What are you playing nowadays? Share yo' thoughts.


Mar 4, 2011
I've been playing surprisingly a lot of titles lately.

Halo Infinite [7/10].: Just an awesomely satisfying gunplay and combat in single-player. I've only played Halo 1 way back when. It still has the repetitive environment makes the progress very tedious... just like the first one which copy-pasted rooms not twice, but 5x throughout the game. Combat is just so tight and so much fun: I think you have about 20+ unique weapons with tons of vehicles and NPC squad action. This game could've been so much more. I'm about 50-60% done and don't really have the biggest urge to finish it now.

TinyTina's Wonderland [6/10]: I love Borderlands series, so I paid full MSRP for this. Playing Halo above made me realize how fun 3D shooting mechanic can be. This looter-shooter stand-alone sequel got high praises by critics, but it's still the same grindy / leveling gear mechanics and enemies feel so dumb and flat. Well, what did I expect in the EXP-based RGP-shooter. I stopped playing about 10 hours into it. Man, Borderlands 2 was great when it was fresh with an engaging story with peak humor.

Overwatch [10/10]: I keep coming back to this. This is Blizzard's one of the finest game. Very well polished with a great art direction. Peak multiplayer 6v6 game.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Civ IV(Best Civ) at the moment. Started Project Zomboid(8/10) few weeks back after a few weeks of Rogue Tower(8/10).
Reactions: Loopy13


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Hmmm... quite varied, but it's mostly in short bursts; except for one (which I'll get to at the end).

- Heroes of the Storm

Best, and only, MOBA game out there...

Yes, I exaggerate. But maybe not, lol. Honestly though, I have played a few other MOBAs (no, of course, not every single one of them in existence). I tried the 'big ones', League of Legends, SMITE, etc. I enjoyed League of Legends a bit, but not enough to keep playing (I don't "hate it", might play it again one day). I also enjoyed SMITE... and, well I mean by now they have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in there so... tough to argue now, it's a good game. BUT... they're not quite like Heroes of the Storm, for me. Trying to make this short but, essentially, HOTS is addictive, plain simple. I keep coming back to it, pretty much daily (very few days where I skip playing at least one single match). To me a clear sign of what is a 'good game' is quite simply that I keep coming back to it. It has charm, the voice acting for all the characters (even Murky) is amazing (well ok, maybe not Lunara or Chromie, they can both stay somewhere in a corner in Hell and never be heard again).

But more importantly what makes it so good for me is quite simply because the Characters are ones I care about, ones I can give at least one rat's arse for; and most of which I actually know at least by name, heard of them somewhere at some point, played as some of them in some capacity in my gamer life, or fought against them. They are Blizzard characters. And if Blizzard has always done something 'the right way' across most of its history as a development studio is making stylized, memorable (and often re-occurring) characters that will quite literally last the audience more than one full generation. Those are the type of characters you've at least heard of the first time as a young adolescent (if not a kid by now with the newer gamer generation), played as them in WoW, WarCraft, StarCraft, Diablo or Overwatch, and now you're in your late 20s (minimum), or approaching or entered your 40s and those same darn characters (and many of their respective voice actors) are STILL OUT THERE and active in their respective game and universe.

And THAT, in the end, makes the biggest difference for me. So yeah I play HOTS pretty much at least 1 or 2 matches every day, nothing too crazy, maybe 30 mins to 1 hour max per day; but I play it often.

- Overwatch

How surprising, I play a Blizzard game. Well what can I say, they make good characters, it's Blizzard, it's what they do; that's how it be, that's what it do. Now I didn't specify above about HOTS, but it applies to both HOTS and Overwatch but in addition basically to what I said about that made HOTS 'special' I'll add to that the SOUNDTRACK for these games, man. Both the soundtracks for HOTS and Overwatch is superb. Obviously, Overwatch (specially originally back in 2016, mostly coming off of it's first official trailer with the two kids at the Museum) has more of a 'super hero' esque sound and feel to it; with its main theme 100% inspired by The Incredibles (very fitting source of inspiration really). It's not going to please everyone, not everyone likes it when it sounds so... so typical almost Disney-esque to some degree, but at this point in time I think at least all the respective map's track introductions of this game gives so much variety that it's hard to fault.

