[MMO] World of Tanks

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Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
The E100 largely depends on the map. In the right map you can really do well. On more open maps, its slower speed and large size really hurt it. But its better than the maus on open maps.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
The old 2012 graphics (last time it got an update) were starting to wear on me as they were so far behind more recent games. The tanks currently look good, as they have been redone, but the maps needed work.

This rework though is awesome. Some maps have been fixed (others not sadly), but they look great and the amount of optimization is amazing. And they still have the lo-def version for all the laptop players out there.

As for update 1.22, I am happy and unhappy with bits of it. I think the 268-4 branch is absolutely terrible at T7 and T8 now. The SU-101 is nearly unplayable because of the traverse nerf. Its like driving a JagdTiger dressed up as a medium. The new soviet line I am still out on. I am annoyed the IS-M has that vent on its turret, but that it has no hit box. So you think its a weak spot, but your round just passes through it.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
So, I have to make a choice. Bat-Chat-25t AP, AMX 13 90, or AMX 30...

I now have enough XP for one of these. I have had a lot of fun in the Bat-Chat 12t, but I also like hull down tanks. But REALLY not a fan of that 30B turret blister.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2000
Tough choices between the Bat-Chat and AMX 13 90. I like their tier 10 brothers, though I lean towards the Bat-Chat I think. The AMX 30 (B) got nerfed in accuracy, I'd stay away for a while.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
Yeah, the 30B got a turret armor buff, but now the gun sucks. Accuracy, pen, and velocity all got worse because WG said it was too much like a Leo.

I do think I would really like the AMX 13 105, as like that style of play. Be a bit passive early on, and then find targets of opportunity to run up, unload, and get away.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
Ended up going for the Bat Chat. Only a few games in it. Thankfully I already had the 100mm gun researched from the heavy line. But I can see it will be a little while before I get the hang of playing this thing.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
So, World of Tanks 1.0 is out! Thus far, I love it. A lot of map got slightly rebalanced for the better. But I have, twice now, gotten a tank stuck on terrain. In one case I was in my JPE100, tried to go down a hill with some rocks and got stuck. Then an enemy AMX 13 90 drove up behind me to shoot me (and did kill me) but he was then also stuck. Could not move.

Otherwise though, the new visuals, sounds, music, and balancing is great. But, I am still fed up with arty.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010

been fed up with arty for the past 6 years.

A few maps are unchanged from a game play perspective, but some have had some pretty decent changes, all for the better from what I have seen. Some maps were also removed because WG felt they could not be balanced, one of these was Swamp. Which they have done major over hauls of quite a few times.

Regarding arty, I actually preferred having them shoot at me before the patch. Because they all had super long reloads. But now, if there is three arty, they can perma track tanks. Yesterday I in three games I had all three of them targetting only me. They can hit you ever 10-15 seconds if they space their shots. But I should not some maps were changed to give more cover from arty, which is good. Redshire is one of these. The area where heavies battle now has a big crashed zeplin over that area, which gives a lot of shielding from arty.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
Arty has been a cause of major suffering in WoT for players since the beginning. you don't let something linger when half of your player base hate it. At the very least you give them the option to play without, as in check this box if you want an arty free game mode. Then they could remove the limit of 3 arty per match, so those who actually enjoy it could see plenty.


May 1, 2006
I've never had an issue with arty. One thing I do notice is that the people who do seem to not give any thought to the need for arty to be fun for arty players also if it's in the game. Like the 'solution' mentioned above of adding more cover from arty - then what's the arty player supposed to do, why play it? Already a question arty has more and more. Though player opinion does matter also.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2003
I think Wargaming can fix a lot of the grievance on arty by simply limiting the number of arty on each team to no more than two, or even just one, even if it is at the expense of longer wait time for arty players. It shouldn't matter to their bottom line since they hardly offer any premium arty anyway.

I don't want arty to be totally removed because sometimes it helps keep those top tier "super" heavies and TDs with super gun and impenetrable frontal armor in checks from steamrolling the team with mainly top tier mediums. Another thing would be trying to perfect the arty mechanics. I don't like that arty have the god view of the battlefield. Though I don't have a good idea of the perfect mechanics either, maybe fire by coordinate reported by friendly tanks, but that can get complicated and also you might have ppl trolling to tell the arty to fire at his own team. Anyway, I think limiting the number of arty is the quickest and easiest to implement now.


