Cyberpunk 2077

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Platinum Member
May 31, 2005
Personally, I thought the main story line was pretty good and that the city was beautiful. I played it after v1.5 so I didn't notice any obvious issues with population generation but the AI for people is still pretty eh.

My main issues with the game was the driving, the side quests and the combat difficulty. The driving is the worst of any game I've played in years. It still baffles me how it can be so bad. The side quests, those outside of the main line and the secondary major characters lines, are very bland. Drastically more bland and fruitless than those you find in Witcher 3. Finally the combat difficulty was just not there. The combat mechanics felt about average but I played the game on hard and it just wasn't challenging. Though the Witcher 3 isn't very challenging in its combat either.

I feel if the game had at least GTA level of driving feel along with a few more major secondary story lines it would feel a lot more definitive.
Reactions: igor_kavinski


Senior member
Apr 26, 2015
Release is in September...

Definetly Not buying this on release. Didint they only announce it just like few months ago and already releasing it in September? This is going to be like Cyberpunk on release or its very very short.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Release is in September...

Definetly Not buying this on release. Didint they only announce it just like few months ago and already releasing it in September? This is going to be like Cyberpunk on release or its very very short.

-Apparently there are some substantial changes to the gameplay mechanics in this release. Will be interesting to see how they will be backported to the original game.

System requirements have gone up too.

I was gifted Cyberpunk years ago but I still haven't played it. Might wait till a complete edition launches or I can pick up the DLCs on the cheap a few years from now.


Golden Member
Sep 22, 2012
It’s more like Cyberpunk 2.0 + expansion. A new play through is a must if you’ve already finished it imo.

TL;DR: This is not a DLC. This is Cyberpunk 2.0.

  • virtually every system of the main game has been changed and/or updated
  • police system is completely reworked with multiple tiers of NCPD/mercs chasing you down in vehicles according to your wanted level, apparently on level 5 maxtac will chase you down and it will be some sort of bossfight against them (source:
  • perks and skills have been completely overhauled, no longer simple passive stat boosts, much more active abilities like different melee finishers, a dash, or the ability to deflect bullets with melee weapons
  • an entirely new 6th skill tree that uses a different type of skill points (relic points) that will be used to add new abilities to your cyberware
  • the difficulty curve is reworked/rebalanced
  • the loot tiers are reworked
  • archetypes of enemies have been redone for more variety in combat encounters
  • installing cyberware now has an effect on your body and you cant install too much or else you will go cyberpsycho (no idea what that looks like in game)
  • installing cyberware now has a first person cutscene added to it, just like in the prologue at Vik's clinic
  • you can now "attune" cyberware to one of your attributes, making it more efficient if you have invested in that attribute; example here optical camo is attuned to the "cool" attribute:
  • armor is no longer tied to clothing, it instead tied to your cybernetics
  • vehicle combat is added to the game, you can even use your katana on your bike
  • you will be able to hack vehicles, similar to the Watch Dogs games
  • vehicles are no longer bought from fixers, but bought through a website set up by wakako
  • some vehicles have guns installed on them (machine guns, rocket launchers)
  • new type of infinitely replayable/repeatable missions are being added where you need to steal certain vehicles marked on your map
  • new activity introduced "airdrops", loot caches that drop randomly on the map that you can fight over and retrieve for yourself
  • tons of new random events/activities are added to make the world feel more alive, like car chases and gang fights
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Aug 18, 2012
So if you've never finished cyberpunk then you probably shouldn't play this one? Or is this the base game with the expansion that contains all the fixes that should have been there in the beginning?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I was always going to do a new playthrough when I picked this up....but I guess do I play it on my old/main PC (Ryzen 2700X/Vega 64 /16GB), or co-opt my racing rig for this (5700X/6800XT/32GB/7680x1440), I wouldn't be trying to push those triple screens for Cyberpunk, lol.



Golden Member
Sep 22, 2012
So if you've never finished cyberpunk then you probably shouldn't play this one? Or is this the base game with the expansion that contains all the fixes that should have been there in the beginning?
From what I understand you get the gameplay revamp for free without buying the expansion.


