Harvey Weinstein sexually assaults women

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Oct 6, 2009
That bastion of morality in the White House as you call it is there because of the continuing lowering of economic standards thanks to trickle down corporate America combined with the moral decay and lowering of ethical and moral standards in which Hollywood and their ilk play no small part continually brainwashing Americans 24/7 through the media, in effect helping make things like "pussy grabbing" not big enough of a deal to have someone drop out of a political race when in the past it would have instantly killed any politicians career.

As for Weinstein he just didn't abuse his power to get laid but shut down earlier news stories about him in the supposedly unbiased media as well as getting the DA in New York City to drop sex assault allegations.

Something that many are complaining Trump wants to do now to the media and his ongoing attempts to obstruct justice in the current investigation on him,

and for all those who believe that weinstein and other celebrities shouldn't be held to the same criticism as politicians, the moment they open their wallets or use their celebrity bully pulpit to influence elections and politicians they are no longer innocent concerned citizens who shouldn't be judged or criticized like politicians.

Nobody but the most retarded among us are claiming that HW or other celebrities shouldn't be criticized. What people are saying is that Trump supporters who are using HW to attack Hillary should go fuck themselves.


Junior Member
Oct 13, 2017
Interesting to see how there is this difference in opinion over what he did:

Mr. Weinstein believes that all of these relationships were consensual.

I'm sure you know that in criminal justice there is no room for honesty because the consequence of honesty is not truth, it is condemnation.

So if you want people who speak truth and who speak it sincerely you must not prosecute them, it's as simple as that.

But you knew that right.

What I find more interesting myself is what men in general think will happen to them once all forms of sexual approach including "inappropriate questions" or "indecent proposals" will get vilified.

Which they already are really.

Reportedly, 2 out of 10 women will say yes if you ask them to have sex, directly.

The other 8 are disgusted.

So what is interesting to me is whether you prefer a society in which this type of question is made illegal.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2001
Nobody but the most retarded among us are claiming that HW or other celebrities shouldn't be criticized. What people are saying is that Trump supporters who are using HW to attack Hillary should go *** themselves.

Hillys an easy mark considering the past and recent comments.


May 30, 2008
I'm sure you know that in criminal justice there is no room for honesty because the consequence of honesty is not truth, it is condemnation.

So if you want people who speak truth and who speak it sincerely you must not prosecute them, it's as simple as that.

But you knew that right.

What I find more interesting myself is what men in general think will happen to them once all forms of sexual approach including "inappropriate questions" or "indecent proposals" will get vilified.

Which they already are really.

Reportedly, 2 out of 10 women will say yes if you ask them to have sex, directly.

The other 8 are disgusted.

So what is interesting to me is whether you prefer a society in which this type of question is made illegal.

What the hell are you babbling about?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
What sort of moron thinks political bent is relevant when it comes to a topic like this? Good job on getting yourself propagandized and brainwashed, how about growing some independent thought?

Rapists, murderers, pedophiles and thieves come in all stripes and colours, political bent is irrelevant. How does it make fanatical Republicans feel better that a liberal movie producer enjoys sexual harassing and assaulting just like the POTUS

Given the choice between having a POS raper who makes movies in my country or having the leader of my country be a POS raper, I think I'm going with the former!

It was also the evil lefty media that exposed Weinstein: the evil, failing New Yorker and the failing loser New York Times.

The attempts to politicize this from the right is laughable. As if the evil right-wing media has any kind of history of outing their own rapists. Nah, just a long, long history of supporting their favored rapists financially and burying the stories and forgiving them their "transgressions" and their "boys will be boys!".


Apr 8, 2013
Well, it's not totally irrelevant because part of being on the left (if you ask me) is being suspicious of power imbalances and not treating some people as inherently better than others. So it's particularly depressing when leftists become overawed by fame and glamour. The right never even pretends to be egalitarian in the first place, so it's quite consistent for them to admire and defer to the rich. It's more hypocritical when the left does it. And more depressing.
I say that as much as a reminder to myself as anything.

If "the left" is so "over-awed" why is there no leftist anywhere defending Weinstein?


