Very scary time for young men in America

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Senior member
Aug 16, 2012
Oh dang! What do you even do it in that situation

Seriously not really much you can do. The CEO at the time is on his last laps. Reason he is CEO is because he protects his board like a wolverine.

In short, one is fucked.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Seriously not really much you can do. The CEO at the time is on his last laps. Reason he is CEO is because he protects his board like a wolverine.

My friend just left a job due to a similar situation. She wanted to write a strongly-worded letter to her CEO; I had to explain to her that HR doesn't exist to protect the employees, it exists to protect the company. She didn't want to buy it, but actions speak louder than words...maybe in some companies that's the case, but not in any I've ever worked at, sadly!


Senior member
Aug 16, 2012
My friend just left a job due to a similar situation. She wanted to write a strongly-worded letter to her CEO; I had to explain to her that HR doesn't exist to protect the employees, it exists to protect the company. She didn't want to buy it, but actions speak louder than words...maybe in some companies that's the case, but not in any I've ever worked at, sadly!

It is a weird situation at the C level. When they get rid of you they drag in the attorneys. In some macabre fashion I still laugh about it.


Jun 19, 2004
It seems both of you choose to work in a toxic environment. Worse, you don't seem to grasp how that environment has affected you. Accepting it as normal or, at least, a minor evil accepted as the cost of doing business. This is false. It has changed the way you think of yourselves and others around you. Do you really think after 20 or 30 years of living this way, you will even remember the plans, hopes and, dreams you started with? What further 'compromises ' will accept to your world view in return for a paycheck? I urge you both to have serious conversations with those you care about on the direction your lives are going and what's really important to you. You don't have to live this way.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
You're trying to 'game' women but, only girls play those games. Real women stand on their own. Labeling things like MGTOW and #metoo is just silly. Pro tip, if you use the word alpha in any context outside of mathematics, men and women will point and laugh at you.

You don't use the world alpha, you simply ARE ______. (not using the word).


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2004
Last year, someone I know lost his job. He was walking in the office down the aisle when another coworker was blocking it. His coworker is a larger black woman and he lightly put his hand on her side as he squeezed past her to avoid touching her southern half. He said that he had a good relationship with her and thought nothing of it. She reported him and got him fired.
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Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2004
Busy Philips was raped at 14 years old:

“This is me at 14. The age I was raped. It’s taken me 25 years to say those words. I wrote about it in my book. I finally told my parents and sister about it 4 months ago. Today is the day we are silent no more,” she said. “All of us. I’m scared to post this. I can’t imagine what Dr. Ford is feeling right now.”

Here is her description of what happened:

This Will Only Hurt a Little[/a], the mother of two describes over several chapters being alone in eighth grade with a boy three years her senior, struggling to understand what happened and accepting how it’s affected her.

Philipps, now 39, recalls that she tried to “be seductive. I reached over and clumsily started to unbuckle his belt. I have no idea why I didn’t kiss him but instead just went for his belt. It was so weird. But then again, I was fourteen and painfully inexperienced. I had no idea what qualified as normal behavior.”

She then says that she reached for his penis and they kissed until he encouraged her to get in the back of his SUV so they could be more “comfortable.”

Busy Tonight[/a] host continues. “I wanted to go back to [my friends] now, but I couldn’t figure out how to say that without confirming all of my worst fears about myself. I was unlovable. I was not attractive. I was a f—ing baby.”

Philipps says that he climbed on top of her and “weighed so much and was pushing me down so hard,” allowing him to “push” his penis “inside … I didn’t know what to do. I put my hands under his shirt, digging my nails into his back. I hated it. I didn’t want this … It was so, so painful.”

Dawson’s Creek alum[/a] recalls, she was only able to “get out” a simple “I don’t think this is gonna work … He didn’t say anything about it not working. He just kept doing it. I found a spot on the ceiling of his car and I sort of spun up to it and just focused on that until he shuddered and rolled off me.”

She then explains that she struggled to know how to describe the incident because of her own role in it. “I unbuckled his belt,” she writes. “It has f—ed me in the head again and again, almost always in new ways. Showing up when I least expect it. … My only hope is that my girls grow up in a culture that truly understands consent and that they’re never left to question if violence means someone cares for them.”


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
Wtf, how is undressing the guy, giving him a hand job, kissing him, grabbing his back under his shirt while he's banging you somehow rape after you regret doing it? I have a feeling she warped her own memory of that moment to "hating it".


