Poll: Do you care about ray tracing / upscaling?

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Senior member
Nov 9, 2009
sometimes it would be neat to be able to experience what other people see, your words are very contradictory to my experience. Like for instance calling things pin sharp while in motion, this is not how I experience the world at all, the more things move the more blurry they are, forget gaming, just look around the world, things move and detail becomes less distinct. You want to see detail you need less movement and preferably some magnification.

Pretty much the only artifacts that I ever notice while playing a game is when a basic geometric shape, straight or diagonal line is offset by a large enough amount somewhere that it no longer looks like intended and then generally only if its the important scenery marker, like a prominent straight wall edge, maybe a doorway, or a square button that has unusual offsets somewhere. The weird patters more prone to water surfaces and lights is another I notice from time to time, but those are pretty rare in the games I play. Typically whatever game options for AA that exist in all the games I have ever played have some sort of indicator for low to high, either numerical or descriptive, be it MSAA or whatever version they use. Regardless of the type of AA those artifacts that I said I notice disappear with usually a low to medium version of AA. Whatever other artifacts you see past that I simply dont notice those.

Same with screen tearing, its something that my brain conviently filter out for me to the point where I have never played a game where I could say that I noticed it. I have only ever seen it for myself in reviews with screenshots pointing it out. FPS is another thing that some people obsess over. I havent had an fps counter on in a game in well over a decade because everything looks totaly smooth to me. I remember when the conan mmo first came out, that was the one time I payed close attention to the fps counter because at the time the game was borderline playable on my system as the fps would drop low enough in any sort of a busy area that it would stop to feel smooth... the magic fps number for the game to feel smooth and fluid for me was 17 fps. I think D4 is the only game in the last decade where I noticed something odd related to fps, that was more of a things slow down and lag, then speed up too much to catch up again problem. That problem was certainly less noticeable on more powerful systems but it was also not strickly a low fps issue

Texture details are a huge thing to me to me though. I like to zoom in as much as the game engine allows when I am looking at neat items and scenery and the higher resolution the textures are the better things look. AA effects give me the equivalent experience of downgrading texture packs, the more AA the more a texture level downgrade I experience.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2014
sometimes it would be neat to be able to experience what other people see, your words are very contradictory to my experience. Like for instance calling things pin sharp while in motion, this is not how I experience the world at all, the more things move the more blurry they are, forget gaming, just look around the world, things move and detail becomes less distinct. You want to see detail you need less movement and preferably some magnification.
Kind reminder that the screen is supposed to be replacement for the world around you, not your eyes. You will still experience your "native" motion and focus blur.

Same with screen tearing, its something that my brain conviently filter out for me to the point where I have never played a game where I could say that I noticed it. I have only ever seen it for myself in reviews with screenshots pointing it out. FPS is another thing that some people obsess over. I havent had an fps counter on in a game in well over a decade because everything looks totaly smooth to me.
Screen tearing and general motion quality are indeed something each human being experiences differently. For example, I've always had a problem with low refresh tube displays: they would annoy me visually even before I knew refresh rates existed. Moving on towards the present, for many years I avoided scrolling though large documents on my phone, the blur of the screen would make me experience physical discomfort after a certain amount of exposure. That changed when I got my 120Hz screen phone, scrolling is now considerably less annoying.

The most important reason we want high framerates in games (higher than 30 or 60) is latency related, games are built in such a way that higher FPS lower system reaction to user input. Our brain can usually adapt to lower framerate animation, but there is no substitute for system delay when it comes to controlling movement or aiming using a mouse. There is a world of difference between passively watching a 24 FPS movie and actively controlling an eyeball at 24 FPS, and this difference increases rapidly with resolution and eyeball count. That is why high refresh screens are optional for 2D displays and mandatory for 3D goggles, otherwise the user is bound to experience nausea even after minutes of simulation.

The lag you experienced in D4 is an extreme form of what I'm describing above (although D4 also has network lag at times, but let's ignore that for now). You character seemed less responsive at times. This lag can be experienced in single player games even at higher FPS, albeit with less intensity as interactive frames reach 60 and go above.

The preference for high FPS can also change over time as the user is subjected to a high refresh environment. Take someone used to play at 45-50 FPS and have them play at ~90 FPS on a VRR display. That was me when experiencing CP2077 after both GPU and monitor upgrades. The biggest difference was in reaction time, the way I was able to move the camera and my character in combat. In my first playthough of the game I was inclined to play stealth/sharpshooter/netrunner, all the builds that did not require fast motion response. With the new display I was more willing to experiment a fast moving submachine gun build, or even a melee one (not my cup of tea but you get the idea).


