VRM issue, then ETH mining doesn't stress the core and most of the VRMs would be under low load.

VRAM... not VRegs..
And to be exact the REAR side on card...

Simple fix... ADD surface area to backplate... put active fan on it..

If you still have problems on those rear vram on GPU-z, add more heatsinks.
My rear vram do not exceed 70C anymore under any load.

others do the same... its a mining trick, and we learned first hand that was the straw that broke the camels back on the 3090.
Although i do not mine on my 3090.... but i have seen that sucker skyrocket left uncheck.

You can check rear VRAM temps by GPU-Z on the first 2 things i circled in Red.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2012
VRAM... not VRegs..
And to be exact the REAR side on card...

Simple fix... ADD surface area to backplate... put active fan on it..
View attachment 47524

If you still have problems on those rear vram on GPU-z, add more heatsinks.
My rear vram do not exceed 70C anymore under any load.

others do the same... its a mining trick, and we learned first hand that was the straw that broke the camels back on the 3090.

My post was to point out that other possible points of failure exist on the card that wouldn't be exposed by Eth mining (e.g. VRMs that feed the GPU).

Even if the issue does end up being the VRAM temps on the backs of the cards, this still points to a card defect and isn't a user error. Could the user fix it? Sure. But that doesn't make the user an idiot for not doing it preemptively or not wanting to do it all it since it is in fact a card defect and should be fixed by the manufacturer.
Reactions: Leeea


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
But that doesn't make the user an idiot for not doing it preemptively or not wanting to do it all it since it is in fact a card defect and should be fixed by the manufacturer.

And that is why the manufactor will accept the RMA.
But again, it something which could of been avoided had you tuned.

Here is a FE Fix for you guys as well without voiding your warrenty.

lol even more...


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2012
And that is why the manufactor will accept the RMA.
But again, it something which could of been avoided had you tuned.

Here is a FE Fix for you guys as well without voiding your warrenty.
View attachment 47528

lol even more...
View attachment 47529

A user shouldn't have to 'tune' or mod their card in order for it to not die. That is not what tuning is for. . .


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
A user shouldn't have to 'tune' or mod their card in order for it to not die. That is not what tuning is for. . .

Your missing my statement.
I agree a user should not have to MOD anything to make it work out of the box, hence why the vendor will replace it.
But a user should realize the limits of the card and attempt to safe guard it within acceptable measures.

A simple tune would of lead you to note, "oh my goddness my backplate is hot enough to fry an egg on".
And would of lead to reddit.
That is how i got my fix.

Then its up to you to either live with it... let it die and RMA it, or attempt to mod / fix it.

You can't blame a game for killing your GPU because it tax'd it.
Reactions: bryanW1995


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2010
Your missing my statement.
I agree a user should not have to MOD anything to make it work out of the box, hence why the vendor will replace it.
But a user should realize the limits of the card and attempt to safe guard it within acceptable measures.

A simple tune would of lead you to note, "oh my goddness my backplate is hot enough to fry an egg on".
And would of lead to reddit.
That is how i got my fix.

Then its up to you to either live with it... let it die and RMA it, or attempt to mod / fix it.

You can't blame a game for killing your GPU because it tax'd it.
"You can't blame a game for killing your GPU because it tax'd it."

One of the stranger statements ever made here.
Reactions: lightmanek


Elite Member
May 4, 2000
I gotta say a game should not kill a GPU at stock speeds, provided the case has even somewhat decent airflow and the ambient temperatures aren't too high (falling within the card's stated operating temperature).

If it does, then the manufacturer either didn't design it properly (or their is some kind of defective component they were unware about).

This story really brought back the issue EVGA had a few years ago where they didn't have thermal pads on some of the PCB components, and the temps got way too high.
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