The anti-AI thread


Aug 14, 2000
Hot on the heels of crypto we have the next scam that is "aye eye", and the gullible world is running to it like collective lunatics.

There's no sentience or self-awareness, it's just coded algorithms for a glorified search engine sucking up human-created data to aid plagiarism and copyright infringement.

It has no understanding of what it's regurgitating, so you get absolutely moronic results:

Still, one good thing to come out of this is some educational institutions are going back to paper exams and hand-written essays.

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Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2012
Hot on the heels of crypto we have the next scam that is "aye eye", and the gullible world is running to it like collective lunatics.

There's no sentience or self-awareness, it's just coded algorithms for a glorified search engine sucking up human-created data to aid plagiarism and copyright infringement.
What's your point?! Of course there's no sentience or self-awareness. (And I'm not talking just about AI)
A glorified search engine is a great thing for someone that doesn't have all day to look up different things for fun but has to do it for a living.
Let alone the one that makes artwork or music out of things you tell it, you go ahead and spend 1000 hours on learning how to do art, other people will happily use AI.


Feb 27, 2003
Artists have probably also listened to a lot of music without acknowledge their inspiration.

But obviously if you are using someones work commercially you have to pay royalties.

As a school we pay the movie/broadcast association a fee, so we can use movies and TV shows in the education legally.


Dec 15, 2015
AI has a lot more potential today than most people would give it credit for. I've found it's pretty good at coming up with novel approaches to things that require pretty specific knowledge, since it actually has that.

It's like someone who's 90% good at every subject. They fuck up occasionally but man, that guy knows a lot about a lot.


Jul 11, 2001
"Artificial intelligence" strikes me as an oxymoron. Maybe we should have better expressions. I suppose there are some, could launch a Google search for a few.

Now, I have written an application to help me find what I'm looking for in my personal data. It's obviously inferior to what search engines are doing but it's got considerable facility in finding stuff in my voluminous personal data. A friend told me a couple decades ago that it sounded to him like a foray into artificial intelligence. TBH, I think it's potentially valuable to others, however so far I've just used it privately for my own benefit. I use it many times on most days.

A guy I know, I could call a friend perhaps, has talked to me a few times about ChatGPT, extolling its handiness in programming. He's got a PHD in computer science and makes his living writing code. I created a ChatGPT account, have yet to explore its value. I'm sure this guy has more than the free version. It saves him a ton of time by creating for him algorhythms he would have to write from scratch.
Feb 4, 2009
On the good news side, it is not long until AI learns law and then we will finally see some regulation/limits on what AI is allowed to do.


Jul 11, 2001
Artists have probably also listened to a lot of music without acknowledge their inspiration.

But obviously if you are using someones work commercially you have to pay royalties.
Music today is largely derivative. Of course, artists don't acknowledge or even realize where their inspirations come from most of the time. The main thing is they are truly inspired. However there are a lot of artistic creations that consciously build on other artists' work. I feature plenty of that kind of thing from time to time on my college radio show (weekly, 3 hours). Plunderphonics is a great example. Negativland is a wonderful artistic self aware catalog that owes much to others' works, artistic and otherwise.


Aug 11, 2005
At the moment I find it very unintresting and i tend to tune out anything related to AI almost immediatly , it's a massive hype echo chamber at the moment
Reactions: Kaido


Jan 8, 2001
"Artificial intelligence" strikes me as an oxymoron. Maybe we should have better expressions. I suppose there are some, could launch a Google search for a few.
It's really just machine learning - sometimes called 'weak' AI among researchers. Of course, with the current marketing driven use of the moniker 'AI', even researcher will put AI in everything in order to get grants. Real AI is still just a dream. Many people also forget that as part of the training cycle, there are often thousands of human beings reviewing the output to score to what degree the Deep Learning Network has identified the correct results. Companies often hire these sort of employees in India and other countries with decent educations, but low wages.
Mar 11, 2004
I've been facepalming watching the tech companies lose their shit over this. People thought voice assistants were AI and they were flopping because they weren't. And then Google, Microsoft, etc are killing off their voice assistants while pushing their AI, because they couldn't figure out how to make their voice assistants not flop? The one thing that made sense to use the version of AI being pushed right now and the dumbshits are basically ditching it while trying to shove AI into everything else.

I have a manager at work that has been using AI for all sorts of dumb shit. And its stuff that would get him in trouble if we had an actual HR department. Thankfully he's no longer my manager, pretty sure he used AI to do his evaluations as they were basically nonsensical mess that often outright contradicted itself.

