Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

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Oct 18, 2005
Putin has been in power, rising to the occasion and becoming the sole decision-maker of the country.

The word whoever wrote that sentence is looking for is DICTATOR

What an absolute shite way to soft pedal the creation of a dictatorship and the systematic theft of a country’s wealth.

If those are your words you might want to consider how far you have become divorced from reality.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
I don't know, every country is different has has different "red lines." For China, its Taiwan. For Russia, its Ukraine and Georgia. For America, its Europe, the Western hemisphere, South China Sea, East Asia, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea and many more which I will not mention. So it appears Russia's red lines are a lot less than America's. And China's are even less than that.
First of all, you forgot to list the South China Sea with Taiwan. But fundamentally, yours is a false comparison at it's base. China wants to subjugate Taiwan's democracy just like they're doing in Hong Kong. Already done? Tibet, the Uighers (sic), And if you don't think the Philippines and even Vietnam et. al WANT the US in the South China Sea to at least counterbalance the rapacious Chinese, who want the whole damn sea, think again.

Same for Russia with Ukraine and Georgia, subjugation by force. All of Europe wants the US there as a shield against fucking Russia. East Asia, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean? Show me where and how we are subjugating anywhere by force, or threatening to.

See? False comparison.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I don't know, every country is different has has different "red lines." For China, it’s Taiwan. For Russia, it’s Ukraine and Georgia. For America, its Europe, the Western hemisphere, South China Sea, East Asia, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea and many more which I will not mention. So it appears Russia's red lines are a lot less than America's. And China's are even less than that.
So if America had a red line in Iraq that’s fine?

Young Grasshopper

Senior member
Nov 9, 2007
I don't know, every country is different has has different "red lines." For China, its Taiwan. For Russia, its Ukraine and Georgia. For America, its Europe, the Western hemisphere, South China Sea, East Asia, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea and many more which I will not mention. So it appears Russia's red lines are a lot less than America's. And China's are even less than that.

If you remember during the Cuban Missile crisis raildogg, our country almost got into a nuclear ear with the USSR because the Soviet Union attempted to set up missile silos not on the US’s borders, but in Cuba, a country with a body of water separating them. We even set up a naval blockade in Cuba.

But it’s totally fine when we set up secret CIA bases right on Russia’s border! No problem at all!

Then the resident stooges get outraged when Russia defends itself against NATO aggression.

If you poke the Russian bear enough, expect to get bitten back.



Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
If you remember during the Cuban Missile crisis raildogg, our country almost got into a nuclear ear with the USSR because the Soviet Union attempted to set up missile silos not on the US’s borders, but in Cuba, a country with a body of water separating them. We even set up a naval blockade in Cuba.

But it’s totally fine when we set up secret CIA bases right on Russia’s border! No problem at all!

Then the resident stooges get outraged when Russia defends itself against NATO aggression.

If you poke the Russian bear enough, expect to get bitten back.

Germany defends itself against Polish aggression.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
There is this thing called diplomacy which is now a very alien word to the West. Yeah Russia had demands prior to the Ukraine war but that is where diplomacy comes in. You cannot get all you want. If America and NATO were serious about peace they would have sat with Russia and talked. But no, they outright rejected Russia's concerns, from what I know. Leaving no room for talks. So you asked me to provide proof saying whether Russia said it would not invade if Ukraine would not be let into NATO - well, this did happen and NATO and America refused to talk any further. Did NATO and America think Russia was fooling around with national security? If they did, they have made a very serious miscalculation with Ukraine's security.

"The demands include a ban on Ukraine entering Nato and a limit to the deployment of troops and weapons to Nato’s eastern flank, in effect returning Nato forces to where they were stationed in 1997, before an eastward expansion."
No you just moved the goalposts because you found out Russia wanted much more than just Ukraine not joining NATO. Russia wanted NATO rolled all the way back to 1997 and it wasn't going to happen.

Instead Putin decided that Ukraine shouldn't exist anymore as a separate nation and that the people of Ukraine where actually just Russian. Putin thought that Ukraine would fold just as they did in 2014 when Russia grabbed Crimea. Instead Ukrainians decided they have had enough and now we are 2+ years into a war that Putin wanted because he thought he could grab Ukraine just like Nazi Germany thought they could grab Poland in 1939. Now hundreds of thousands of people are dead to appease Putin's ego.



Jul 17, 2003
So your theory is that Putin is incredibly stupid and embarked on this war to prevent something that would have never happened?

He doesn't have a theory, he can't even use the word moot correctly. He's just here to spew indignant nonsense and try to make people see Russia as a victim.

Ukraine has accomplished a lot on it's path to joining NATO. They'll get there, eventually. Just need to expel the orcs first.

