Rant Why America is descending into chaos - liberal policies against law enforcement

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Aug 4, 2000
Except the cops arent wearing those blindfolds. They're very selective in who they charge and go out of their way to not charge white people.

A lot of times a situation is escalated when a person who is under suspicion for breaking a law becomes uncooperative, wants to engage in a fist fight with the officer at the scene, take their gun or simply charge at them with a weapon.

To say that all cops are racist because they want to enforce the law (ie, do their jobs), is ignorant.

We should be smart about how to handle crime and address racial issues, which has been in focus more than ever since last year.
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May 11, 2002
A lot of times a situation is escalated when a person who is under suspicion for breaking a law becomes uncooperative, wants to engage in a fist fight with the officer at the scene, take their gun or simply charge at them with a weapon.

To say that all cops are racist because they want to enforce the law (ie, do their jobs), is ignorant.

We should be smart about how to handle crime and address racial issues, which has been in focus more than ever since last year.

Not so in my case dude.

Me and wife were shopping and one Trumpanzee grabbed my wife and told her to get the fuck out of his country.

When I said stop touching my wife, he assaulted me.

When the cops came, he loudly proclaimed, that's why he voted Trump so he didn't have to deal with people like "us" and they should deport us.

The whole thing was on surveillance video.. and yet the police wrote it as "mutual fight" since she had to claw his face to get him off her.

That happened in a liberal state like "New York". I can only imagine how bad other states will treat me if I were to be victimized by more angry white guys who are triggered into violence by just seeing an asian couple shopping.


Aug 4, 2000
Not so in my case dude.

Me and wife were shopping and one Trumpanzee grabbed my wife and told her to get the fuck out of his country.

When I said stop touching my wife, he assaulted me.

When the cops came, he loudly proclaimed, that's why he voted Trump so he didn't have to deal with people like "us" and they should deport us.

The whole thing was on surveillance video.. and yet the police wrote it as "mutual fight" since she had to claw his face to get him off her.

That happened in a liberal state like "New York". I can only imagine how bad other states will treat me if I were to be victimized by more angry white guys who are triggered into violence by just seeing an asian couple shopping.

Sorry to hear about that. I too have seen and experienced all sorts of things over the years that I dont want to mention here. But things like this happen all over the country and all over the world.

All we have is our wits and the law, and maybe situational awareness. Anyone at anytime can be the victim of crime including hate crimes.

There is a really good Youtube channel that analyzes attacks against random people and businesses all over the world and gives advice and insight into what to do if someone finds themselves in a similar situation:



Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Not so in my case dude.

Me and wife were shopping and one Trumpanzee grabbed my wife and told her to get the fuck out of his country.

When I said stop touching my wife, he assaulted me.

When the cops came, he loudly proclaimed, that's why he voted Trump so he didn't have to deal with people like "us" and they should deport us.

The whole thing was on surveillance video.. and yet the police wrote it as "mutual fight" since she had to claw his face to get him off her.

That happened in a liberal state like "New York". I can only imagine how bad other states will treat me if I were to be victimized by more angry white guys who are triggered into violence by just seeing an asian couple shopping.

Should have told the cop we were exercising our stand our ground…

which looks to be legal in NY


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2006
- Let all the illegals in and do not enforce immigration law. We need people to do menial labor and if they dont, threaten deportation. Those who are waiting to immigrate lawfully can just keep waiting.

Fine, lets do a reset, all immigrants, and children of immigrants must leave the USA.

That means all the white people BTW.

Give the country back to it's native inhabitants that white Europeans carried out genocidal acts against.

- Legalize pot and /or do not prosecute possession of small amounts of drug possession. The jails are full of harmless addicts who do not steal or commit crime to support their habits.

We have plenty of evidence from the rest of the world, that this leads to better outcome than the "war on drugs", which is more like a "war on marginalized people" in the USA.

- Let retail theft under $950 be a non jail-able offense. Just write them a ticket if we even bother with that much. They are only stealing to survive anyway.

And your solution is what? Capital Punishment for all offences? Jaywalking - Capital Punishment, speeding - Capital punishment... Is epic stupidity a crime??

Punishment/rehabilitation should fit the crime.

In many countries people are fleeing, the problems in their country are made worse by LACK OF LAW ENFORCEMENT. In many countries (not all), the police are corrupt, the legal system is broken or cannot effectively deal with criminal gangs / drug cartels / etc.

And it starts with allowing criminals to go unpunished.

Pretty sure it doesn't. Show me one country that had effective, civil society, that fell into chaos, after legalizing Pot, and more socially progressive approach to crime.

I can show a multitude of counter examples. The countries with the most lenient drug policies in Europe are the Netherlands ( Famous for legal smoking of pot in Coffee Shops, since the 1970's), Switzerland, and Portugal (where all drugs are decriminalized).

