What is with the 'boomer' misuse?

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Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I've been ok boomered a few times, that's when I realize I actually am old now. People born before 2004 are now adults so if your date of birth starts with 19... you're basically a boomer to them lol.
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Elite Member
May 21, 2001
It is like any other argument. Sides pick a word that they think is an insult and use it as an insult--rather than as its original meaning.

It is like someone calling an idea a socialist idea just because a conservative doesn't like the idea. Socialism in its most simple format is basically government owning businesses and who owns what often has nothing at all to do with the argument. Socialism is now their idea of a generic insult. Same with "woke". On the liberal side, they use "boomer" as a generic insult regardless of age or relevance to the baby boomers.


Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2012
It is like any other argument. Sides pick a word that they think is an insult and use it as an insult--rather than as its original meaning.

It is like someone calling an idea a socialist idea just because a conservative doesn't like the idea. Socialism in its most simple format is basically government owning businesses and who owns what often has nothing at all to do with the argument. Socialism is now their idea of a generic insult. Same with "woke". On the liberal side, they use "boomer" as a generic insult regardless of age or relevance to the baby boomers.

Maybe, but since the OP was reffering to Reddit, here's my observation.
I've noticed a ton of people on Reddit complaining they just graduated from college, and can't afford a brand new car, and a house. At the ripe old age of 22. It's like they think everything should be instant and easy. And their jobs are just so stressfull!

I used to get this garbage from my niece years ago, she would tell me how when I graduated high school I could get a house on minimum wage! Then I have to explain to her that I was 30 when we bought my house, WITH the help of a partner. And that I've only had one new car ever. Few new motorcycles. though they were a little cheaper.

Now she's in her 30's, she has a house (all on her own), and buys a new car every couple of years...go figure. She still says we had it better. OK!
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Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Maybe, but since the OP was reffering to Reddit, here's my observation.
I've noticed a ton of people on Reddit complaining they just graduated from college, and can't afford a brand new car, and a house. At the ripe old age of 22. It's like they think everything should be instant and easy. And their jobs are just so stressfull!

I used to get this garbage from my niece years ago, she would tell me how when I graduated high school I could get a house on minimum wage! Then I have to explain to her that I was 30 when we bought my house, WITH the help of a partner. And that I've only had one new car ever. Few new motorcycles. though they were a little cheaper.

Now she's in her 30's, she has a house (all on her own), and buys a new car every couple of years...go figure. She still says we had it better. OK!
Not sure why I was quoted, but I'll go with it. What percent of people at age 22 think they should instantly and easily buy a house and car? Probably close to 0%. Just because you notice a few loud-spoken people doesn't make it something that young people actually believe in any real quantity.

How about putting data to your post? Lets see the graph below. In the mid 1980s (which is when I think you bought your house, the median house cost just over 4x the median salary. Now it is 7.6x. No, you can't buy it at age 18 then or now. That would make your niece wrong. But you actually are more wrong than your niece, as it actually was far easier for you to buy your house at 30 than it was for her at age 30.
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Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Its sort of a corollary to "millennial" in that Millennial has come to mean "young spoiled person".

Millennials are in their 30's and 40's, in many cases established in their careers and getting the full brunt of the post Regan shitshow Boomer's left in their wake (full disclosure, I am a millennial). However the insult is used from a "soft kids, stop eating avocado toast and you can buy a house" perspective.

Boomer has come to mean "Old Spoiled Person".

Boomer's are in their late 60's and 70's and had their fair share of bullshit to deal with like Vietnam, Political Assassinations, and Stagflation. However the insult is used as a "You could graduate high school, get a job in a factory, and support a family on one income, stop acting like you know what having it tough means".

Any generation being reduced to a one word insult is not going to capture the complexity or breadth of the human experience.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Thanks for giving an example of people having no idea about the actual definition of socialism.