Now would be a great time for a Jewish Space Laser to fall from orbit and land on MTG I think.


Aug 5, 2000
Young Grasshopper needs to change his name to something like Geezer Grazzcrawler because his shtick has gotten really old, really really fast. He needs to stop flogging that same 'ol dead nag he's stripped to the bone and come up with some original entertaining bullshit that he thought up himself. It was fun watching him making a complete ass of himself from the get-go but man-oh-man the same 'ol act over and over again, well suffice to say the thrill is gone. C'mon man, you need to get some pep in yer step, some bop in yer hop, some gliiiiide in yer stride.....dude.


Jun 23, 2004
Interesting to see people make accusations of someone being a...
When you fervently and consistently parrot Kremlin talking points, verbatim.... ad nauseam.
It adds up. Words of denial mean nothing compared to the actions you have taken, and will continue to take.

The only benefit you have over the other imbeciles is a firm grasp of the English language. Not just random shit slinging, but a sharp agenda driven narrative.
Your dogmatic adherence to it gives you away, like a giant red flag.

Go ahead, tell us how Putin should be removed from power.
Tell us how Russia needs a different government, so that people may live and stop dying to that megalomaniacal dictator.
Tell us Russia started the war and Russia is guilty of horrific war crimes each and every day.
Tell us Russia deserves to be bombed for these crimes.

Any human would.
Reactions: Meghan54


Mar 17, 2008
Bud, the only fascists here would be those who refused to give peace a chance and were cheerleading for more war. This all could have ended 2 years ago with Ukraine agreeing to the peace deal that was negotiated between Ukraine and Russia in Instanbul.

Ukraine pulled out(again) at the behest of Boris Johnson and NATO. I guess from NATOs perspective, a 2 month long war at that point wasn’t enough time to ‘try out’ their useless sanctions and see how they would work. Or their ‘combined arms’ warfare. Or how they’re ’air defenses’ work against Russian missiles.

Maybe one day you will see this war was nothing more than a test run for NATO to see how sanctions, warfare strategy, and air defenses would actually work in a direct war with Russia. Oh and how could I forget, launder billions of US/european taxpayer money thru Ukraine and right back into the pockets of the military industrial complex.

Time to throw in the towel guys. Better to negotiate peace with the Russians now, versus Ukraine being left a rump state, being bombed back to the Stone Age, along with NATO getting humiliated in the process.

Russia has broken every single treaty or agreement that Ukraine has entered with them, it's not worth the paper it's signed on.

Russia's "word" is worth about the same as Nazi Germany's at this point. In case you're confused, that means it's worth less than dogshit.

Budapest Memorandom. Minsk 1, Minsk 2 ... All of them buttfucked by Russia. Trying to turn the blame on Ukraine is idiotic at best.

Random thought, if Minsk was ever viable how can the territories suddenly "democratically vote" to be annexed by 99% of the vote?

- That's the lying sacks of shits we're dealing with.

Russia is a pest.
Reactions: Meghan54


Mar 17, 2008
So it is now admitted that US wants to use Ukraine as cannon fodder because it does not want to directly fight Russia?

Create millions of refugees, along with so many casualties so you can use Ukraine to cause damage to Russia?
God you're demented. You really hate your own origin story that much that you'd want to burn it down and turn it over to autocracies? You belong in a mental institution, something is wrong with your head - something related to self-harm.

Anyway, I get that Poland is first line here, but all countries across Europe has gotten Ukrainian refugees. I am happy to report that they're all plug'n play, a perfect fit.
That is problematic on it's own accord though, cause come Russia's defeat optimal circumstances would be for them to migrate back home and rebuild, however many of them may not want to go back and we wont want them to.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002


Mar 17, 2008
There is this thing called diplomacy which is now a very alien word to the West. Yeah Russia had demands prior to the Ukraine war but that is where diplomacy comes in. You cannot get all you want. If America and NATO were serious about peace they would have sat with Russia and talked. But no, they outright rejected Russia's concerns, from what I know. Leaving no room for talks. So you asked me to provide proof saying whether Russia said it would not invade if Ukraine would not be let into NATO - well, this did happen and NATO and America refused to talk any further. Did NATO and America think Russia was fooling around with national security? If they did, they have made a very serious miscalculation with Ukraine's security.

"The demands include a ban on Ukraine entering Nato and a limit to the deployment of troops and weapons to Nato’s eastern flank, in effect returning Nato forces to where they were stationed in 1997, before an eastward expansion."

The Guardian

America and NATO wanted to gobble up all of Europe all the way up to Russia's border and excepted Russia to shut its mouth and take it. It turns out that was not the case. You may not like it but every country has "red lines" and abilities to tolerate certain actions.