May 1, 2006
I think Wargaming can fix a lot of the grievance on arty by simply limiting the number of arty on each team to no more than two, or even just one, even if it is at the expense of longer wait time for arty players. It shouldn't matter to their bottom line since they hardly offer any premium arty anyway.

I don't want arty to be totally removed because sometimes it helps keep those top tier "super" heavies and TDs with super gun and impenetrable frontal armor in checks from steamrolling the team with mainly top tier mediums. Another thing would be trying to perfect the arty mechanics. I don't like that arty have the god view of the battlefield. Though I don't have a good idea of the perfect mechanics either, maybe fire by coordinate reported by friendly tanks, but that can get complicated and also you might have ppl trolling to tell the arty to fire at his own team. Anyway, I think limiting the number of arty is the quickest and easiest to implement now.

Basically, 100 points of damage from a heavy or medium tank doesn't cause rage, but 10 points of damage from arty causes more rage than that 100. They're simply furious that arty hit them, and that's it. These players' solution is, don't let arty hit them. Let arty sit there and do nothing. Fixed. The problem is these players - there is no game fix to that that's clear.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
the real problem with arty is, they added them in the game with a purpose they never had in real life. Hence all the problems, satellite view, really? laser accuracy, really? we are talking about ww2 arty era, gps were not even invented. they fired blindly 90% of the times or required dedicated spotters and constant communications between them. Anyways, arty were useful in huge numbers to completely suppress an area and deny enemy troop movement, not aim at a tank and one shot it (it could happens when 20k arty were firing together, out of luck)


May 1, 2006
the real problem with arty is, they added them in the game with a purpose they never had in real life. Hence all the problems, satellite view, really? laser accuracy, really? we are talking about ww2 arty era, gps were not even invented. they fired blindly 90% of the times or required dedicated spotters and constant communications between them. Anyways, arty were useful in huge numbers to completely suppress an area and deny enemy troop movement, not aim at a tank and one shot it (it could happens when 20k arty were firing together, out of luck)

Well, this 'real life' issue is absurd to so selectively raise. The game has almost no bearing on that. For example, the idea of bushes and camo, and scouts running around spotting for the team with instantaneous results, and repairing track damage in 5 seconds, and and... the whole thing is a videogame and made for that and arty makes perfect sense for that. It's actually quite a good design.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
the whole thing is a videogame and made for that and arty makes perfect sense for that. It's actually quite a good design.

if it was such a good design, there would not be a constant disgust about it among half the player base. have you heard someone or lots of complains about scouts? repair kits, and so on? I have only 1 complain about the game and ...as you have guessed it, arty. Everything else is fine, no game is perfect.

I understand you like to play arty, but for every guy like you, there's another who despise it. And in my book, this is totally unacceptable.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
Basically, 100 points of damage from a heavy or medium tank doesn't cause rage, but 10 points of damage from arty causes more rage than that 100. They're simply furious that arty hit them, and that's it. These players' solution is, don't let arty hit them. Let arty sit there and do nothing. Fixed. The problem is these players - there is no game fix to that that's clear.

The current issue with arty is that they have reloads that are twice as fast as before their buff, their aim times are twice as fast, and the stuff effect can be very debilitating for heavies. Like I said, I often have all three arty shooting only at me. So they can keep me perma tracked, meanwhile they are 1/4 mile away and I cannot do a single thing to avoid them or shoot back. If I am battle another tank and they shoot me, I am ok with that. Because I can shoot back.

WG's map changes and the arty changes from last year are intended to make people not want to play arty. I guarantee once the number of arty players drops below X percent, they will be gone. The ONLY reason I have ever played arty is for the missions. If order for me to get honors on a certain set of missions, I have to play arty.


May 1, 2006
if it was such a good design, there would not be a constant disgust about it among half the player base. have you heard someone or lots of complains about scouts? repair kits, and so on? I have only 1 complain about the game and ...as you have guessed it, arty. Everything else is fine, no game is perfect.

I understand you like to play arty, but for every guy like you, there's another who despise it. And in my book, this is totally unacceptable.