Aug 18, 2012
Ok I thought that was the case. This will be an update to the base game for free soon before the dlc expansion comes out or probably around the same time it comes out.

Sounds like I will wait for this to drop and start a new game because I forgot what the heck I was doing when I initially began playing. I'll probably get the expansion too but knowing me I never finish these games.
Reactions: Captante


Platinum Member
May 31, 2005
For anyone else that has played the game all the way through, do you feel like that posted list is really going to help the game much? While I do feel the game was too easy even on hard, nearly all the things they listed aren't going to fix the larger issues I had with the game.

- The world feels much less interactive than W3
- The quests outside of the main story line/major secondary character lines don't feel anywhere near as interesting as W3
- The quests for the major secondary characters don't have the depth that I feel they deserve
- The driving is soooo bad in this game that it makes it a chore instead of adding a layer of fun activity to the game

I do like the base game and feel it's worth the $30 I paid for it but revamping combat and combat difficulty isn't going to spur me on for a second play.
Reactions: zinfamous and Igo69


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
For anyone else that has played the game all the way through, do you feel like that posted list is really going to help the game much? While I do feel the game was too easy even on hard, nearly all the things they listed aren't going to fix the larger issues I had with the game.

- The world feels much less interactive than W3
- The quests outside of the main story line/major secondary character lines don't feel anywhere near as interesting as W3
- The quests for the major secondary characters don't have the depth that I feel they deserve
- The driving is soooo bad in this game that it makes it a chore instead of adding a layer of fun activity to the game

I do like the base game and feel it's worth the $30 I paid for it but revamping combat and combat difficulty isn't going to spur me on for a second play.

Those are all real problems for sure, but I'm not sure that overhauling the quest/story/NPC system was ever in the cards. Honestly, nearly all games with this stuff are pretty much bland or mediocre, or at least get that way halfway through. Every thing really becomes samey. Also, W3 was just uniquely brilliant in that way so even though it's the same studio, it is maybe unfair to compare--of course Witcher had all of the content to start and from what I understand, CP2077 was just a table role playing game?

But yes, the game is way too easy on the hardest difficulty (same with W3, tbh), and since most of the actual game time is combat and actual gameplay systems, I think it's best to focus on those things, anyway. It's going to have the bigger influence in what you think about the game over the longhaul, especially the stats system which are really just...bad.

but yeah the driving is the worst...the absolute worst. Shockingly bad. If they aren't fixing that and the zombie hoard street NPC effect, then I don't know why they are bothering. I was going to go a different route anyway--Corporate, probably, hoping that provides enough of a difference with the storyline--not that I remember much of it, more than 2? years later.

....but this brings up a point and a rant that I've been meaning to address here for a while now: That absolutely dreadful, completely unredeemable game of ~2 years ago: Gaurdians of the Galaxy. I mean...nearly everyone on here recommended it as a sleeper gem. The best game they've played in years! So I took this recommendation and purchased it, and played it, all the way through...but OMG was this a terrible thing that they called "A game" for some reason. I don't understand it. Yes, it's beautiful and well-scripted and well-acted. All of that is good....but then that isn't the game part of it. It makes me wonder if those that recommend it actually played it, because I feel like they didn't. The combat is the worst ever. There is just no...feeling for what you or anyone on your team is doing. Just load some skills and push some buttons and do some combos. Nothing feels unique to anything else, there is no real impact from bullets or mele in that game, no reason that running through and button mashing or repeating a single combo over and over throughout is worse than any other way to play that game. Ragdall physics, horribly glitchy, no real itemization--QTE! WTF year was this, QTE? COme on....(I don't remember who all recommended and loved this turd, but it was a decent number of people and probably best to stay anonymous because I am sure you are all lovely people otherwise, and it would be terrible to let this objectionably horrible turn in simple taste ruin our otherwise pleasant interactions around here....)

Can we at least make a rule around here that no one is allowed to make a recommendation for a game that features QTE, or at least head every such post with a max font, all caps, bolded message to let us know that you will experience QTE in that game? I think that's totally fair.