Not only did these places not descend into chaos, but they have a violent crime rate less than 1/4 that of the USA.

Obviously, decriminalization of drugs doesn't lead to rise in violent crime, and decline of civil society.

Liberal policies aren't the Problem.

For the actual problem, you would have to look in the mirror.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
In addition to drug policy, check out income inequality between US and Europe. Turns out if you aren't constantly living in fear of financial ruin from medical debt and have other social nets to support you then maybe, just maybe you are less desperate and won't have to resort to petty theft for things.


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Feb 6, 2002
Liberals do not understand the human toll that crime takes on people. They are too busy supporting soft on crime initiatives.

The ironic thing is when a liberal gets robbed. Then they are up in arms wondering where the cops are.

I can only smh and roll my eyes at the same time.
Were you even around in 2007?
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Feb 6, 2002
That is another mistake - to eliminate the impartial application of law regardless of the race of the offender.

Ever wonder why she is wearing a mask?

View attachment 54360

If you want to make an impact the time to act is before crime is committed. Teach morality, discourage drug and alcohol use, etc.

If someone has already been convicted, help them get rehabilitated so they will have a chance to lead productive, crime free lives.
Clearly you didn't learn morality, voting for Trump


Feb 6, 2002
A lot of times a situation is escalated when a person who is under suspicion for breaking a law becomes uncooperative, wants to engage in a fist fight with the officer at the scene, take their gun or simply charge at them with a weapon.

To say that all cops are racist because they want to enforce the law (ie, do their jobs), is ignorant.

We should be smart about how to handle crime and address racial issues, which has been in focus more than ever since last year.
Is the this "just behave and everything will be fine" argument? Think that applies to black people? Seen enough stories here to know that isn't true??

Too bad Tamir Rice and Jordan Crawford proved you wrong.

You are one of those idiots that thinks blacks and whites are treated equally by the criminal justice system.


Feb 24, 2009


Golden Member
Dec 8, 2018
Isnt a certain president forcing vaxes on people who do not want them under penalty of joblessness? I dont recall any recent president requiring all Americans to do something - or else.
Why are corporations different?? force you to piss for them to get a job or not? what's the difference here? Can you explain it?


Feb 1, 2008
It was Donald Trump who brought America into chaos. Democrats, on the other hand, are trying to repair that damage created by Trump's chaos. Its easy to burn down a house, and not so easy to rebuild that house. You can criticize the carpenter but you should be criticizing the destroyer instead. Or i know.... how about grabbing a hammer and nail and joining in on the reconstruction process by never allowing Donald Trump near the house ever again? Its never too late to do the right thing.
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Nov 4, 2004
It was Donald Trump who brought America into chaos. Democrats, on the other hand, are trying to repair that damage created by Trump's chaos. Its easy to burn down a house, and not so easy to rebuild that house. You can criticize the carpenter but you should be criticizing the destroyer instead. Or i know.... how about grabbing a hammer and nail and joining in on the reconstruction process by never allowing Donald Trump near the house ever again? Its never too late to do the right thing.

It started before Trump. In 08 the GOP abandoned democracy and chose party instead.


Jan 14, 2013
My ex who lived in NYC for 11 years and moved out August of 2020 due to COVID-19 came back to visit last week with her bf, who has never been.

She asked me about danger because her bf was concerned. I told her it's like it's been, maybe not as safe as 2019, which was the safest in ages, but just as safe as many of the years she lived here happily - just be alert on certain situations. Nightlife is lively again, people are out.

They had a great time and he loved it all. Never felt unsafe. They were out until 2am every night.

Total chaos if you listen to the right.

Tomorrow night when I go to the probably not that great Banksy exhibit and then dinner, I'll enjoy myself. Not listening to the scumbag propaganda loons of the right like the OP and paranoid about my safety.

These dumbfuck Texas hicks cowering in their homes armed to the teeth are annoying. It's a shame we have to live in the same country and can't separate these states.
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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I've been to Dallas once. And that was this summer. Flew into Love field and took the bus to the train station near it. Up on the train crossing I had to step over pile of human excrement. Took the train up towards Plano where I had to grab an uber for the last couple miles. At that train station there were guys pissing against the wall.

But it's only blue states that have that sort of problem I guess.
Dec 10, 2005
I've been to Dallas once. And that was this summer. Flew into Love field and took the bus to the train station near it. Up on the train crossing I had to step over pile of human excrement. Took the train up towards Plano where I had to grab an uber for the last couple miles. At that train station there were guys pissing against the wall.