Totally disagree with your statements. It being a great design, and popular with all the players, are two totally different things. Your argument is like saying all things very popular are well designed, and all things not popular are badly designed. I could write a long post with many examples how that's wrong but you shouldn't need me to. I already acknowledged the player opinions do matter also.

That 'great design' isn't the only important factor.

If you can't tell the difference I'm not sure explaining more will help.

The point here was that the 'realism' argument wasn't valid, being so selectively applied. And you wrongly assumed and claimed my argument was about whether I like to play it.


May 1, 2006
The current issue with arty is that they have reloads that are twice as fast as before their buff, their aim times are twice as fast, and the stuff effect can be very debilitating for heavies. Like I said, I often have all three arty shooting only at me. So they can keep me perma tracked, meanwhile they are 1/4 mile away and I cannot do a single thing to avoid them or shoot back. If I am battle another tank and they shoot me, I am ok with that. Because I can shoot back.

WG's map changes and the arty changes from last year are intended to make people not want to play arty. I guarantee once the number of arty players drops below X percent, they will be gone. The ONLY reason I have ever played arty is for the missions. If order for me to get honors on a certain set of missions, I have to play arty.

First, I'm not a fan of the arty changes they made. It's not really fun to play any more and seems to just make it more annoying for players that are shot.

Having said that, I don't buy your statements. First, there are 15 tanks on a team. How many arties does it take to keep you 'perma tracked'? Every one of of those arties having to do nothing but shoot at your tank from the start of the match? Oh, and to have you spotted the entire time, and for you not to have cover, and for all their shots to hit. No, your statements are hyperbole.

But this goes back to what I said, that you don't mind if a normal tank hits you for damage - but if an arty hits you at all, that's rage inducing. A normal tank can do worse than track you.

And what if three tanks, like those three arties, fixated on just you the whole game the way you say the arty does? Wouldn't that cause you some issues in the game?

Actually, if three arties are keeping you perma tracked, it's likely helping your team win - that's three enemy tanks out of the game while your team wins. But I don't buy it.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
you can critic anything another person will write. Critics are endless and can be made valid with any kind of logic. We just see Arty from very different perspective. Me - annoying as hell - and you - beneficial for the game - we will never agree no matter what our arguments are.


May 1, 2006
you can critic anything another person will write. Critics are endless and can be made valid with any kind of logic. We just see Arty from very different perspective. Me - annoying as hell - and you - beneficial for the game - we will never agree no matter what our arguments are.

They're not incompatible - annoying and good for the game can both be the case. You can be annoyed by every tank type without it meaning it should be removed.

I wasn't even arguing that anyone is wrong to want a version without arty - as I've said - now the third time - people's opinion on what they want on that count.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
what we want - as players and as game developers - is a good, fun and enjoyable game. Being shot by an arty with satellite view, with shell bending gravity and dead laser accuracy, removes most of it. Of course you have a different opinion.

As i have said, i am not annoyed by anything else but arty. it's almost a game breaker, meaning that i would play a lot more if that stupid mechanic wasn't in the game.


May 1, 2006
what we want - as players and as game developers - is a good, fun and enjoyable game. Being shot by an arty with satellite view, with shell bending gravity and dead laser accuracy, removes most of it. Of course you have a different opinion.

As i have said, i am not annoyed by anything else but arty. it's almost a game breaker, meaning that i would play a lot more if that stupid mechanic wasn't in the game.

You do understand that the fact that you are annoyed by nothing else doesn't make the issue without two sides, even if it seems that way to you.

Arty has far from 'laser accuracy' - IMO it's the least accurate tank in the game by far. That shooting at you as arty is a lot more accurate.

A more accurate description would be to say that as arty, you are looking around the map for the few tanks your team lit not in cover from your shots, for your slow-reload shot to finally get to shoot, you get to shoot that takes significant time to get to the destination, where most tanks can easily have moved out of the way, and hope they didn't, and then finally that the inaccuracy doesn't cause a miss.

Do all that, and then watch as it does almost no damage to them, but hopefully disables the crew for a short period.


Feb 27, 2003
Cant play it, my videocard, which might have a defect, shows the graphics totally corrupted, textures flashing and have very bad performance. I would by a new card if it wasn't for the fvcked up video card prices.

Time to play some old steam games....
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