I think at one point Russia wanted to be part of NATO?

Interesting Turkish article:

According to the Kremlin, Russia is fighting Ukraine, or Vladimir Putin's words, “Little Russia,” to prevent NATO’s eastern expansion across Eastern Europe. While Kiev is not a member of NATO, Russia is fighting forces trained and armed by the Western Alliance.

But at one point in history, Putin’s Russia wanted to join NATO.

“Russia is part of European culture. And I cannot imagine my own country in isolation from Europe and what we often call the civilised world. So it is hard for me to visualise NATO as an enemy,” said Putin, the country’s acting president in 2000, three weeks before the election, which made him president.

At the time, Putin’s words were interpreted as extending an olive branch to the West. Since then, Putin has been in power, rising to the occasion and becoming the sole decision-maker of the country.

The same year, according to the then-NATO chief George Robertson, Putin bluntly asked: “When are you going to invite us to join Nato?” Robertson advised the Russian president that he needs to “apply to join NATO” and not expect an invitation.

Now, under massive Western sanctions isolating Moscow from Europe and with much of the “civilised” world allied with Washington, Russia has reached a point that its long-serving president could not have imagined two decades ago. His words now sound like those of a man with an unfulfilled desire for an impossible love affair with NATO.

Some experts believe it could have been real if the West had taken Russia’s membership prospects seriously back in 2000 or the 1990s when Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, and Russian Federation’s first President Boris Yeltsin also lobbied for Moscow’s entrance to the alliance. Had it happened, the current Russian onslaught on Ukraine could have been prevented.

“Because they thought that they had won the Cold War and could dictate all the terms as Russia was 'beaten'. They were high on the euphoria of a perceived victory rather than a massive opportunity for peace and security,” says Gregory Simons, an associate professor at the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University.

“They did not regard Russia as an equal and probably thought to use the idea of membership as a means of compliance. Like the EU has done to Turkey for years,” Simons tells TRT World.

I am sure we can get some crowdfunding going for one way tickets going to Russia for *everyone* who wants to go.. on terms that they tear up their current citizenship of course. No refunds.

You wanna go live in Russia?

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
Russia is pretty sure Ukraine is theirs to do with as they see fit. They don't seem to imagine anything that they're doing is in fact actually grounded in anything wrong in the least. It may be madness but sometimes it's good to see what's behind the madness. During that Tucker interview, Putin basically all but comes out and says this. Imagine if the south in the USA successfully seceded and one day down the line the north or south began invading the other. The north or south can reasonably be expected to presume the other is perfectly fit to be invaded and that there is no problem with it, as "in all actuality" they're just invading themselves and everyone who has an issue with it should, well, piss off and leave their domestic affairs alone.

Before someone jumps a mile up my ass I never said it was okay nor permissible, but that's what's going on here ... in essence. The reason why we (USA) aren't putting our own boots on the ground, outside of Ukraine not being in NATO, is it's not a hill worth dying on if it could end up jeopardizing our own citizenry as one of government's primary functions is protection of their own. Russia has that one wild card up their sleeve, nukes. I can see in no way that they would actually use them against us so long as we stayed out of Russia proper -- but you don't fuck around with that risk, so we haven't, nor will we anymore than we are. It's one thing for a European country to start showing up in Ukraine, the USA positively has zero business being there being so far removed.

I could go down a rabbit hole that this is a profitable venture, we can sell some weapons and rebuild shit later and more or less own Ukraine and that Russia is actually, inadvertently, working on our behalf and that everything they destroy we'll make money back in the end, but yeah. That's a possibility. Trick with that is whopping Russia on the head before they take over the entire country, that's essential. Or force a settlement / drag them before a negotiation table -- this is what will happen, like it or not. This will end up being negotiated in the end, I know that will rest well with the majority. Then Russia's neighbors will race to arm themselves to the teeth before they start doing cute shit again -- which they apparently should have done all along. Brace yourself for anger.

We don't give a shit about the Ukrainians. Nobody but Ukrainians really do. I've been saying this for years at this point, this would be over if we wanted it to be. We've got people in forums who care, but the governments don't. FYI, even if I don't like you, I can usually find some way to acknowledge good points. I rarely, and I do mean rarely, wholesale discredit what is said if it's a good point. That's why, and how, I can find ways to appreciate what some of our most tolerated participants have to say at times. Sometimes I think they make a good point like anyone else. Sometimes I think not like anyone else, but I don't feel a need to sit here and argue about shit that often and be divisive. These global events are firmly out of my control, I can do nothing about it. Preposterous to presume I can. Back in the 90s on USENET when I was younger with less going on? Yeah I'd argue just for the shit of it. There's not a day I'm not working (small biz delights.) Good day to y'all, may your fortunes shine and let's hope all these everyday Russians and Ukrainians stop being thrown into a blender sooner rather than later.
Reactions: Mahboi and Meghan54


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
We don't give a shit about the Ukrainians. Nobody but Ukrainians really do.

projection for your perspective. I find this claim to be completely untrue.