But it's only blue states that have that sort of problem I guess.
It's a universal problem in American cities because we hate homeless people in this country. It's why we don't have public restrooms and benches in newer train stations.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I live in Portland, probably one of the worst cities with a homeless crisis in the country. I get it. I just get very tired of my Texas relatives thinking it's a uniquely Portland/liberal/blue state problem.


Feb 14, 2002
I've been to Dallas once. And that was this summer. Flew into Love field and took the bus to the train station near it. Up on the train crossing I had to step over pile of human excrement. Took the train up towards Plano where I had to grab an uber for the last couple miles. At that train station there were guys pissing against the wall.

But it's only blue states that have that sort of problem I guess.
I saw more homeless people in Austin, Texas, than in San Francisco, California. I was shocked and scared at the number of homeless tents. All the road bridges had tents of homeless living underneath. I felt really unsafe walking around downtown Austin at night compared to downtown San Francisco.


Jan 14, 2013
The richest country in the world with people that love keeping wages low, a healthcare system that bankrupts people, free community college is communism, all things that don't happen in much of Europe.

But here you have billionaire fanboys that defend their cult leader wanting to pay his employees less than the industry average. Or God forbid a tax may make him worth 200 billion instead of 210 billion, they cry out as if this is dastardly.

As long as we have people this out of touch, we will always have a bigger homeless problem in America than most other western developed nations


Feb 14, 2002
It's a universal problem in American cities because we hate homeless people in this country. It's why we don't have public restrooms and benches in newer train stations.
At least we have free public restrooms at train stations and elsewhere in this country.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Homelessness is much like healthcare in it's complexity and reasons it's such a problem. There's not a single problem, there's 100 different causes.
Homelessness has 4-5 different categories you can lump overall causes into, with another couple dozen factors feeding into each of those.

It's not something a single city can solve. It's a systemic problem we have no desire to address at the core.
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Jan 14, 2013
Homelessness is much like healthcare in it's complexity and reasons it's such a problem. There's not a single problem, there's 100 different causes.
Homelessness has 4-5 different categories you can lump overall causes into, with another couple dozen factors feeding into each of those.

It's not something a single city can solve. It's a systemic problem we have no desire to address at the core.
When you have a core group of people that find it offensive to take a billion dollars from someone worth 200 billion and put it towards social safety net programs. When you have a core group of people that when you talk about higher wages, find it offensive. When you have a core group of people that if you dare talk about not letting top 500 corporations pay almost nothing in income taxes they call it communist

We will never solve these problems in America as long as those people exist. Yes, there are many reasons for homelessness but a big one is just placing no value for core things.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2009
It was Donald Trump who brought America into chaos. Democrats, on the other hand, are trying to repair that damage created by Trump's chaos. Its easy to burn down a house, and not so easy to rebuild that house. You can criticize the carpenter but you should be criticizing the destroyer instead. Or i know.... how about grabbing a hammer and nail and joining in on the reconstruction process by never allowing Donald Trump near the house ever again? Its never too late to do the right thing.
He didn't bring it into chaos, he just accelerated the trend. The US had been on a bullet train to self-destruction for a while already.

As a Dutchman who has lived in LA for near 30 years, I believe the problem is the complete lack of nuance in what should CLEARLY be very involved and deep discussions and analyses. A friend of mine in Holland calls it "Binary Wisdom", like "mask work" without specifying what "work" means exactly. Americans are used to making everything easier and simpler, leading to a more and more childish culture, and world-view.

You can see it in the tribalism between the "right" and the "left", which as a foreigner seem more similar than different, yet have devolved into endless screaming and name-calling. There is no more middle. You can see it in the way folks talk about the homeless; about half of my neighbors, including MANY Dems have zero compassion, grouping them ALL together as losers, drug addicts and worthless humans, with NO room for the nuance and crucial details that might help in easing this disaster.

In general, we must be VERY careful with making things easier, because they're quite often not better that way. Look at the convenience of cars: it's helped make Americans fatter than whales, together with the incredibly easy availability of food 24/7. The echo chambers of Social Media have made connecting with like-minded individuals a cakewalk, resulting in LESS exposure to a challenging opinion or two which you might be exposed to in the old world simply by being surround by those have them.

So now, we're at a point where half the women in this country get more and more unhappy as they inevitably get old, because the women they see on TV are "not aging". They will risk their lives with operations to try to look younger, putting disgusting plastic sacks in their chests, slicing their faces, starving themselves, and what do the men do: at least half ENCOURAGE this kind of behavior, because they TOO want to stay children their entire lives.

And now there's Covid. Expertly mismanaged by BOTH Trump AND Biden, but the criticism from the people I know is almost PERFECTLY aligned by Political affiliation. It's Tribalism at its worst and it WILL lead to the self-destruction of the US if we're not careful.
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