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
Wtf, how is undressing the guy, giving him a hand job, kissing him, grabbing his back under his shirt while he's banging you somehow rape after you regret doing it? I have a feeling she warped her own memory of that moment to "hating it".

yep. and how many of these accounts are counted in rape stats? Things like this and ones that are proved to be completely made up make it that much harder for real rape cases to move forward.


May 19, 2011
that yahoo article madoka posted said:
I was fourteen

This may be a newsflash to some here, but don't try to have sexual relations with fourteen-year-olds.

I think this thread was positively cuckoo before, but now we've got the paedo apologists coming out of the woodwork!
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Reactions: darkswordsman17


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
This may be a newsflash to some here, but don't try to have sexual relations with fourteen-year-olds.

I think this thread was positively cuckoo before, but now we've got the paedo apologists coming out of the woodwork!

I think you missed the part:

with a boy three years her senior

High school students sleeping with each other isn't child molestation or being a pedo. If so, our country has a giant pedo problem in all schools.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2004
This may be a newsflash to some here, but don't try to have sexual relations with fourteen-year-olds.

I think this thread was positively cuckoo before, but now we've got the paedo apologists coming out of the woodwork!

What kind of mental damage do you have that this is your takeaway from her story in her own words of being "raped" at 14 years old?


May 19, 2011
She's below the age of sexual consent. At that age a child is not considered to be mentally mature enough to make such a decision and its implications. Don't have sex with 14 year olds, because guess what, they haven't got the life experience and maturity to weigh such a decision correctly, and to someone who feels that they've gone in too deep are likely to act unpredictably and irrationally because they're less likely to know how to deal with such a situation effectively, and also are more likely to do things that many people would consider to be implausible such as "freezing" when they logically should be fighting/fleeing.

The boy is debatably over the age of consent, depending on where he was. In the UK he would have been considered capable of sexual consent. When I was 17 and at college, there was a guy dating a schoolkid that looked well below age, and he was ripped the shit out of for it by the rest of us for going after jail bait.

TBH I'm in two minds about whether I should have written "rape apologists" rather than paedo apologists because in hindsight my main problem with the responses to that article are notions of "real rape" and apparently according to some consent can't be withdrawn, despite the fact that it should be actively sought throughout, especially with someone's very likely first time. Frankly I was disgusted by the reactions, and if my feelings were drawn in a Venn diagram, the child element was a greater one than the "real rape" element, and so I reacted based on that feeling; it creeps me the fuck out that people would trot out the "real rape" BS when talking about a freaking child.
Mar 11, 2004
I dont know about him but in the Navy MANY women made false accusations against men and some of them ruined careers and lives.

I guarantee you the number of men that committed sexual assault in the Navy likely outstripped that number by an order of magnitude if not multiple ones. So cry moar you desperate fuck.
Mar 11, 2004
What kind of mental damage do you have that this is your takeaway from her story in her own words of being "raped" at 14 years old?

What kind of mental damage do you have that you're totally fine with the situation she described?

So what would count as rape for you?

Personally I don't think that the guy was exactly malicious, but he clearly didn't give a shit about consent once he started. So sure, not the shitty Chuck Norris movie violent gang rape that apparently is the only rape that qualifies as rape for some people, but that's not ok behavior either. She didn't just "regret it after" like you dishonest pricks are trying to claim, she perfectly explained she was not ok with it as it was occurring, but that the guy showed no concern and she felt incapable of doing more to resist so she just let it happen. That pretty strongly echoes a lot of women's experience and I absolutely can see why they feel they were raped.

I don't know, maybe you guys are used to women playing dead fish, crying from pain (and not in a good way that's been established beforehand or during), or staring off into space, but literally every woman I've ever had sex with has physically shown active interest in sex while it was happening. Sure, no doubt they've exaggerated or even faked some of the pleasure, but that's quite far from them saying "I don't think this is gonna work". If a woman tells you that and you continue, sorry, you're a rapist.
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Reactions: mikeymikec


Jun 12, 2005
Wtf, how is undressing the guy, giving him a hand job, kissing him, grabbing his back under his shirt while he's banging you somehow rape after you regret doing it? I have a feeling she warped her own memory of that moment to "hating it".