You say this because you don't like how their defense is being organized and how we aren't doing enough to destroy Russia--I think everyone agrees with that, but this claim of yours rejects your earlier point that Russia dangles the threat of nukes to prevent total war that will end the concept of Russia within weeks. So..which is it? are we handtied from doing more than we should do, or we actually don't give a shit about the people dying for their own freedom?

You're defeating your own points by falling under the hopelessness that you can't control events; therefore we simply "must not care" because more could be done.

You sound like a Quisling just like that gosthuevos chump--just let the Russians roll in and finish it all, if we are doomed to accept genocidal despotism.

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
Then why have western countries been sending billions in aid? They have too much money and don't know what to do with it? I'm not even talking about military aid, just look at the numbers for financial and humanitarian aid.
To keep the lights on for one and civil services in general and it's all for nothing in the end if they fall.

We could send a trillion dollars today, tomorrow, and twice next Tuesday. It isn't going to change the course of the war for the better in the end. It's a goddam black hole. It's pissing money away. They cannot get the gear they need, they obviously aren't even being allowed to buy all of the things they need.

Or, we could do what Zelly recently asked for, and somehow round up 25 Patriot systems to blanket Ukraine. That would be the start of turning the tide. Currently, Ukraine is fucked because there is no will to provide equipment that will enable Ukraine to at least have a remotely fair chance. Yeah Russia is losing a shit ton of personnel and stuff, but they've got a shit ton to lose and will probably manage to end up with everything east of the Dnieper and Odesa if things don't turn around while we hope for the kindness of their heart they don't just keep on going.
Reactions: cytg111


Jul 17, 2003
Paging raildog.... You now seem invested in trying to prove you are not completely full of shit and capable of basic comprehension. So take a swing.

"Here, softball for you:

If America invaded Mexico, for whatever reason, and started targeting civilians - killing them, torturing them, raping them, kidnapping children, attempting to stamp out Mexican identity and Spanish as a language... that would be bad, right?"


Mar 17, 2008
We don't give a shit about the Ukrainians. Nobody but Ukrainians really do.
I dont know about that.
I do. You do. A shit-ton of people actually cares about Ukraine.
It's the system we've build that doesnt care about Ukraine.

The way I see it, us, the peasants, through multiple confrontations with our betters have carved out these democracies for ourselves, rules of law, all the good stuff. Problem is that regular peasants dont want power. The same psychopaths that wanted power 200 years ago still want power though, they're just constrained within this framework we've managed to put together (in democratic countries of course), so it's still these psychos actually running things... And the framework doesnt reward them for putting Ukraine first.
The good hearted visionary idealistic leader is so far in between - it's not enough.
Reactions: Zor Prime


Jul 17, 2003
Then why have western countries been sending billions in aid? They have too much money and don't know what to do with it? I'm not even talking about military aid, just look at the numbers for financial and humanitarian aid.

I wish no one cared about me enough to send hundreds of billions in toys and the world's choicest currency my way.

Def my kind of apathy. Oh the anguish. Aide moi!
Last edited:


Mar 17, 2008
To keep the lights on for one and civil services in general and it's all for nothing in the end if they fall.

We could send a trillion dollars today, tomorrow, and twice next Tuesday. It isn't going to change the course of the war for the better in the end. It's a goddam black hole. It's pissing money away. They cannot get the gear they need, they obviously aren't even being allowed to buy all of the things they need.

Or, we could do what Zelly recently asked for, and somehow round up 25 Patriot systems to blanket Ukraine. That would be the start of turning the tide. Currently, Ukraine is fucked because there is no will to provide equipment that will enable Ukraine to at least have a remotely fair chance. Yeah Russia is losing a shit ton of personnel and stuff, but they've got a shit ton to lose and will probably manage to end up with everything east of the Dnieper and Odesa if things don't turn around while we hope for the kindness of their heart they don't just keep on going.
In a tit for tat escalation Russia has thrown down the last card, we need to figure out if we want to play one ourselves.
The last card Russia has played is "We're willing to got to total-war" - the outcome is of existential importance to us.
So. Do we ramp up weaponry production to match Russia's output? Or do we fold? (and let Ukraine fall).
Reactions: Zor Prime
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