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2006
sometimes it would be neat to be able to experience what other people see, your words are very contradictory to my experience. Like for instance calling things pin sharp while in motion, this is not how I experience the world at all, the more things move the more blurry they are, forget gaming, just look around the world, things move and detail becomes less distinct. You want to see detail you need less movement and preferably some magnification.

This isn't about motion blur caused by your eyes.

It's about the extra blur induced on monitors that you claimed was caused by AA.

MSAA doesn't, and DLDSR do NOT increase this kind of motion blur, and the screen is as sharp as it is without AA, but is just free of AA artifacts.

Typically whatever game options for AA that exist in all the games I have ever played have some sort of indicator for low to high, either numerical or descriptive, be it MSAA or whatever version they use. Regardless of the type of AA those artifacts that I said I notice disappear with usually a low to medium version of AA. Whatever other artifacts you see past that I simply dont notice those.

Do you play any modern games? Because modern AA doesn't have levels any more. TAA on/off, DLAA on/off, FXAA on/off is what modern AA is like. MSAA had levels, is pretty much gone, and didn't cause blur anyway.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2012
This isn't about motion blur caused by your eyes.

It's about the extra blur induced on monitors that you claimed was caused by AA.

MSAA doesn't, and DLDSR do NOT increase this kind of motion blur, and the screen is as sharp as it is without AA, but is just free of AA artifacts.

Do you play any modern games? Because modern AA doesn't have levels any more. TAA on/off, DLAA on/off, FXAA on/off is what modern AA is like. MSAA had levels, is pretty much gone, and didn't cause blur anyway.

TAA and others can still have levels (e.g., Hogwarts Legacy has TAA Low and TAA High) though I'm honestly not sure what the difference is. For SSAA or MSAA the difference is either the rendering resolution or number of samples respectively.
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Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2006
TAA and others can still have levels (e.g., Hogwarts Legacy has TAA Low and TAA High) though I'm honestly not sure what the difference is whereas SSAA or MSAA the difference is either the rendering resolution or number of samples.

Fair enough, the TAA games I looked at, just have on/off.

Is TAA high blurrier than TAA Low?


Senior member
Nov 9, 2009
Kind reminder that the screen is supposed to be replacement for the world around you, not your eyes. You will still experience your "native" motion and focus blur.
This is true, the point I was trying to make with the real world comparison is that I dont understand how one describes something that one always experiences with some blur as pin sharp, it always makes me wonder how others are perceiving the world differently from me. If my eyes dont perceive two combined blur effects as weird or off then to me its a good place to "cheat" on creating my fake world if it frees up gpu resources for other things.

Screen tearing and general motion quality are indeed something each human being experiences differently. For example, I've always had a problem with low refresh tube displays: they would annoy me visually even before I knew refresh rates existed. Moving on towards the present, for many years I avoided scrolling though large documents on my phone, the blur of the screen would make me experience physical discomfort after a certain amount of exposure. That changed when I got my 120Hz screen phone, scrolling is now considerably less annoying.
with tube monitors I needed a 85 hz refresh before I could not longer see the line banding or whatever you want to call it. From my very first LCD (It was one of the early benq 1600x1200 models) monitors onwards I have never seen a flicker in a screen again.

The most important reason we want high framerates in games (higher than 30 or 60) is latency related, games are built in such a way that higher FPS lower system reaction to user input. Our brain can usually adapt to lower framerate animation, but there is no substitute for system delay when it comes to controlling movement or aiming using a mouse. There is a world of difference between passively watching a 24 FPS movie and actively controlling an eyeball at 24 FPS, and this difference increases rapidly with resolution and eyeball count. That is why high refresh screens are optional for 2D displays and mandatory for 3D goggles, otherwise the user is bound to experience nausea even after minutes of simulation.
I am not saying higher fps isnt better, I suppose part of why fps seems so irrelevant to me is that I dont really play shooters. Most rpgs/mmos and even action rpgs tend to be designed with mechanics to alleviate the feeling of input lag with things like global cooldowns, longer combat animations and the like that make the twitch reactions less important. I game a lot less than now than I have in the past so I dont switch between games that frequently anymore but I usualy find the time it takes me to adjust to a new games overall timing to be a fast process. I have friends that have such a hard time with that they almost never want to try out new games.