But outside of the soundtrack, I really like Overwatch's simplicity of a multiplayer game, in the end. Now, DO NOTE: I do NOT play this game competitively. I do not touch the Comp mode, at all. I did once back in 2016 for about 19 minutes (it still shows in my account history, 19 minutes of Season 1 qualification something 'something in there somewhere). That was it. I understood right from the start when I first played this game in the first ever tutorial they had at the time with Soldier 76 that there was NO WAY I would attempt at playing this game 'seriously' when you have characters with "Ultimate" abilities that can auto-track for headshots on purpose, when you have a sniper with a wallhack and when you have a potentially mentality-unstable climate scientist that can completely lock-freeze your ENTIRE team in an AoE effect.

HOW any sane human beings whom happen to be video gamers can even spend 10 minutes in Comp mode in this game will always be a mystery to me.

But pushing the Comp mode out of the way, this game is a true little gem of gaming for me. I play it casually, 'for fun' and the heck of it. Now, yes, it is true that the actual community of this game is - more often than not - extremely childish, immature and susceptible to bursts of anger and desires of revenge (it really doesn't take much for many of them to go bunkers on you via mic or in chat) you'll ever face in an online gaming environment. But Blizzard provided the players great tools to avoid those as much as possible: the Mute and Block features; USE THEM, it's a Godsend.

My favorite way to play this game lately, however, isn't to just play Quick Match, but to search for unique and fun Custom Server games. I'm finding plenty of original ideas around and it's fun to just explore some of them. The best ones for me so far are the PvE-type games where you collaborate with other players to survive Hordes of enemies, or Boss Fights and so on. So lately I've been mostly browsing the Custom servers in search for unique stuff. When I don't find anything of my taste I just hop in a Quick Match or two and leave, have my fill. I also play OW for about 1 to maybe 2 hours almost every day. Not as often as HOTS, but recently yes I have played OW quite often.

- Total War: Warhammer 2

I'm mostly 'done' when it comes to Total War Campaigns, in general.

However, I've always played the custom matches whenever I could. And creating custom armies and simply treat the game like a direct-to-battlefield clashing of armies simulator now is the way to go for me. It's SO satisfying to just jump right away into the action without having to micromanage and play the Turn-Based portion of the campaigns. I've 'been there done that' when it comes to Total War campaigns, I've had my fill of them really. Started them with Rome: TW like many have here too. I played about 5 or 6 of their games with the Campaign as my main mode of play. But by now so many years later I'm fed up with the Turn-Based aspect of it all.

So yeah, TW WH2 'skirmishes' basically is what I do. I create my own armies and have them duke it out on the field and just watch the carnage ensue.

- Retro Gaming (General)

This is very broad, but there's quite a bunch in there. Basically this is referring to me basically playing short burst sessions of Beat 'em Ups, Shooters and Platformers. It ranges from old-school 8-bit to 16-bit era games in some Steam Collections to emulators to actual hardware + original games. I play anything from Contra and Streets of Rage and their respective modern Indie-made clones to old arcade racers and the likes. With your usual doses Super Marios and Donkey Kongs thrown in there for good measure. I also include Build-engine FPSes like Blood, Duke Nukem 3D and so on, a few of them are on my list right now (and currently installed).

I don't play those every single days though. It's more of a once-per-week kinda thing (sometimes two). This week was a short session with Road Rash 1 on Genesis (emulation), and Syphon Filter 1 on PS1 (original hardware and game). This week-end I'll probably have a few matches in MK1 (SNES version, also original hardware and game). Last week it was a mixture of Shooters (including Twin Cobra, one of my all-time favorite vertical-scrolling shooters).

Basically, whenever I play retro / old-school games it's limited to short sessions, I never play them from start to finish in one sitting or things like that. I play 1 or 2 maps of a Beat 'em Up, I play 1 or 2 tracks of a racing game, I play 1 or 2 matches of a Fighting game; etc. It's rarely more than 1 to 2 hours max, sometimes just 30 mins and it's enough. I just want to go back to some games I always loved, and some semi-new ones that I discover so many decades later.

- Elden Ring

Ah yes, Elden Ring. Praise the Elden Ring, indeed. This is the latest 'big boy' in the house.