...your comments remind me of this, because I feel like you're more interested in fixing the NPC and questing story branch, rather than actually make the bulk of the game (like 90% of one's playtime), better. Strikes me as a Guardians of the Galaxy fan.


Oct 18, 1999
For anyone else that has played the game all the way through, do you feel like that posted list is really going to help the game much? While I do feel the game was too easy even on hard, nearly all the things they listed aren't going to fix the larger issues I had with the game.

- The world feels much less interactive than W3
- The quests outside of the main story line/major secondary character lines don't feel anywhere near as interesting as W3
- The quests for the major secondary characters don't have the depth that I feel they deserve
- The driving is soooo bad in this game that it makes it a chore instead of adding a layer of fun activity to the game

I do like the base game and feel it's worth the $30 I paid for it but revamping combat and combat difficulty isn't going to spur me on for a second play.
I've played the game several times to try all the endings and romance stuff. Overall I liked the game very much. Yes, driving was horrible in this game. Worse than GTA4, IMO, hopefully that gets fixed one day. But I am not interested in the DLC so much. I feel like i've been there, done that, with this game. I will probably get it when its 10 buck or so.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2005
...your comments remind me of this, because I feel like you're more interested in fixing the NPC and questing story branch, rather than actually make the bulk of the game (like 90% of one's playtime), better. Strikes me as a Guardians of the Galaxy fan.

Maybe it's because I generally buy games with all of the DLC rolled in and this one I obviously didn't. I'm trying to figure out if the effort in that list would actually encourage me to want to put another 60 hours into the game and pay them for more content. Maybe I'll go check out Guardians =]
Reactions: zinfamous


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Those are all real problems for sure, but I'm not sure that overhauling the quest/story/NPC system was ever in the cards. Honestly, nearly all games with this stuff are pretty much bland or mediocre, or at least get that way halfway through. Every thing really becomes samey. Also, W3 was just uniquely brilliant in that way so even though it's the same studio, it is maybe unfair to compare--of course Witcher had all of the content to start and from what I understand, CP2077 was just a table role playing game?

But yes, the game is way too easy on the hardest difficulty (same with W3, tbh), and since most of the actual game time is combat and actual gameplay systems, I think it's best to focus on those things, anyway. It's going to have the bigger influence in what you think about the game over the longhaul, especially the stats system which are really just...bad.

but yeah the driving is the worst...the absolute worst. Shockingly bad. If they aren't fixing that and the zombie hoard street NPC effect, then I don't know why they are bothering. I was going to go a different route anyway--Corporate, probably, hoping that provides enough of a difference with the storyline--not that I remember much of it, more than 2? years later.

....but this brings up a point and a rant that I've been meaning to address here for a while now: That absolutely dreadful, completely unredeemable game of ~2 years ago: Gaurdians of the Galaxy. I mean...nearly everyone on here recommended it as a sleeper gem. The best game they've played in years! So I took this recommendation and purchased it, and played it, all the way through...but OMG was this a terrible thing that they called "A game" for some reason. I don't understand it. Yes, it's beautiful and well-scripted and well-acted. All of that is good....but then that isn't the game part of it. It makes me wonder if those that recommend it actually played it, because I feel like they didn't. The combat is the worst ever. There is just no...feeling for what you or anyone on your team is doing. Just load some skills and push some buttons and do some combos. Nothing feels unique to anything else, there is no real impact from bullets or mele in that game, no reason that running through and button mashing or repeating a single combo over and over throughout is worse than any other way to play that game. Ragdall physics, horribly glitchy, no real itemization--QTE! WTF year was this, QTE? COme on....(I don't remember who all recommended and loved this turd, but it was a decent number of people and probably best to stay anonymous because I am sure you are all lovely people otherwise, and it would be terrible to let this objectionably horrible turn in simple taste ruin our otherwise pleasant interactions around here....)

Can we at least make a rule around here that no one is allowed to make a recommendation for a game that features QTE, or at least head every such post with a max font, all caps, bolded message to let us know that you will experience QTE in that game? I think that's totally fair.

...your comments remind me of this, because I feel like you're more interested in fixing the NPC and questing story branch, rather than actually make the bulk of the game (like 90% of one's playtime), better. Strikes me as a Guardians of the Galaxy fan.