The lag you experienced in D4 is an extreme form of what I'm describing above (although D4 also has network lag at times, but let's ignore that for now). You character seemed less responsive at times. This lag can be experienced in single player games even at higher FPS, albeit with less intensity as interactive frames reach 60 and go above.
It seems reminiscent of entering duriels chamger from d2 but it can happen anywhere.

The preference for high FPS can also change over time as the user is subjected to a high refresh environment. Take someone used to play at 45-50 FPS and have them play at ~90 FPS on a VRR display. That was me when experiencing CP2077 after both GPU and monitor upgrades. The biggest difference was in reaction time, the way I was able to move the camera and my character in combat. In my first playthough of the game I was inclined to play stealth/sharpshooter/netrunner, all the builds that did not require fast motion response. With the new display I was more willing to experiment a fast moving submachine gun build, or even a melee one (not my cup of tea but you get the idea).
I have always been attracted to more relaxed play in games, my mind tends to normally run on overdrove so I like a bit of a calmer play style to make playing games actually feel relaxing for me. Some of my annoyance to these topics I think stems from the overly strong hyperbole filled language so many people when talking about these topics.

This isn't about motion blur caused by your eyes.

It's about the extra blur induced on monitors that you claimed was caused by AA.

MSAA doesn't, and DLDSR do NOT increase this kind of motion blur, and the screen is as sharp as it is without AA, but is just free of AA artifacts.
I said AA adds a blur effect to textures. Look at any AA correction method at the pixel level and perhaps you will be able to see what im talking about. You said AA makes the image sharper when things are moving. I said that I value detail when things are stopped and I zoom in vs detail while things are moving as my eyes blur moving images anyways.

Do you play any modern games? Because modern AA doesn't have levels any more. TAA on/off, DLAA on/off, FXAA on/off is what modern AA is like. MSAA had levels, is pretty much gone, and didn't cause blur anyway.
jedi survivor has 4 levels of AA, low, medium, high, and epic, D4 has low and high, those are the two newst games I have played. Jedi survior was where I played around with fsr to see what that looks like and the best quality FSR pretty much looks like what I would expect from an even higher quality level AA if they added it and as such would not be something I would ever turn on.
Jul 27, 2020
If you like a vaseline world. Everything is shiny.

Dull textures get a nice visual upgrade. Plus check out the lighting effects as the train passes by:

But the fps drop is atrocious. Maybe RDNA4 can deliver playable fps? Or 5060 16GB in 2025.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2003
Hardware Forums aren't really meme friendly, but there's definitely a Thanos What did it cost meme in there highlighting the drop from 800+ to 21FPS there.

Those subway light reflections look great though.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2012
Not impressive... RT need new engines not old or current

PT disable lamp?

There are multiple instances of lights being "off" in the PT version when they are "on" in the original. Must be just pre-baked lighting used in the original without an actual light source so when the pre-baked lighting is removed, there's no actual light source for PT to render to replace it. Just one of the many problems when trying to tack on RT/PT to older games.


Aug 14, 2000
1254 vs 57 FPS? Comedy gold. Path Tracing is 22 times slower than rasterization.

No wonder NV had to "emperor clothes" aye eye. Somehow they've convinced the world that upscaling a 2003 game on a $1200 4800 is a "feature"

Another abomination here:

As usual, surfaces become shiny marble. And they give Lara a cone of light and add torches to the walls which were never there, otherwise almost everything would be pitch black.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2022
Idk but this Path tracing seems kinda overrated and useless. Ray tracing and Ray reconstruction is enough for me.
Reactions: Tlh97


May 19, 2011
1254 vs 57 FPS? Comedy gold. Path Tracing is 22 times slower than rasterization.

No wonder NV had to "emperor clothes" aye eye. Somehow they've convinced the world that upscaling a 2003 game on a $1200 4800 is a "feature"

Another abomination here:

As usual, surfaces become shiny marble. And they give Lara a cone of light and add torches to the walls which were never there, otherwise almost everything would be pitch black.

One bizarre thing in that clip is they obviously re-rendered the water in that pool completely (the original game had an opaque animation consisting of about 4 frames to give the impression that the substance is fluid), yet instead of rendering a still pool of water, they gave it the texture of lava.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2023
Another abomination here:
Maybe it's realistic lightning, but for eyes i'd prefer old, where i can see anything, not dark
I'm assuming in this dark water, you going search any lever like 1000 year


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2012

Looks better but not enough to get excited about it.

I don't think it even looks better. Obviously from a technical perspective it does, but you lose the entire artistic vision from the developer. It sterilizes the whole feel of the environment.
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