In order to enforce socialism, you need to basically own the truth, and be authoritarian. Soon here in Canada you'll be able to get life in jail for what you say online. In order for socialism to work, everyone needs to be in line and those out of line are removed from society. The USSR was socialist. It's in the name.
Reactions: Seba


Jun 30, 2003
In order to enforce socialism, you need to basically own the truth, and be authoritarian. Soon here in Canada you'll be able to get life in jail for what you say online. In order for socialism to work, everyone needs to be in line and those out of line are removed from society. The USSR was socialist. It's in the name.
You must think North Korea is very democratic then, right? After all, it's in the name (DPRK)


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
In order to enforce socialism, you need to basically own the truth, and be authoritarian. Soon here in Canada you'll be able to get life in jail for what you say online. In order for socialism to work, everyone needs to be in line and those out of line are removed from society. The USSR was socialist. It's in the name.
You were born in a socialism provided hospital. Pay it back you leech.
Reactions: Pohemi

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
You must think North Korea is very democratic then, right? After all, it's in the name (DPRK)

It's probably about as democratic as Russia. They do have elections as far as I know but there's usually just 1 candidate because they killed off the others. Democracy doesn't automatically mean the people have a say.

It's not quite that bad here but there is not much reason why it can't get that bad if the people let it.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
You were born in a socialism provided hospital. Pay it back you leech.

I've paid more than 100 fold that cost over my life time. Not my fault most of that money is not actually going towards the things it should. A good portion of what we pay is mismanaged. Like the multi million dollar arrivescam project as a single example. Or the F35s. Imagine how many hospitals just one F35 could upgrade.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
I've paid more than 100 fold that cost over my life time. Not my fault most of that money is not actually going towards the things it should. A good portion of what we pay is mismanaged. Like the multi million dollar arrivescam project as a single example. Or the F35s. Imagine how many hospitals just one F35 could upgrade.
Nope. You get all your provincial tax dollars returned to you in social services. In fact you get a few bucks extra. From Fraser Institute, your favourite Libertarian think tank.

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Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2012
Not sure why I was quoted, but I'll go with it. What percent of people at age 22 think they should instantly and easily buy a house and car? Probably close to 0%. Just because you notice a few loud-spoken people doesn't make it something that young people actually believe in any real quantity.

How about putting data to your post? Lets see the graph below. In the mid 1980s (which is when I think you bought your house, the median house cost just over 4x the median salary. Now it is 7.6x. No, you can't buy it at age 18 then or now. That would make your niece wrong. But you actually are more wrong than your niece, as it actually was far easier for you to buy your house at 30 than it was for her at age 30.
View attachment 98163
I bought my house in 1994. And yes, I agree they are far more expensive now.

But it was much easier for her to buy her house, she makes over double what I made when I retired two years ago. She still thinks we had it easier. She bought about 5 years ago before the pandemic madness.

Don't get me wrong, she's worked hard, and has a great education. It just seems her generation blames everything on "boomers".

I think every generation thinks the one before them had it easier, including mine.
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Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
So, how do those of you from your respective generations find it when another generation mislabels your generation, or worse, mislabels you?

I'm at the tail-end of Gen X. I don't get insulted if/when someone calls me a millenial, but I might just argue about the cutoff year between the two, lol (people claiming millenial gen started in 75 are full of shit)

As far as me calling other/older people "boomer" with any intended insult or vitriol...it's only the FYGM type. I understand the generational years/classes, but I apply the boomer term more as a signifier of attitude than of age. I call people boomers out of humor though, from friends to family members.
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Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Nope. You get all your provincial tax dollars returned to you in social services. In fact you get a few bucks extra.

View attachment 98169

That doesn't mean much at all, not sure what point you're even trying to prove here. We still pay the same taxes per person either way. Just globing everything together like that means absolutely nothing, considering there's less people here so of course the total tax dollar amount is less. It also shows that the government is being inefficient if they are spending that much money here per person where there is less big infrastructure and less hospitals and yet stuff is still crumbling. Not really my fault as a tax payer that they can't manage the budget better.
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
My only over reaching criticism of the older generation was/is their blind faith tied to their/others jobs. Hey my name isn't on the side of the building and what you are asking isn't in my job description, get fucked I'm leaving at a normal time to have a life. Add that to oh can you give us 2 weeks notice but when we are done with you, we'll have a check ready for that days wages and bye. Can't blame younger people for work/life balance that has grown tremendously (covid obviously helped accelerate this).
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I'm at the tail-end of Gen X. I don't get insulted if/when someone calls me a millenial, but I might just argue about the cutoff year between the two, lol (people claiming millenial gen started in 75 are full of shit)

