House Passes 1/6 Commission

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006

Meanwhile over at SCOTUS while Justice Alito is deep in thought about how to further torture the country he hates he hears the *thump thump thump* of military helicopter blades getting ever closer and turn into a deafening roar as it hovers over the building...
This is what I've been saying for years! Also left out of that should be the next question which would be 'what if the president went and killed Congress before they could impeach and convict him?'

If you take Trump's claims at face value the president can LEGALLY choose to assassinate anyone and everyone who defies him. The only thing stopping him is choosing not to.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001

Meanwhile over at SCOTUS while Justice Alito is deep in thought about how to further torture the country he hates he hears the *thump thump thump* of military helicopter blades getting ever closer and turn into a deafening roar as it hovers over the building...
So basically, his lawyers are saying a President (ex president) has to be convicted by his own party before he can be criminally charged and tried by the judicial branch.


Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2007
This is what I've been saying for years! Also left out of that should be the next question which would be 'what if the president went and killed Congress before they could impeach and convict him?'

If you take Trump's claims at face value the president can LEGALLY choose to assassinate anyone and everyone who defies him. The only thing stopping him is choosing not to.
Seal team 6, stand back and stand by 🤣
Reactions: APU_Fusion


Feb 24, 2009
This is what I've been saying for years! Also left out of that should be the next question which would be 'what if the president went and killed Congress before they could impeach and convict him?'

If you take Trump's claims at face value the president can LEGALLY choose to assassinate anyone and everyone who defies him. The only thing stopping him is choosing not to.
Joe should just do the job now. No foul right?


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Seems like a major question. I would think a President would have qualified immunity until Congress addresses the matter.


Jun 30, 2003
Seems like a major question. I would think a President would have qualified immunity until Congress addresses the matter.
That's the hilarious part. If Trump has immunity, so does Biden. If Trump has limited immunity, so does Biden. If Trump doesn't have immunity, neither does Biden. But good luck actually trying to prosecute him for anything when he's done.

Trump's lawyer offered up Bush Jr. lying to Congress and the world on Iraq (I mean, it would be internally consistent with the US's claimed values). Obama using drone strikes on US citizens? Potentially, though there is the counter-argument for becoming a terrorist/enemy combatant (as I recall, that was the justification the Obama admin used).

But "Mismanagement of the border" for Biden? That's the best they can do? That's not even breaking a law!
Reactions: hal2kilo


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
I'm guessing Biden disagrees that a President should be able to assassinate his political opponents, but sometimes he rambles like an old man and Trump answered that question in a complete sentence, so I'm gonna go with Trump, right @Greenman ?
I do wonder what’s the red line for Biden is? Worse case scenario SCOTUS grants presidents do have absolute immunity. And all trials get delayed. With enough people not voting, neither get 270. Unfortunately the Repugnicans somehow manage to maintain control of the house. So Jan 6, 2025 they declare the orange monkey POTUS. Does Biden destroy democracy to save the country???
Feb 4, 2009
I do wonder what’s the red line for Biden is? Worse case scenario SCOTUS grants presidents do have absolute immunity. And all trials get delayed. With enough people not voting, neither get 270. Unfortunately the Repugnicans somehow manage to maintain control of the house. So Jan 6, 2025 they declare the orange monkey POTUS. Does Biden destroy democracy to save the country???
Smart play would be send Seal Team 6 after the Court

However he would never do such a thing. You do raise and interesting question.
What would anyone’s choice be if faced with (I’ll leave names off) an all but certain Dictator who absolutely have revenge in his mind or become what you don’t want to be?
Reactions: hal2kilo


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I do wonder what’s the red line for Biden is? Worse case scenario SCOTUS grants presidents do have absolute immunity. And all trials get delayed. With enough people not voting, neither get 270. Unfortunately the Repugnicans somehow manage to maintain control of the house. So Jan 6, 2025 they declare the orange monkey POTUS. Does Biden destroy democracy to save the country???
If the Supreme Court rules a president can kill his political rivals without consequence democracy is already over.
Mar 11, 2004
I'm guessing Biden disagrees that a President should be able to assassinate his political opponents, but sometimes he rambles like an old man and Trump answered that question in a complete sentence, so I'm gonna go with Trump, right @Greenman ?