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
That bastion of morality in the White House as you call it is there because of the continuing lowering of economic standards thanks to trickle down corporate America combined with the moral decay and lowering of ethical and moral standards in which Hollywood and their ilk play no small part continually brainwashing Americans 24/7 through the media, in effect helping make things like "pussy grabbing" not big enough of a deal to have someone drop out of a political race when in the past it would have instantly killed any politicians career.

As for Weinstein he just didn't abuse his power to get laid but shut down earlier news stories about him in the supposedly unbiased media as well as getting the DA in New York City to drop sex assault allegations.

Something that many are complaining Trump wants to do now to the media and his ongoing attempts to obstruct justice in the current investigation on him,

and for all those who believe that weinstein and other celebrities shouldn't be held to the same criticism as politicians, the moment they open their wallets or use their celebrity bully pulpit to influence elections and politicians they are no longer innocent concerned citizens who shouldn't be judged or criticized like politicians.


So, Republicans (Christian conservatives included) were brainwashed by the elitist Hollywood liberals into voting in a man into office and continuing to defend a man with low ethical and moral standards, whereas those same elitist Hollywood liberals fought hard not to have him elected because of his low ethical and moral standards. Mind Blown...

What happened to the party of personal responsibility?

I don't believe private citizens should be held to the same standards as elected officials, but what you are doing here is holding a private citizen to a higher standard than you have held the President of the United States to. Remember, Weinstein was fired, is a pariah and some say are concerned he may try to commit suicide, while Trump is President, being prayed for by the Christian right.
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Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
So, Republicans (Christian conservatives included) were brainwashed by the elitist Hollywood liberals into voting in a man into office and continuing to defend a man with low ethical and moral standards, whereas those same elitist Hollywood liberals fought hard not to have him elected because of his low ethical and moral standards. Mind Blown...

What happened to the party of personal responsibility?

I don't believe private citizens should be held to the same standards as elected officials, but what you are doing here is holding a private citizen to a higher standard than you have held the President of the United States to. Remember, Weinstein was fired, is a pariah and some say are concerned he may try to commit suicide, while Trump is President, being prayed for by the Christian right.

You're trying to have a conversation with a cult member.


Apr 8, 2013

LOL @ Linsday Lohan. She endorsed Romney in 2012 after endorsing Obama in 2008. She' also appears to be a supporter of Trump. She once said that she doesn't like to take sides on politics because she doesn't want to alienate half of her fans.

I don't know if she's liberal, conservative, or apolitical. I do know that she's about as big a moron as you'll find on this planet. Is this the best you can do?
Jul 9, 2009
Quite frankly the problem is that people of power, people that should be the ones act the best, to achieve greatness and to be the most honest and inspiring are all too often the pieces of cheating shit that disgust everyone around them.
"With great power comes great responsibility"

With any power comes responsibility.

And yes I'm not particularly happy with President Trump, i'm tired of his assholishness, his tweets and his idiocy, but the alternative was worse imo.


May 30, 2008
If "the left" is so "over-awed" why is there no leftist anywhere defending Weinstein?

I want to argue this point, but I'm not I'm not sure it's a good idea in a forum full of conservatives.

I'm not saying anyone is defending him _now_ (who could, at this point? Now the floodgates have opened for the truth to come out)

There are leftists who are on record as saying positive things about the guy in the past, and I could cite lots of general examples of leftists being overly impressed with fame and celebrity.
Sometimes that comes back to bite you, unfortunately. I just think this demonstrates that it's probably a good rule to be cautious around those with wealth and power, whichever team they claim to be on.

Whoopi Goldberg's bizarre defence of Roman Polanski was an earlier example of the problem.

Not at all claiming those on the right are 'better', just that they can get away with it more easily because bowing to wealth and power is far from inconsistent with their general ideology.

It's why I don't know that its particularly a good thing when Hollywood types and other celebs get treated as especially important when they make political pronouncements, even if they are liberals.


Junior Member
Oct 13, 2017
What the hell are you babbling about?

The same people attacking Weinstein are also attacking colleagues of him who never engaged in any physical harassment or force, but used "words" to get laid.


May 30, 2008
The same people attacking Weinstein are also attacking colleagues of him who never engaged in any physical harassment or force, but used "words" to get laid.

Links to examples?