I rarely play games this much anymore. But this one is an exception. It's the first time I play a game game this much since probably Breath of the Wild (which I did originally play about 200 hours on the Wii U version, although all that play time was greatly scattered over more than one year). The huge difference between Elden Ring and everything else I've been playing recently is that I simply haven't finished my first playthrough yet. This game Just. Keeps. On. Giving. It refuses to stop, it just doesn't. Whenever I think I've reached "near the end" there's a new portion of the map that apparently wasn't 'out of bounds' of the game world and is actually a map that I need to explore now, but this new map is just about as big as a full-fledged triple A game world on its own. This feeling of "Ok, now, this has to be close to the end" but isn't... happened about 3 times now.

And since I actually do really enjoy the game, I simply intend to finish it. But I'm exactly 102 hours in, level 120 now, and I STILL find new things, and I apparently still need to even reach one 'full map' that isn't revealed on my world map yet (in the fog of war part of it). It's truly an epic game in scale and proportions. I'm not even sure I can "100%" this. It's not quite my intention, although I do search and explore a lot of nooks and crannies but Jesus Christs man there's always yet another thing to find every time I take a new corner down a road, always something to 'distract' me from whatever objective I had in mind. It's not a negative, it's just making the game last longer.

So I just appreciate the game and I play it at least 2 to 3 hours a day, I skip one or two days at times to take some break. But I do often come back to it. At least I want to finish it one time. After that I'll be done for at least one or two months. I think I won't have a 2nd playthrough until the DLC comes out. I also expect some sort of Shuffling / Randomizer mod to come out at some point that will cover everything in the game (not just items, but enemies and maybe even weather patterns, etc). We'll see. But for now I just focus on this one first playthrough of mine, but man... this game is big, REALLY f_king big.
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Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
Mostly Quake Champions recently. But also Back4Blood with friends, a bit of Halo Infinite, as mentioned, and I played a match of COD Vanguard since it is free recently. Also I downloaded WoW, going to try the free version, see what it is like these days, though I doubt I will end up subscribing. And also I play ETQW at times, when I can make the events.

As for Blizzard games, I wish I had more friends who would do SC2 coop with me.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
Witcher 3: I finished the main campaign but not the DLCs. Great game with many interesting and intricate side quests, and the combat is fun and feels less grindy than other RPGs of that time. My favorite part was the whole Baron questline, he is a very complex character and I kept changing my views towards him as the quest unfolded. The rest of the game is a little overrated though, not the greatest RPG ever as some people say. The ending is short and unsatisfying given how much stuff you do to get to that point, and I liked Cyberpunk better overall. Still, I put in close to 100 hours over 2-3 months into it.

Splinter Cell Conviction: It's fun and immersive, but not a real Splinter Cell game with stealth at all, more like a cover shooter with hints of Max Payne. The story is kind of silly though. I'm a big fan of the older games, especially Chaos Theory, but had never played the newer ones. I like the visual style of having Sam's thoughts projected on the walls.

I'm now playing Deathloop. A very unique game with some major flaws, but I like it overall. It has that same style as Conviction with text on walls. I'll post more once I finish it.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Still waiting on Witcher 3 to get its 2022 "Enhanced Edition" update, which is rumored to include all the DLC in one free update to all W3 owners (and given the **** show that has been the Cyberpunk rollout and CD Projeck Red's tendancy to upgrade existing owners for free there is a good chance it'll happen). Not interested in starting/finishing the main game and then getting the supposedly very high quality DLC later when I likely will not revisit the game ever again.

As for right now, I just fired up Batman Arkham Origins, which is a maligned entry in the series but mostly because it didn't really do anything differently than City, which is fine by me. I'll treat it like comfort food.


Mar 4, 2011
Now, DO NOTE: I do NOT play this game competitively. I do not touch the Comp mode, at all.
No reason to be scared of competitive. At the end of the day, it's just playing a game.. There's no money or tournaments to be won. It's just a ladder rank- just a number that no one cares about.

I strongly encourage you to try it. The full round format makes it very engaging, rewarding, and fun. It's balanced because it supports multi-million dollar tournaments.

Soldier 76's auto-aim ultimate is one of the lower tier ult in current meta because it's simply not strong enough and requires too many conditions (shields removed, open ground, no corners).

Mei's AOE freeze ult is similar. Same goes for wallhack ult of Widow.