You act like he'd even bother to justify it in that way. He strikes me as one of those guys that given opportunity by an upheaval like that, he'd just murder his neighbors to take their stuff or if someone once said something mean to him. And then later he'd justify it because they were liberals so that made it ok. If any of those were black, I'm not even sure he'd wait for upheaval to act, and I think that's why he supports Turmp so much, because nowadays he might would face actual repercussions for such behavior and that's the worst thing for him.

Although in a court he'd probably get a lawyer to argue that he was so addicted to Turmp's penis that he couldn't help his actions.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
You act like he'd even bother to justify it in that way. He strikes me as one of those guys that given opportunity by an upheaval like that, he'd just murder his neighbors to take their stuff or if someone once said something mean to him. And then later he'd justify it because they were liberals so that made it ok. If any of those were black, I'm not even sure he'd wait for upheaval to act, and I think that's why he supports Turmp so much, because nowadays he might would face actual repercussions for such behavior and that's the worst thing for him.

Although in a court he'd probably get a lawyer to argue that he was so addicted to Turmp's penis that he couldn't help his actions.
The obvious answer would be that Trump would say Biden couldn’t do that and then would do that himself.

Trump does not give a single, solitary shit about consistency and he plays anyone who does.

He is a psychopath - a straight out, textbook psychopath. They do not care about consistency or anything else that might constrain them.


Sep 4, 2005
You act like he'd even bother to justify it in that way. He strikes me as one of those guys that given opportunity by an upheaval like that, he'd just murder his neighbors to take their stuff or if someone once said something mean to him. And then later he'd justify it because they were liberals so that made it ok. If any of those were black, I'm not even sure he'd wait for upheaval to act, and I think that's why he supports Turmp so much, because nowadays he might would face actual repercussions for such behavior and that's the worst thing for him.

Although in a court he'd probably get a lawyer to argue that he was so addicted to Turmp's penis that he couldn't help his actions.
I think Greenman is probably a decent dude in real life, probably a good neighbor and good friend. He's just the victim of decades of conservative propaganda, I've got plenty of friends and family like him. Hell I used to be like him, I changed so maybe there's hope for him.


May 15, 2000
I think Greenman is probably a decent dude in real life, probably a good neighbor and good friend. He's just the victim of decades of conservative propaganda, I've got plenty of friends and family like him. Hell I used to be like him, I changed so maybe there's hope for him.

In my personal experience magas and righties are usually good people so long as politics aren’t involved. However once they get going on about politics it’s like a switch gets turned on and their inner deplorable comes out and their logic and common sense just disappear. It’s really weird.
Nov 29, 2006
I think Greenman is probably a decent dude in real life, probably a good neighbor and good friend. He's just the victim of decades of conservative propaganda, I've got plenty of friends and family like him. Hell I used to be like him, I changed so maybe there's hope for him.
I don't think their is any hope. Too much evidence and logic etc has been thrown at him and others like him for years on here. Hasn't changed him one lick yet


Jan 14, 2013
I think Greenman is probably a decent dude in real life, probably a good neighbor and good friend. He's just the victim of decades of conservative propaganda, I've got plenty of friends and family like him. Hell I used to be like him, I changed so maybe there's hope for him.

In my personal experience magas and righties are usually good people so long as politics aren’t involved. However once they get going on about politics it’s like a switch gets turned on and their inner deplorable comes out and their logic and common sense just disappear. It’s really weird.

this is NOT weird at all. this is exactly what history has taught us, but most people on the left refuse to learn. it's fucking scary.

