Discussion Who all here are against Trans rights in restrooms and showers? I have a question.


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2005
It is all over the news now, especially after that mass shooting in Nashville by some Trans person.

Why do see conservative trans people like Caitlin Jenner and Blair White as a threat to use toilets and showers? Are you still threatened by the ones with the penis removal surgery as well?

Gay men and lesbians have been showering with straight people and using toilets as well for centuries. They range from every spectrum from predators, perverts to normal ones who just mind their own business.

So, if we publicly shower or use toilets with gay men and women, then why do you see a trans person as a threat to fear? I am sure Blair White or Caitlin Jenner just want to pee or shower and leave quickly.
And if you use the predator or perverted argument, then many pedophile men, gay men and lesbians still are allowed to shower and use toilets as well.

Am I missing something here? Please talk to me and state your arguments.



No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
I have no idea if I share public restrooms with trans folks because I don't peek.

The restroom thing is really stupid to me. I don't know anyone who doesn't have unisex bathrooms in their home. In my career, I've spent more years in offices with unisex bathrooms than in offices with segregated bathrooms.


Jun 30, 2003
I have no idea if I share public restrooms with trans folks because I don't peek.

The restroom thing is really stupid to me. I don't know anyone who doesn't have unisex bathrooms in their home. In my career, I've spent more years in offices with unisex bathrooms than in offices with segregated bathrooms.
yeah i never understood separate bathrooms. hilariously, in one office i visited, there were separate men's and women's bathrooms, but they were individual bathrooms. so it's like....why the hell are they even separated in the first place if only one person is going to use them at a time? just make them "bathrooms" for everyone!!!
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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
It is all over the news now, especially after that mass shooting in Nashville by some Trans person.

Why do see conservative trans people like Caitlin Jenner and Blair White as a threat to use toilets and showers? Are you still threatened by the ones with the penis removal surgery as well?

Gay men and lesbians have been showering with straight people and using toilets as well for centuries. They range from every spectrum from predators, perverts to normal ones who just mind their own business.

So, if we publicly shower or use toilets with gay men and women, then why do you see a trans person as a threat to fear? I am sure Blair White or Caitlin Jenner just want to pee or shower and leave quickly.
And if you use the predator or perverted argument, then many pedophile men, gay men and lesbians still are allowed to shower and use toilets as well.

Am I missing something here? Please talk to me and state your arguments.

Every accusation is a confession fits this one pretty well. It's straight white men who are going to be the ones molesting children or raping other adults in a public bathroom about 99.9% of the time.

It's also to stoke fear and rage in conservatives so that they will "defend themselves" if they believe someone is using a bathroom that they personally don't find acceptable, and murder them.

It's not any deeper than that. Expecting a conservative to give you a 5 point plan on why it matters is absurd, they just want their base voters to get angry and hopefully start murdering people. Take a peak at the post above mine.


Feb 24, 2009
It is all over the news now, especially after that mass shooting in Nashville by some Trans person.

Why do see conservative trans people like Caitlin Jenner and Blair White as a threat to use toilets and showers? Are you still threatened by the ones with the penis removal surgery as well?

Gay men and lesbians have been showering with straight people and using toilets as well for centuries. They range from every spectrum from predators, perverts to normal ones who just mind their own business.

So, if we publicly shower or use toilets with gay men and women, then why do you see a trans person as a threat to fear? I am sure Blair White or Caitlin Jenner just want to pee or shower and leave quickly.
And if you use the predator or perverted argument, then many pedophile men, gay men and lesbians still are allowed to shower and use toilets as well.

Am I missing something here? Please talk to me and state your arguments.

Just say middle when you are in the anti room in the middle between the showers. It's a reality.


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2005
If I was a lady and some dude with a mini skirt came into the restroom that I was using I'd be throwing fist.
I'm a transgender woman and I have used the women's restroom with no issues from anyone. I'm not a "dude" as you put it. I also don't look like a "dude." I go in, do my business and get out. Just an FYI, throwing fist would be considered assault.


Sep 12, 2012
I'm a transgender woman and I have used the women's restroom with no issues from anyone. I'm not a "dude" as you put it. I also don't look like a "dude." I go in, do my business and get out. Just an FYI, throwing fist would be considered assault.

Yes, of course throwing fist would be assault. I'm aware of that. I should had worded that differently.

I apologize for making the rude statement.

And yes, not every transgender person looks like a "dude." Again, I apologize for my rude statement.
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Oct 22, 1999
I have no idea why bathrooms is a big. I really don't care if the guy taking a shit next to me has a dick or a hole.

Locker rooms is more iffy to me, though. I personally don't care about nudity at all, but I can understand women/girls not wanting to see a dick flopping around in a locker room. I also don't think it is an issue in need of statewide actions.