Graphic cards from Crypto to AI. Thought I would be able to "afford" a RTX 4090, might have to wait a little longer.

Yup, which is why its frustrating that they enabled that to begin with. Although not sure it matters that much since even if they hadn't, they'd be competing with production with AI and so we still would've ended up with it affecting things. I'm pretty sure AI is the reason we didn't see the market flooded with used cards like the last time crypto flopped. There were rumors Tesla was buying up used graphics cards for their AI development for instance.

What's your point?! Of course there's no sentience or self-awareness. (And I'm not talking just about AI)
A glorified search engine is a great thing for someone that doesn't have all day to look up different things for fun but has to do it for a living.
Let alone the one that makes artwork or music out of things you tell it, you go ahead and spend 1000 hours on learning how to do art, other people will happily use AI.

A glorified search engine for someone who's job is to look things up but they don't have time to look things up? What?

They're only using it to try to try to make money, they don't give a shit at all about any other aspect. They're not doing it because they're lousy artists and want to make art, they're doing it because they want to make money and that's it. With shit attitudes like yours, hope you're not a programmer or other field that AI is going to start royally fucking up very soon.

Artists have probably also listened to a lot of music without acknowledge their inspiration.

But obviously if you are using someones work commercially you have to pay royalties.

As a school we pay the movie/broadcast association a fee, so we can use movies and TV shows in the education legally.

If you can't tell the difference between being inspired by and straight up ripping off art I don't know what to say. And yes, I do think its kinda shitty for someone to sample music, either without consent or at least compensation, and yes that was and has happened for a long time as well. Which some of the attempt to force royalty payments is ridiculous like when lawyers from the RIAA tried to sue small businesses because them playing the radio and their customers being able to hear it as well was some atrocity apparently.

We needed to have proper discussions about fair compensation and use decades ago. But we didn't and because of it, greedy assholes are going to use things like AI and other technology to just fuck things up.

At the moment I find it very unintresting and i tend to tune out anything related to AI almost immediatly , it's a massive hype echo chamber at the moment

This. And its always the worst idiots that are hyping this. Exactly like crypto all over again, only the tech oligarchs have decided that they want to get in on it this time.

I was starting to switch to Apple specifically because they were quite cool on the AI hype, but sounds like they're starting to push it as well, probably because of the awful douchebag investors (that were also responsible for them doing all the layoffs at end of last year and start of this year) pushing this shit.


Dec 15, 2015
I was starting to switch to Apple specifically because they were quite cool on the AI hype, but sounds like they're starting to push it as well, probably because of the awful douchebag investors (that were also responsible for them doing all the layoffs at end of last year and start of this year) pushing this shit.
Apple's whole shtick for like two decades has been 'wait until someone invents something, copy it and put it in a white chassis, charge double'.


Feb 27, 2003
I've been facepalming watching the tech companies lose their shit over this. People thought voice assistants were AI and they were flopping because they weren't. And then Google, Microsoft, etc are killing off their voice assistants while pushing their AI, because they couldn't figure out how to make their voice assistants not flop? The one thing that made sense to use the version of AI being pushed right now and the dumbshits are basically ditching it while trying to shove AI into everything else.

I have a manager at work that has been using AI for all sorts of dumb shit. And its stuff that would get him in trouble if we had an actual HR department. Thankfully he's no longer my manager, pretty sure he used AI to do his evaluations as they were basically nonsensical mess that often outright contradicted itself.

Yup, which is why its frustrating that they enabled that to begin with. Although not sure it matters that much since even if they hadn't, they'd be competing with production with AI and so we still would've ended up with it affecting things. I'm pretty sure AI is the reason we didn't see the market flooded with used cards like the last time crypto flopped. There were rumors Tesla was buying up used graphics cards for their AI development for instance.

A glorified search engine for someone who's job is to look things up but they don't have time to look things up? What?

They're only using it to try to try to make money, they don't give a shit at all about any other aspect. They're not doing it because they're lousy artists and want to make art, they're doing it because they want to make money and that's it. With shit attitudes like yours, hope you're not a programmer or other field that AI is going to start royally fucking up very soon.

If you can't tell the difference between being inspired by and straight up ripping off art I don't know what to say. And yes, I do think its kinda shitty for someone to sample music, either without consent or at least compensation, and yes that was and has happened for a long time as well. Which some of the attempt to force royalty payments is ridiculous like when lawyers from the RIAA tried to sue small businesses because them playing the radio and their customers being able to hear it as well was some atrocity apparently.