Don't worry if you feel you're not good. Due to the sheer player base, you will be matched with others that are as inexperienced as you. You just have to lose enough times for the ladder score to reflect that.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2015
Since i got nothing to play and some new games are expensive and require a better computer I decided to replay the whole Borderlands 2 with Reborn mod and then Borderlands 2: Presequel that will keep me busy for a long time.


Jun 3, 2011
Mostly Quake Champions recently. But also Back4Blood with friends, a bit of Halo Infinite, as mentioned, and I played a match of COD Vanguard since it is free recently. Also I downloaded WoW, going to try the free version, see what it is like these days, though I doubt I will end up subscribing. And also I play ETQW at times, when I can make the events.

As for Blizzard games, I wish I had more friends who would do SC2 coop with me.
you STILL play QC??
i abandoned it about a year ago, after another year of nothing but suffering. ridiculous mismatched games over and over (TDM), waiting half hour for a CA game, and the occasional issue with servers getting borked. It got to where i had 1 good game out of 10.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
I'm currently working my way through Shadow of the Tomb Raider during my solo sessions, and playing through Lego Lord of the Rings with my partner on weekends.


Nov 18, 2007
Bought RiftBreaker. Just a few hours in but I enjoy how they merged tower defense, base building and exploring.
Reactions: Ranulf


Oct 18, 1999
Since getting Elden Ring and Horizon on my PS5 I haven't turn on my PC in months. When I was doing PC gaming I was playing Cyberpunk 2077.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2005
Over the last few months:

* Gunfire Reborn - This is a FPS rogue lite. A bit similar in concept to Risk of Rain. Played with 2 other friends and a lot of solo play. We all really enjoyed this game and each of us put in around 160-180 hours.

* Risk of Rain 2 - Most people know what this is. We're still playing this occasionally when we can get on at the same time. I think I like Gunfire a bit more than this but it's still really good.

* Cyberpunk - Played it with patch 1.5. Pretty good game overall but it felt too easy. I played it on hard and it wasn't very challenging. The main quest and the quests around some of the major supporting characters were quite good. The rest were just eh. The game is very pretty and I think it could evolve into something fairly good. Bought it on sale so it was worth the price to me. I think I put in around 60 hours.

*Elden Ring - Great game. Finished it last week with about 65 hours in and lvl 140 something with no farming. They did such a fantastic job moving over Dark Souls to an open world game. But it is open world Dark Souls so things like story, quests and general information isn't presented very well, typical of their games. I also felt the game was a bit easy and had to purposely not use certain mechanics to up the challenge. I did replay their entire collection(besides Bloodbourne) in Nov thru Jan so maybe I was just in a grove with their games.

*Half Life Alyx - Just started this last night. Streaming to a Quest 2 using VD with a 3080 and 12700k the game runs at max settings no problem. It's a very impressive game and I wish all VR games were this good.

*Borderlands 2 - 3 of us started a coop only run and will probably take forever to finish as we're only playing it when we can all play. But you've all played this already so no need to explain it.


Jun 30, 2003
Beat WH40k: Battlesector

This game really impressed me. The music, the voice acting, the campaign progression (both your own units and enemies), the mission variety, the unit variety, weapon variety - all very well done. IMO, this is an A-class game in terms of how well it played, how good the mechanics felt (I was constantly playing 'just 1 more mission') and is well worth buying if you like tactical games (or on playing via Xbox Gamepass)

Improving the weapon sound effects would take it to an A+, no question. It's a shame because some of the effects are really enjoyable (flamers, chainswords, fragstorm grenades), while most bolt weapons, autocannons, and plasma weapons felt pretty meh.


Jun 3, 2011
i may look again into No Mans Sky as it seems they keep getting monster updates, im talking, stuff so good that it's comparable in notoriety, to the initial flop at launch.

Otherwise, im just playing quake clones. Shooty mcShootface. and Angband, ofc. (4.1.3)


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
i may look again into No Mans Sky as it seems they keep getting monster updates, im talking, stuff so good that it's comparable in notoriety, to the initial flop at launch.

Otherwise, im just playing quake clones. Shooty mcShootface. and Angband, ofc. (4.1.3)

Bought it last year and put a lot of time into it. It is really good if you like Exploration and flying around. There is a lot of sameness everywhere though, which undermines it somewhat. I enjoyed my time playing it and may play again after some Update or finish more of the Storyline. In many ways it is like Minecraft and can be played that way, except you are restricted to a limited amount of piece designs to Construct with.