As far as me calling other/older people "boomer" with any intended insult or vitriol...it's only the FYGM type. I understand the generational years/classes, but I apply the boomer term more as a signifier of attitude than of age. I call people boomers out of humor though, from friends to family members.
I'm Gen X and just play both sides. Older gen calling trying to rib me for being young I'll make fun of them for not being able to use their phone to do something. Younger gen calling me old? I'll remind them of perks I have of being one of the "elders" of the company.
Reactions: Pohemi

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Maybe, but since the OP was reffering to Reddit, here's my observation.
I've noticed a ton of people on Reddit complaining they just graduated from college, and can't afford a brand new car, and a house. At the ripe old age of 22. It's like they think everything should be instant and easy. And their jobs are just so stressfull!

I used to get this garbage from my niece years ago, she would tell me how when I graduated high school I could get a house on minimum wage! Then I have to explain to her that I was 30 when we bought my house, WITH the help of a partner. And that I've only had one new car ever. Few new motorcycles. though they were a little cheaper.

Now she's in her 30's, she has a house (all on her own), and buys a new car every couple of years...go figure. She still says we had it better. OK!

I totally sympathize with them, because back when I was that age inflation wasn't as bad, and we could afford those things. I bought my house at 23 around 2009 while working a help desk job. Good luck doing that today! That help desk job pays less than it did back when I was working it, and the houses are like 2x the cost, and so are all the monthly bills that are associated with it. I've never bought a brand new car though. Even back then I couldn't justify the cost, even though they were way cheaper.


Jan 12, 2005
In order to enforce socialism, you need to basically own the truth, and be authoritarian. Soon here in Canada you'll be able to get life in jail for what you say online. In order for socialism to work, everyone needs to be in line and those out of line are removed from society. The USSR was socialist. It's in the name.
That's a very truthiness post!


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
That doesn't mean much at all, not sure what point you're even trying to prove here. We still pay the same taxes per person either way. Just globing everything together like that means absolutely nothing, considering there's less people here so of course the total tax dollar amount is less. It also shows that the government is being inefficient if they are spending that much money here per person where there is less big infrastructure and less hospitals and yet stuff is still crumbling. Not really my fault as a tax payer that they can't manage the budget better.
You are aginst socialism, yet you make full use of it. That's called hypocrisy. So pay me the 8.8k per year I pay into provincial coffers to support your rural lifestyle or admit you are being subsidised.
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Reactions: Pohemi

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
You are aginst socialism, yet you take full use of it. That's called hypocrisy. So pay me the 8.8k per year I pay into provincial coffers to support your rural lifestyle or admit you are being subsidised.

Who says I am making use of it? Just because the services are there doesn't mean I use them. You have the same services that I do, so what are you complaining about, I'm not taking more than you are.

It's also ok to have SOME things be socialized, I never said I was against that. But full blown socialism is not a good thing either. It's basically taking everything you have and then giving only some of it back. But considering just how inefficient everything is now days I wouldn't be against privatizing more stuff and lowering taxes to compensate. For the amount of money we pay, what we get isin't all that much.

The USSR is the prime example of what true socialism is. The goal was to create a perfect utopia, and that is the goal of socialism as well, except it never works out that way. The ruling class are the ones that get most of everything. They take your wallet, and then give you 20 bucks, and say they're helping you.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
Who says I am making use of it? Just because the services are there doesn't mean I use them. You have the same services that I do, so what are you complaining about, I'm not taking more than you are.

It's also ok to have SOME things be socialized, I never said I was against that. But full blown socialism is not a good thing either. It's basically taking everything you have and then giving only some of it back. But considering just how inefficient everything is now days I wouldn't be against privatizing more stuff and lowering taxes to compensate. For the amount of money we pay, what we get isin't all that much.

The USSR is the prime example of what true socialism is. The goal was to create a perfect utopia, and that is the goal of socialism as well, except it never works out that way. The ruling class are the ones that get most of everything. They take your wallet, and then give you 20 bucks, and say they're helping you.
They were commies...and no NAZIs were not socialists either.

You mean you haven't been to the doctors for your foot? Socialism at work.

Here, read up on what your health unit does and spends on.
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