-This is for you:.

Reactions: zinfamous


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Question: I just watched through Cyberpunk Edgerunners on Netflix, which was a deeply cynical and depressing but ultimately entertaining and well made show.

Does Cyberpunk the game feel ANYTHING like that show?

If they just captured that feeling, bottled it, and put it into game form It would be incredible. Would anyone say the main quest or primary side quests hit that mark?


Mar 17, 2008
Question: I just watched through Cyberpunk Edgerunners on Netflix, which was a deeply cynical and depressing but ultimately entertaining and well made show.

Does Cyberpunk the game feel ANYTHING like that show?

If they just captured that feeling, bottled it, and put it into game form It would be incredible. Would anyone say the main quest or primary side quests hit that mark?
No idea what you took out of that show, but its literally the same universe and cp2077 is easily the better story .
Reactions: psolord


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
No idea what you took out of that show, but its literally the same universe and cp2077 is easily the better story .

- I really liked the sunshiny "street kid with a heart of gold" and "found family" contrasted with the fatalistic and grimdark "No one is special", "Corpos always win", "the people you love will hurt you the most".

Good to know the game revolves around similar themes. I guess in the dystopian hell of Cyberpunk there really aren't too many happy endings.


Mar 17, 2008
- I really liked the sunshiny "street kid with a heart of gold" and "found family" contrasted with the fatalistic and grimdark "No one is special", "Corpos always win", "the people you love will hurt you the most".

Good to know the game revolves around similar themes. I guess in the dystopian hell of Cyberpunk there really aren't too many happy endings.
ripperdocs and cyberpsychosis is something you get familiar with fast in the game, I doubt that is a coincidence, plus production company on the game is CD Project Red, so....


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
- I really liked the sunshiny "street kid with a heart of gold" and "found family" contrasted with the fatalistic and grimdark "No one is special", "Corpos always win", "the people you love will hurt you the most".

Good to know the game revolves around similar themes. I guess in the dystopian hell of Cyberpunk there really aren't too many happy endings.

yeah, so you can choose the Street Punk (this is the one from that show) character storyline, Corporate, or uh, I forget the other--basically bike gang. The folks that mostly tool around in the badlands outside of the city. I only played once with the Street Punk storyline and it has the same themes as the cartoon.

However, does the game play like that storyline? Not really. Regardless of what storyline you choose, there is a shared side storyline (which isn't really necessary at all) about tracking down various cyber psychos and well, just killing them. I don't recall any substantial benefit towards doing this, and there isn't a singular overarching story attached to those missions and they don't really connect to the main storyline--I think the main storyline does require you to find and hunt down the first one, but that's it. The rest just become another set of icons to complete on the map. It's just a "find event, get message from fixer. go kill thing and then kill another."

It's just an extra challenge that eventually is not really challenging at all.

I gather what you're really asking is if the game presents you actual choices that can push you down that path yourself--do you face the challenges that the kid faces? No, it doesn't--so there really isn't anything in the game that puts you in the same position as the kid in the cartoon. ....HOWEVER, according to the patch notes for the new eh, Cyberpunk 2.5 or whatever they are calling it with the new release in September, they claim to be overhauling both the cyberpsycho missions and your personal cyber system--such that you now have consequences for adding too much chrome to yourself. There appears to be a hard limit that may or may not send you down that pathway, but at least it sounds like they are pushing more of a specific build type for your character, a real min/max sort of strategy, as they also claim to be overhauling the entire skill system. was dominated by passive effects (which I don't normally mind in this type of game--but these were so insignificant from one to the next that you never felt like it mattered, until late game when you just suddenly steamroll everything), where they now seem to be focusing on active, functional skill unlocks to "Add variety to playstyles."

....though for the main questline, it is the same overall with the corrupt corporate shenanigans where you are presented with choices along the way of siding with various factions

We shall see. So, to answer your question: kinda yes, in terms of story and world, depending on your path, but in terms of gameplay no...unless the proposed changes live up to their claims. then yes and yes.
Reactions: GodisanAtheist
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