Nazis are normal seeming people. you think mid-stage nazis or mid-stage mussolini fascists or mid stage franco fascists walked around kicking puppies and setting fire to trash cans and kidnapping little kids, smashing shopping carts into cars and slamming doors shut on people walking behind them, and causing disturbances everywhere they went? no, they were your normal neighbors, your smiling cashier at the pharmacy, maybe the pharmacist themselves, they might hold doors open for people, they coached kids sports teams at the schools, some were teachers, they had bake sales and their kids shad lemonade stands in the neighborhood, etc...they might have been your friends, unless of course, they turned you into the fascists - you know, like how it happened to tons of Jews in germany, and pro-democracy dissenters in every other authoritarian regime normal people enabled.

but ultimately, they were way more evil than not because look at what they supported in history and look what actually HAPPENED because of these basically normal seeming folks. the vast majority of the worst populations in modern history seemed like normal people and interacted normally day to day with actual decent folks.

This is another big reason why fascism and horrible authoritarianism takes over - people are so naive and unable to really see people for who they are, and that is one of the big reasons these horrific regimes take over - because actual decent folks were too naive to see other people for what they were. i may be rough around the edges but also another reason why some people dislike me is because i am not afraid to call these people what they are. and it's hard to stomach. i went on a couple dates with a woman late last year, she was from Texas and her mom was super far right. a lost cause for a looong time. she said she had to finally start to realize, her mom is basically a modern day Nazi. and it was horrible to think and took her way too long to realize. it's really fucking hard to do that about people you know and love or like or just know as an acquaintance and they 'seem nice'.

there is no hope for Greenman. I mean anyone that's been on here for a few years knows this. except @fskimospy - he thinks one of the most disingenuous willfully ignorant and proud of it GQP'ers on here is smart. 98% of the posters here know what he really is.

edit: when pcgeek does the laughing emoji at any of my very chill sensible posts, I know I'm 1000% right about it all. It's been this comforting reassurance when I see him do that when I'm not ranting or cracking a joke, just being a student of history and being realistic - I know I hit the nail on the head.
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Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2012
The obvious answer would be that Trump would say Biden couldn’t do that and then would do that himself.

Trump does not give a single, solitary shit about consistency and he plays anyone who does.

He is a psychopath - a straight out, textbook psychopath. They do not care about consistency or anything else that might constrain them.
That's just typical conservative mindset: rules for thee, not for me. Or said in a more eloquent way: "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

Here's the full text from where that quote comes from (along with my choice highlights):
There is no such thing as liberalism — or progressivism, etc.

There is only conservatism. No other political philosophy actually exists; by the political analogue of Gresham’s Law, conservatism has driven every other idea out of circulation.

There might be, and should be, anti-conservatism; but it does not yet exist. What would it be? In order to answer that question, it is necessary and sufficient to characterize conservatism. Fortunately, this can be done very concisely.

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:

There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time.

For millenia, conservatism had no name, because no other model of polity had ever been proposed. “The king can do no wrong.” In practice, this immunity was always extended to the king’s friends, however fungible a group they might have been. Today, we still have the king’s friends even where there is no king (dictator, etc.). Another way to look at this is that the king is a faction, rather than an individual.

As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudophilosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages. All such is axiomatically dishonest and undeserving of serious scrutiny. Today, the accelerating de-education of humanity has reached a point where the market for pseudophilosophy is vanishing; it is, as The Kids Say These Days, tl;dr . All that is left is the core proposition itself — backed up, no longer by misdirection and sophistry, but by violence.

So this tells us what anti-conservatism must be: the proposition that the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone, and cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.

Then the appearance arises that the task is to map “liberalism”, or “progressivism”, or “socialism”, or whateverthefuckkindofstupidnoise-ism, onto the core proposition of anti-conservatism.

No, it a’n’t. The task is to throw all those things on the exact same burn pile as the collected works of all the apologists for conservatism, and start fresh. The core proposition of anti-conservatism requires no supplementation and no exegesis. It is as sufficient as it is necessary. What you see is what you get:

The law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.

Same reasoning why it's okay for Republicans to ram through a SC Justice on election year if there's a Republican in the Oval Office but it's not OK when there's a black Democrat President.