Mar 4, 2011
Bought it last year and put a lot of time into it. It is really good if you like Exploration and flying around. There is a lot of sameness everywhere though, which undermines it somewhat. I enjoyed my time playing it and may play again after some Update or finish more of the Storyline. In many ways it is like Minecraft and can be played that way, except you are restricted to a limited amount of piece designs to Construct with.
I really wanted to like No Man's Sky, Subnautica, and the similar genre.

The entire gameplay is fetch x for y. Repeat until it unlocks more shiny ingredients.

I LOVE the idea of a survival exploration. And who didn't love astronomy as a kid? No Man's Sky should've wowed me but the aforementioned gameplay makes it too predictable for me.

Reactions: sandorski


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
I really wanted to like No Man's Sky, Subnautica, and the similar genre.

The entire gameplay is fetch x for y. Repeat until it unlocks more shiny ingredients.

I LOVE the idea of a survival exploration. And who didn't love astronomy as a kid? No Man's Sky should've wowed me but the aforementioned gameplay makes it too predictable for me.


- Id love a really solid fort building/survival game that wasn't multiplayer but also wasn't so lonely. Throw a narrative and an actual combat system in there and baby you'd really have a stew going...
Reactions: Zeze


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I really wanted to like No Man's Sky, Subnautica, and the similar genre.

The entire gameplay is fetch x for y. Repeat until it unlocks more shiny ingredients.

I LOVE the idea of a survival exploration. And who didn't love astronomy as a kid? No Man's Sky should've wowed me but the aforementioned gameplay makes it too predictable for me.


Ya, understood. I kinda like the grind like that, at times, it's relaxing. There's a lot they could do with it, I hope they continue releasing new content. I too tired of the routine enough to stop.
Reactions: Zeze


Mar 4, 2011
Oh yea, I couldn't like Elden Ring. Another game I WANTED to like. Yes, it's my first soul game. No I do not have a problem with dying many times.

I feel like every boss or larger grunts in the game are another 'dance dance revolution' input sequence to solve. Their combat feels too puzzley for me.

I quit after, at least, defeating Margit. Playing on a PC with a yesteryear's 1060 6gb didn't help.

Their open world didn't do too much for me either. A+ for effort and their amazing polish and time spent making it. 6/10 for my enjoyment.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
you STILL play QC??
i abandoned it about a year ago, after another year of nothing but suffering. ridiculous mismatched games over and over (TDM), waiting half hour for a CA game, and the occasional issue with servers getting borked. It got to where i had 1 good game out of 10.
Yeah, I still play Quake, but I don't really like the recent nailguns / shotguns changes though. And the MM is certainly weird at times. I think my biggest complaint is I rarely if ever get CTF or Sacrifice. I am not sure I will even get in the required matches this season to complete the challenges. I suppose I could always do more bot matches.

I am hoping the MM would improve if M$ / Bethesda or whoever could just get more people enticed to play.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
Oh, also, I did end up playing WoW on the starter edition. So far I have like a level 15 Dwarf Hunter. It is kinda neat, but I am not going to subscribe for $12+ per month.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
Lost Ark - Fun gameplay, diablo/poe like, massive p2w mobile like microtransactions, but perfectly fine to play without the $ if you don't care about keeping up with the whales. Tons of content as it has been released in Korea for years. Story is pretty meh though. (see the other thread in this forum for it)

Guardians of the Galaxy - good story, combat is OK, too many QTEs (not that many actually, but they always catch me off guard so I fail them, it is annoying).

Fortnite - no build mode is fun

Vampire Survivors - $3 roguelike/metroidvania, very simple controls (just move around, autoattacks), super fun and challenging.

Oh, also, I did end up playing WoW on the starter edition. So far I have like a level 15 Dwarf Hunter. It is kinda neat, but I am not going to subscribe for $12+ per month.

The WoW trial is kind of useless it is sooo restricted. FF XIV trial is really good as you can play through 2 whole games essentially.
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Sep 12, 2012
What am I playing? Its called IRL, or REAL LIFE. And ya'll need to get one.

Just kidding. I'm playing Dawn of Man.
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