We needed to have proper discussions about fair compensation and use decades ago. But we didn't and because of it, greedy assholes are going to use things like AI and other technology to just fuck things up.

This. And its always the worst idiots that are hyping this. Exactly like crypto all over again, only the tech oligarchs have decided that they want to get in on it this time.

I was starting to switch to Apple specifically because they were quite cool on the AI hype, but sounds like they're starting to push it as well, probably because of the awful douchebag investors (that were also responsible for them doing all the layoffs at end of last year and start of this year) pushing this shit.
If the AI uses samples for creating new music, then royalties should be paid. If it creates new music being trained on existing music, then some other kind of payment also need to take place.

I'm really not that much into how the AI work but I do know the difference between reusing a sample of music or just be inspired by an artist.


Oct 9, 1999
AI is another nebulous technology that invites the lay person to fill in perceptual gaps for its implementations.


Feb 27, 2003
Unlike crypto, AI can be used for a lot of good things. Obviously there has to be rules about how it trains on data and who has the right to the data.

There will be challenges and scammers galore, but ultimately it will be a technology that will help us solve some of the problems our society faces.


Dec 15, 2015
If the AI uses samples for creating new music, then royalties should be paid. If it creates new music being trained on existing music, then some other kind of payment also need to take place.

I'm really not that much into how the AI work but I do know the difference between reusing a sample of music or just be inspired by an artist.
Why? Do programmers get compensated if an AI is trained on their stuff?


Dec 15, 2015
Does a customer service person who any questions all day get compensated when an AI is trained to answer all the questions in the same style as that person?
Indeed, if we're compensating one group of people for the collective knowledge of AI, we better look to compensate everyone.


Oct 1, 2010
Music is a pretty good use case for AI... New Artists is kind of dead right now, streaming killed it. Even the pop radio stations are all music before streaming became popular.

If it gets to that point where you could generate AI generated beats and voices, Studios could just mass produce new music extremely cheaply.
Feb 4, 2009
Music is a pretty good use case for AI... New Artists is kind of dead right now, streaming killed it. Even the pop radio stations are all music before streaming became popular.

If it gets to that point where you could generate AI generated beats and voices, Studios could just mass produce new music extremely cheaply.
And I’m sure it will be great & cheap.



No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Music is a pretty good use case for AI... New Artists is kind of dead right now, streaming killed it. Even the pop radio stations are all music before streaming became popular.

If it gets to that point where you could generate AI generated beats and voices, Studios could just mass produce new music extremely cheaply.
Sadly, this is probably true. For background music where Muzak once reigned supreme, license free IA generated tones are likely to replace human created tones. Telephone call hold music could be an endless variation on a theme instead of a short loop. Same for shopping venue music where no one pays attention to the music anyway.

Sidenote: for new music, get thee to bandcamp. New music by new artists has never been easier to access.


Feb 27, 2003
Why? Do programmers get compensated if an AI is trained on their stuff?
If you buy music as a private person, you pay one rate and are allowed to use it for private use. If you buy music and use it for commercial use, you pay another price. When you are an artist you (or your record company) own the rights to the music and how it is used.

The same applies to software/code. Whoever own the rights to the code/software decides how they should be paid.

If it is open license or not protected by copyright, then it is free for all.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Artists have probably also listened to a lot of music without acknowledge their inspiration.

But obviously if you are using someones work commercially you have to pay royalties.

As a school we pay the movie/broadcast association a fee, so we can use movies and TV shows in the education legally.
In my experience musicians will very often acknowledge their influences. And a key difference is that a human listener can't listen and parse to the entire collected works of humankind in a very short span.
Music is a pretty good use case for AI... New Artists is kind of dead right now, streaming killed it. Even the pop radio stations are all music before streaming became popular.

If it gets to that point where you could generate AI generated beats and voices, Studios could just mass produce new music extremely cheaply.
I would actually say the opposite, that we have many, many new artists now, but there are so many it's hard for them to make themselves known unless TikTok or YouTube boosts them.


Feb 27, 2003
In my experience musicians will very often acknowledge their influences. And a key difference is that a human listener can't listen and parse to the entire collected works of humankind in a very short span.
As I've already posted, the problem is whether you own the right to use the data/music etc. for AI training.
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