Nov 21, 2001
They have been pushing that button for decades now, and finally
"that mass shooting in Nashville by some Trans person"
happened so they can point their fingers and say " see".
Trans/gay/queer folk just want to be left alone and are not looking for any trouble. All that fucking projection is on the finger pointers.
Jan 25, 2011
The simple fact is 99% of the time no one will ever have a clue what happened around them. this whole thing just another way to force people to live how someone else demands. Be what they demand you be. Act how they demand you act. Fuck em all is really the only thing I can say. Just let people live their lives.


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2005
I'm going to get a little personal. It's almost transgender day of visibility and I think sharing some of the dilemmas we face hopefully will help others understand a bit better.

I am transgender and I have intersex genetics. I have a mutated FGFR1 gene that is the likely culprit of my existence with gender dysphoria. This gene is part of sexual differentiation. While I was born with male anatomy, I have always had gender dysphoria. For decades I resisted and fought the feelings, but realized it was a losing battle when I almost took my life about a year ago. I have been on hormones and various antidepressants since about 2014.

I work as a physician and I see hundreds of people a week. Most gender people gender me correctly, even the ones who don't know me. I have been asked out on dates and even had a patient ask me to flash him. I feel based on these experiences, I do a pretty reasonable job of "passing."

I'm not worried about the bathroom. I do fear the locker room. I definitely don't want to go into the men's locker because, well, I have breasts. I also face a dilemma of going into the woman's locker room because I know where I come from and been. I was assigned male at birth and I hated locker room to begin with. I also live in a relatively conservative part of the country with Northern Idaho right next door. The situation sucks because all it takes is one bozo to target me and I can be assaulted or worse.

About 4 years ago, I started having rediculously severe testicular pain to the point of constantly being curled into a pain ball on the ground. For those with the anatomy, imagine being kicked in the area multiple times a day, every day for months. Obviously, they are now gone. I am also in the midst of talking to a surgeon for further surgical interventions.

I have the privilege of having intersex genetics. I can point to a gene and say "see" there it is. I spent $1500 to find that out. I also have other physical traits which confirm this. A lot of other transgender individuals don't have that luxury. So, what do I do? Live as a male? I tried that. It almost took my life. Live as a female? I can tell you beyond every reasonably doubt that transitioning has saved my life. I am happier and more fulfilled. I see it, my family sees it, my community see it.

I have personally seen a transgender patient who was being sex trafficked. I have seen transgender individuals attacked. Just for being, just for their being alive.

As you can see, I am an open book. I have no problems answering deep or very personal questions and to be honest, I welcome honest questions. I would rather have someone with a sincere question have it answered by me than to get it from a questionable source.

Please comment, please PM me. My only request is to please be civil.


May 15, 2000
It’s simply another boogeyman or “other” to focus hate and blame all our problems on. It’s what many authoritarians have done throughout history. There is no need to dig deeper than that. In fact, looking deeper only reinforces their arguments.


Aug 5, 2000
Well it seems a really big problem with this is that conservative politicians of some directionally backward states that are in their control have decided to loudly and proudly politically grandstand this issue so they can exploit it to their advantage.

That they have decided to make this a religiously tinged moral and ethical situation is so hilarious and ironic considering how they've abandoned their own morals and ethics in order to win elections at any cost, especially when they're doing this to elect either Don Dedevil Trump and Ron DeSatan to represent their vision of what moral and ethical fortitude is?

I mean WTF? Really. It wasn't a natonally critical issue until they made it one.

edit - also, it's pretty obvious the Repubs are doing this as a political point to rally around, like so many other fake things they've trumped up in the past.
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Golden Member
Feb 10, 2005
It was a rough period. I had been experiencing depression for several months. It honestly felt like I was wearing chains and walking through molasses. Every step and movement is exhausting and just making it worse. I'm religious and I was trying the concept of just being "androgynous." It wasn't working at all. It felt like I was stuck between a rock and hard-place. I was literally making checklists in my head of the do's and do not's. I could do this, but can't do that. It broke me.

Stuck between those two walls, I had no escape until I had the thought of taking my life. It was almost like this beautiful idea that was so enticing. For me, it was the "logical" step. It would stop the pain. It would stop the struggle. I would be free. Having had a surgery in the past year, I had the meds too.

One morning, I woke up. Looked at the meds and lay on the ground willing myself to take them. I didn't. I felt a duty and obligation to get up and care for my patients. I went to work and did very good work. I finished and as I walked to the car, I broke down and cried. I called the suicide hotline and got help. I got home and told my wife what almost happened. We decided to remove the medications and she remains in control of them to this day. We also had a long conversation and discussion and we decided it was in our best interest for me to transition. We are still together.

I don't know how to make it more real than sharing my story and those who I have encountered over the years. This is very real and these are very real experiences.

Skyking, thank you for the comment.