I agree. It sounds like two minors made a bad choice and she regrets it.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
I guarantee you the number of men that committed sexual assault in the Navy likely outstripped that number by an order of magnitude if not multiple ones. So cry moar you desperate fuck.

This in no way means it's fine to make false accusations. the goal isn't to convict as many guilty and be damned the innocent. The goal to the US justice system is to prove guilt to help reduce the number of innocent people that get punished for a crime they didn't commit. Unfortunately in this day and age, trial by public opinion and social media can ruin someone's life far too easily.

What kind of mental damage do you have that you're totally fine with the situation she described?

So what would count as rape for you?

Personally I don't think that the guy was exactly malicious, but he clearly didn't give a shit about consent once he started. So sure, not the shitty Chuck Norris movie violent gang rape that apparently is the only rape that qualifies as rape for some people, but that's not ok behavior either. She didn't just "regret it after" like you dishonest pricks are trying to claim, she perfectly explained she was not ok with it as it was occurring, but that the guy showed no concern and she felt incapable of doing more to resist so she just let it happen. That pretty strongly echoes a lot of women's experience and I absolutely can see why they feel they were raped.

I don't know, maybe you guys are used to women playing dead fish, crying from pain (and not in a good way that's been established beforehand or during), or staring off into space, but literally every woman I've ever had sex with has physically shown active interest in sex while it was happening. Sure, no doubt they've exaggerated or even faked some of the pleasure, but that's quite far from them saying "I don't think this is gonna work". If a woman tells you that and you continue, sorry, you're a rapist.

As for the guy not giving a shit about consent once started, she didn't say anything to him by her own words to indicate she wanted to stop. she just had a thought in her head. finger nails in the back isn't a sign of consent withdrawal. She "perfectly explained she was not ok with it as it was occurring" in a book. not to him. by her own words in the quoted section. Saying "i don't think this is going to work" doesn't seem like a consent withdrawal. Just a suggestion the position is bad or something. perhaps he changed position or what he was doing and she didn't say anything else. to him, things seemed fine most likely. keep in mind they are both minors. For every instance people want to say she isn't able to consent or too young to know what she's doing, i'd say the same for the 17 year old. I feel the same way about two drunk people fucking. if one can't consent, neither can the other. She could have done a few simple things more to pass along consent withdrawal. simply saying stop, or no, or yelling STOP, GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME. way better at just saying, "i don't think this is going to work" and then nothing else. Shit slapping him, scratching at his face would be even better. This is stuff i expect people to do to try and get out of bad situations.

As for her odd actions, i would suspect a 17 year old wouldn't know what to expect from a sexual partner either. Does he really know? to him, he's probably heard women digging their nails in your back means you're doing things right. I also didn't see where she said anything about crying.

So many things don't add up to it being a rape. a lot adds up to it being regret and her not wanting to admit to herself how early she became sexually active. For what reasons, i don't know. Some people regret it latter in life if they started that early. If she didn't come to that conclusion on her own, i would question rather a shitty therapist or crazy strict parents and child hood.


Oct 9, 1999
I guarantee you the number of men that committed sexual assault in the Navy likely outstripped that number by an order of magnitude if not multiple ones. So cry moar you desperate fuck.

So its ok to make false accusations? you are an idiot, false accusation ruin lives.

Ruining peoples lives and careers is not OK just because other people may have potentially committed crimes.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I guarantee you the number of men that committed sexual assault in the Navy likely outstripped that number by an order of magnitude if not multiple ones. So cry moar you desperate fuck.

You are so sad and whiny and pathetic you should probably just go ahead and blow your brains out.
Reactions: Rifter


May 28, 2007
I don't know, maybe you guys are used to women playing dead fish, crying from pain (and not in a good way that's been established beforehand or during), or staring off into space, but literally every woman I've ever had sex with has physically shown active interest in sex while it was happening. Sure, no doubt they've exaggerated or even faked some of the pleasure, but that's quite far from them saying "I don't think this is gonna work". If a woman tells you that and you continue, sorry, you're a rapist.

This. When you're having sex with someone you respond to what the other person is saying and what they're doing. As a man, you're always cognizant of the fact that you're much larger than them, and capable of hurting them. Especially if you're 17 and they're 14. It's insane to hear a woman say "I don't think this is going to work" and do anything but immediately stop and find out what's wrong. Goddamn insane.
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