Words can be a problem if someone is in a position of power. Depends on the context of course.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012

I would say that you are not representative of the Right, but unfortunately you are. The fact that you somehow believe Lindsey Lohan represents the left of this country (she holds no office, is not an intellectual leader of the party, and in fact is not a leader of the party) or is somehow comparable to the leaders of the Republican party who support equivalent people like O'Reilly, Trump and Ailes, shows how far we are from having an honest/intelligent debate and how much the Republicans have become a caricature of themselves.

Listen, I can't say this enough. You have a fuxing Republican president who says he would grab women by the PUSSY, that president is still in office and you somehow have more outrage at a Movie producer than that President for equivalent actions. The fuxing times we live in.


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013

"On Thursday, the New York Times published an exposé detailing Harvey Weinstein’s sexual advances on women over the past three decades.

In 2015, one of those woman, aspiring actress Ambra Battilana, alleged that Weinstein grabbed her breasts and put his hands up her skirt during a meeting a the producer's TriBeCa offices. According to the police report, assaulted her while asking if her breasts were real.

The Times says the case was forwarded to the Special Victims Squad who worked with Battilana to clandestinely record a confession from Weinstein. Nonetheless, the office Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. declined to prosecute the case. “After analyzing the available evidence," as statement from the D.A.'s office read, "including multiple interviews with both parties, a criminal charge is not supported."

Battilana would later reach a settlement with Weinstein for an undisclosed sum in order to keep her story — some of which had already landed in the press — private.

Now, The International Business Times is reporting that one of Weinstein's lawyers at the time, David Boies, gave the Vance election campaign some $10,000 mere days after the D.A. declined to prosecute the case. As the IBT notes "That contribution from attorney David Boies — who previously headlined a fundraiser for Vance — was a fraction of the more than $182,000 that Boies, his son and his law partners have delivered to the Democrat during his political career."

Again money talks louder than safety or dignity.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I would say that you are not representative of the Right, but unfortunately you are. The fact that you somehow believe Lindsey Lohan represents the left of this country (she holds no office, is not an intellectual leader of the party, and in fact is not a leader of the party) or is somehow comparable to the leaders of the Republican party who support equivalent people like O'Reilly, Trump and Ailes, shows how far we are from having an honest/intelligent debate and how much the Republicans have become a caricature of themselves.

Listen, I can't say this enough. You have a fuxing Republican president who says he would grab women by the PUSSY, that president is still in office and you somehow have more outrage at a Movie producer than that President for equivalent actions. The fuxing times we live in.

Your stupidity is matched only by your ignorance, and both are impressive compared to your horrific writing skills. Even more sad is your reliance on logical fallacies, which is quite impressive when you look around this forum for comparison.


Junior Member
Oct 13, 2017
Links to examples?

Will say later.

Words can be a problem if someone is in a position of power. Depends on the context of course.

Just directors expressing to actresses that they wished they could sleep with them.

And then apparently this also usually happens.

Personally if I have slept with a woman it becomes a lot easier to work together because the sexual stuff is out of the way ;-).

My point is really that this overall idea of sleeping with those who work for you is under attack, the whole Weinstein story is only 20% about physical harassment and 80% about the idea in general.

Yes you can't prosecute someone for asking for sex.

So this guy is an easy target with his size and conduct.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Will say later.

Just directors expressing to actresses that they wished they could sleep with them.

And then apparently this also usually happens.

Personally if I have slept with a woman it becomes a lot easier to work together because the sexual stuff is out of the way ;-).

My point is really that this overall idea of sleeping with those who work for you is under attack, the whole Weinstein story is only 20% about physical harassment and 80% about the idea in general.

Yes you can't prosecute someone for asking for sex.

So this guy is an easy target with his size and conduct.

If he implied sex in exchange for work or opportunities it would be considered workplace sexual harassment in many states, including California where most of these incidents took place.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
Your stupidity is matched only by your ignorance, and both are impressive compared to your horrific writing skills. Even more sad is your reliance on logical fallacies, which is quite impressive when you look around this forum for comparison.

Noted you didn't mention what I said that was stupid or ignorant or which logical fallacy I employed. Be embarrassed. Your party doesn't respect your intelligence because you obviously don't or just don't have any intellegence. If your party respected your intelligence they would be quiet and would hope this Weinstein thing would blow over, else it would remind intelligent people, that you just elected someone similar to the White House. Fortunately for the GOP and Fox News, there doesn't seem to be that many intelligent people left in your party.
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