In my personal experience magas and righties are usually good people so long as politics aren’t involved. However once they get going on about politics it’s like a switch gets turned on and their inner deplorable comes out and their logic and common sense just disappear. It’s really weird.
It's called being in a cult. People aren't born this way, they are programmed.
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Reactions: iRONic and alien42
Mar 11, 2004
I think Greenman is probably a decent dude in real life, probably a good neighbor and good friend. He's just the victim of decades of conservative propaganda, I've got plenty of friends and family like him. Hell I used to be like him, I changed so maybe there's hope for him.

I don't and am done bothering with people that for some fucking reason want to keep playing stupid when people like that show you who they are. You are acting exactly like he is, that is almost verbatim the shit people like him say about Turmp in spite of all that shows that to be a laughable contradiction to how they've actually been.

And there it is, and no wonder people like him think they are truly the victims in all of this. You keep believing that shit if you want, but you're just gonna have to resort to ever more ridiculous lies to keep believing it as people like that push fascists into power. He's no victim, by his own admission (that he acts too stupid to realize) he basically has had an easy life, and he knowingly has been shitty (he's tried bragging about it on here before). He is the base that pushed Republicans to where they are today, not the other way around. Without people like him there wouldn't be benefits to Republicans acting like they have. They're being rewarded by people like him. Now, has that caused a feedback loop where then they just feed him bullshit so he can justify thinking like he does? Sure, but acting like he hasn't played an active role in it is absurd. Further, acting like he's just some victim in all of it isn't just absurd, its dangerous. You're seeing in real time exactly why as we confront an absolutely pathetic blatant so full of shit they can't help but be shitty to everyone, to destroy American democracy to enshrine a single bit hustler. (Gee, I wonder where that user gets the inspiration for his behavior...)

You seem to be feeling some guilt, I'm guessing maybe you were someone that fell for Reagan's bullshit? That's sad. Good you finally wisened up to it. But I have neither the time nor energy to waste on people that have shown no redeeming aspects. I have not seen any of the supposed decency that a few people on here seem to be prescribing to them based on assumptions. And in the face of the constant repeated behavior that is total opposite of that, sorry, no he is not a decent dude. You don't get to straight face lie constantly and then have me go "well I'm sure he's decent in real life". I am done bothering with fools incapable of accepting what is right in front of their faces.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
I don't and am done bothering with people that for some fucking reason want to keep playing stupid when people like that show you who they are. You are acting exactly like he is, that is almost verbatim the shit people like him say about Turmp in spite of all that shows that to be a laughable contradiction to how they've actually been.

And there it is, and no wonder people like him think they are truly the victims in all of this. You keep believing that shit if you want, but you're just gonna have to resort to ever more ridiculous lies to keep believing it as people like that push fascists into power. He's no victim, by his own admission (that he acts too stupid to realize) he basically has had an easy life, and he knowingly has been shitty (he's tried bragging about it on here before). He is the base that pushed Republicans to where they are today, not the other way around. Without people like him there wouldn't be benefits to Republicans acting like they have. They're being rewarded by people like him. Now, has that caused a feedback loop where then they just feed him bullshit so he can justify thinking like he does? Sure, but acting like he hasn't played an active role in it is absurd. Further, acting like he's just some victim in all of it isn't just absurd, its dangerous. You're seeing in real time exactly why as we confront an absolutely pathetic blatant so full of shit they can't help but be shitty to everyone, to destroy American democracy to enshrine a single bit hustler. (Gee, I wonder where that user gets the inspiration for his behavior...)

You seem to be feeling some guilt, I'm guessing maybe you were someone that fell for Reagan's bullshit? That's sad. Good you finally wisened up to it. But I have neither the time nor energy to waste on people that have shown no redeeming aspects. I have not seen any of the supposed decency that a few people on here seem to be prescribing to them based on assumptions. And in the face of the constant repeated behavior that is total opposite of that, sorry, no he is not a decent dude. You don't get to straight face lie constantly and then have me go "well I'm sure he's decent in real life". I am done bothering with fools incapable of accepting what is right in front of their faces.
Are you missing some quotes in there? it sure seems like you are because the last two paragraphs don't fit with the one quote you have.
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