Jan 12, 2005
I'm going to get a little personal. It's almost transgender day of visibility and I think sharing some of the dilemmas we face hopefully will help others understand a bit better.

I am transgender and I have intersex genetics. I have a mutated FGFR1 gene that is the likely culprit of my existence with gender dysphoria. This gene is part of sexual differentiation. While I was born with male anatomy, I have always had gender dysphoria. For decades I resisted and fought the feelings, but realized it was a losing battle when I almost took my life about a year ago. I have been on hormones and various antidepressants since about 2014.

I work as a physician and I see hundreds of people a week. Most gender people gender me correctly, even the ones who don't know me. I have been asked out on dates and even had a patient ask me to flash him. I feel based on these experiences, I do a pretty reasonable job of "passing."

I'm not worried about the bathroom. I do fear the locker room. I definitely don't want to go into the men's locker because, well, I have breasts. I also face a dilemma of going into the woman's locker room because I know where I come from and been. I was assigned male at birth and I hated locker room to begin with. I also live in a relatively conservative part of the country with Northern Idaho right next door. The situation sucks because all it takes is one bozo to target me and I can be assaulted or worse.

About 4 years ago, I started having rediculously severe testicular pain to the point of constantly being curled into a pain ball on the ground. For those with the anatomy, imagine being kicked in the area multiple times a day, every day for months. Obviously, they are now gone. I am also in the midst of talking to a surgeon for further surgical interventions.

I have the privilege of having intersex genetics. I can point to a gene and say "see" there it is. I spent $1500 to find that out. I also have other physical traits which confirm this. A lot of other transgender individuals don't have that luxury. So, what do I do? Live as a male? I tried that. It almost took my life. Live as a female? I can tell you beyond every reasonably doubt that transitioning has saved my life. I am happier and more fulfilled. I see it, my family sees it, my community see it.

I have personally seen a transgender patient who was being sex trafficked. I have seen transgender individuals attacked. Just for being, just for their being alive.

As you can see, I am an open book. I have no problems answering deep or very personal questions and to be honest, I welcome honest questions. I would rather have someone with a sincere question have it answered by me than to get it from a questionable source.

Please comment, please PM me. My only request is to please be civil.
That's a brave post and you are an astoundingly brave person. Thanks for sharing.


Jan 14, 2013
I don't give a shit who uses the bathroom that I do just fucking keep it clean people.

I'd rather keep my bathroom Republican free though actually. Those people do skeeve me out. They got evil cores in them. That's the kind of shit I try to avoid


Jan 12, 2005
I have no idea why bathrooms is a big. I really don't care if the guy taking a shit next to me has a dick or a hole.

Locker rooms is more iffy to me, though. I personally don't care about nudity at all, but I can understand women/girls not wanting to see a dick flopping around in a locker room. I also don't think it is an issue in need of statewide actions.
Are communal changing rooms still a thing? Every leisure centre I've been to has a load of cubicles for people that's not gendered. How are you supposed to get your kids changed if they have to use a different changing room?


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2005
That's a brave post and you are an astoundingly brave person. Thanks for sharing.
I am grateful for a bit of anonymity on this forum. I don't stand on the street with a sign proclaiming my transgender existence, but I do answer questions in private conversations and the appropriate venues. I don't like the idea of brandishing gender dysphoria as a weapon. I intentionally allow for a lot of grace and patience. That is incredibly hard.

I have a luxury many transgender individuals don't have. I am upper middle class. I'm in a more accommodating state. I have an incredible support group from my wife, family, work, community and religion. Because of my education and practice, I am able to access medical literature and speak with some authority.

I am already on youtube and working with medical schools, students and religious communities. I'm even writing a book.

This freaks me out. I am afraid. I hate being seen as a monster, pedophile or freak. I'm not. But those are the words being thrown around without anyone taking the time to know who I am and what I stand for.

I stand by my approach to be kind, brave and patient.


Apr 8, 2013
I have no idea why bathrooms is a big. I really don't care if the guy taking a shit next to me has a dick or a hole.

Locker rooms is more iffy to me, though. I personally don't care about nudity at all, but I can understand women/girls not wanting to see a dick flopping around in a locker room. I also don't think it is an issue in need of statewide actions.

Exactly my position on this. We teach young girls modesty and body shame, then tell them its OK if they're showering naked in front of someone with a penis. It's just not going to work.

Girls restrooms have stalls. I don't see any issue there.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2017
I have never cared about another person's genitals. Not now nor in my youth. I don't have that willpower to give a shit about strangers lives. I have no idea how Republicans are so hyper focused on whether a person has a vaginal opening or a penis. Are they those weird blokes going around public bathrooms, going to the pissers and peeking over to the next guy's cock and complimenting it? It sure seems they are that type. Nonces, the lot of them.
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